
4.3/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 紅豆快餐

地址 :

紅豆快餐 號, No. 263, Beishi E Rd, Shalu District, Taichung City, Taiwan 433

電話 : 📞 +88
城市 : 北區 Taichung City

紅豆快餐 號, No. 263, Beishi E Rd, Shalu District, Taichung City, Taiwan 433
VWWan on Google

看了下評論,也想說說自己的感覺。 在這用餐一直都是買排骨飯,不曾胃痛過。 至於為何排骨不完整,據我的觀察,老闆覺得單一塊份量太少,所以有時候會切下一塊來補,於是就會出現不完整的排骨。 以便當價位來說,份量是很有CP值的,如果對環境比較高標的,建議可以外帶,畢竟這已經開業20年,要讓環境維持如新,是有點難度。 但菜沒保溫,倒是事實,我自己都盡量在12:30以前買。
After reading the comments, I also want to talk about my feelings. I have always bought pork ribs for meals here, and I have never had a stomachache. As for why the ribs are incomplete, according to my observation, the boss feels that a single piece is too small, so sometimes a piece is cut to make up, so incomplete ribs will appear. In order for the price point, the weight is very CP value. If the environment is relatively high, it is recommended to take it out. After all, this has been in business for 20 years, and it is a bit difficult to keep the environment as new. But it’s a fact that the dishes are not kept warm. I try to buy them before 12:30.
Yu Ting on Google

Chicken chops are delicious! Choose any four dishes, all for a meal for only $70.
on Google

The proprietress speaks in a rush, the service is poor, and she is self-righteous, but the price is fair
Heng Jhan on Google

食材新鮮好吃 動向明確 速度很快。服務親切??
The ingredients are fresh and delicious. The trend is clear and the speed is fast. Friendly service??
鍾佩諠 on Google

菜色都不錯 但是我覺得很坑欸! 上次買紅糟肉便當$75 肉切的有夠薄然後也才4薄片多這樣$75 有夠傻眼! 今天想說加個香腸 3片薄片香腸$10 真的有夠坑欸! 哦對 然後今天吃到菜蟲:)
The dishes are all good But I think it's very tricky! Last time I bought red glutinous pork bento for $75 The meat is thin enough and only 4 slices more like this $75 Dumbfounded! Today I want to add a sausage 3 slices of thinly sliced ​​sausage $10 It's really tricky! Oh yes, then I ate cabbage insects today:)
黃欣凱 on Google

1.便當一律70,主菜+四道菜, 菜色選擇非常多,也不會太油膩 2.有提供湯品
1. All lunches are 70, main course + four courses, There are many choices of dishes, and they are not too greasy 2. Soup is provided
Atty Shyu on Google

12/1 起漲價了。雞排飯、排骨飯一次漲10元感覺好像是漲很多,不過其實很多便當店在近期這波調漲之前早就是這個價格了。 紅豆調漲至少有把品質穩住,也是對得起支持的客人了。
Prices have increased since 12/1. The price of chicken chop rice and ribs rice increased by 10 yuan at a time, but in fact, many bento restaurants have been at this price before the recent wave of increase. The increase in red beans can at least stabilize the quality, and it is also worthy of supporting customers.
跟著1隻環遊日本 on Google

老闆真的很佛心,在學生時期時團訂的口袋名單,當時一個便當65元,便宜又大碗,以學生的角度來看CP質真的很高!不怕學生吃!價格在多年後來到了75元,目前便當是四配菜加上ㄧ主菜,但每次都裝的很滿,推雞排!!好吃?這裡有提供待用餐,領取不需要任何證明,有需要的朋友可以領取。 原本想填四顆星,花椰菜?買了兩次都沒有削的很乾淨,但真的是便宜又大碗。疫情前有開放內用時,可能環境沒有到很好,如果擔心用餐環境沒有很好,建議外帶。 照片經過店家同意拍攝後拍攝的,菜色多變化,去幾次都有更換不同的配菜!
The boss is really Buddha-minded. When he was a student, the group ordered a pocket list. At that time, a lunch box was 65 yuan, which was cheap and a big bowl. From a student's point of view, the CP quality was really high! Not afraid of students eating! The price reached 75 yuan after many years. At present, the bento has four side dishes plus a main course, but it is full every time, so I push chicken chops! ! It's delicious? There is a meal to be served here, no proof is required to receive it, and friends in need can receive it. Originally I wanted to fill in four stars. I bought cauliflower twice and didn't cut it. It was very clean, but it was really cheap and a big bowl. Before the epidemic, when it was opened for internal use, the environment may not be very good. If you are worried that the dining environment is not good, it is recommended to take it out. The photo was taken after the store agreed to take the photo. The dishes have changed a lot, and the side dishes have been changed several times!

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