亮品 超耐磨木地板 - Renwu District

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亮品 超耐磨木地板 - Wood Floor Installation Service - Wood-floor-installation-service-71.business.site

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Contact 亮品 超耐磨木地板

地址 :

No. 41之28號, Yonghe 1st St, Renwu District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan 814

電話 : 📞 +889887
網站 : https://wood-floor-installation-service-71.business.site/
城市 : Kaohsiung City

No. 41之28號, Yonghe 1st St, Renwu District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan 814
蘇麗燕總是說是個鐵錘ㄊ on Google

Which eye did you see when my child climbed onto the desk and the desk broke? Is there anything wrong with the kid sitting at the desk and playing on the phone (not on the desk)? Fortunately that day, I was sitting on a chair with armrests so that I was not crushed. I asked you before, is it okay if you fall off the table? I remember the boss replied to us (as long as you don’t go up and step on it, it’s okay, and no one is doing book footing now, I believed you very much at the beginning! So we agreed to drop it). Why do we say we lie? Then again, who doesn't want to save money? If you spend unnecessary money to do something ineffective, who wants to be taken advantage of? If you want to buy hardware that you don’t have, it’s not too much to charge horse and carriage fees, but isn’t this something that you should help us handle morally? (Because I believed that your professional said that it was no problem to lose the basis) It is not that we have to care about the 1.2 thousand yuan, but it feels very bad!
黃馨萱(Lydia) on Google

When the weather was too cold, the broken tiles were knocked out and put on the super wear-resistant floor. The action was super fast. I thought it would be dusty, but they also have a vacuum cleaner to handle it, which makes it easier to organize and communicate. The floor is beautiful to use, and the price is very affordable ??????
李明昌 on Google

粗手粗腳的把裝潢弄壞掉 、愛追加工程款項、所以網路上找的店家真的是不太可靠!會製造出新的問題出來 提出批評、還要被說成說謊的騙子 跟沒事跳上書桌的頑童、全家人都被批評了、包工程時說是很專業的老師父、亂拆一通出問題後、完工收完錢第二天後小朋友正在寫功課玩手機時突然書桌垮下壓到小朋友的腳、幸好沒受傷!當下就氣到投訴、 包工程的時候就是說請相信專業 收完錢後就說我只是修地板的其他都不關他的事 如果當初書桌沒垮下來.我都一直真心的希望你們平安大賺錢、跟你反應書桌垮下之後的態度、都是你們自找的、為什麼你不架高木地板、難道腳踏實地去做平舖你就不會施工了嗎? 當初一坪3000元的磚我家施做面積不足18坪、扣掉玄關、實坪16坪.您加拆除共收93000 你說你千里迢迢的開20多分的路程仁武到國10的旗山交流道口、深怕請你估價後沒收獲、沒有考慮太多也想盡快完成工程、爽快付款就是一直怕你們辛苦又沒賺錢。 但出現問題後見你的回覆就是因為地板不架高、所以有問題都是你自找的、推拖功夫比你的工程經驗厲害,你口口聲聲反駁說拆地板都沒有收費半毛錢、那為何款項不是6萬以內,因為今天不是壓到你的家人,所以出現在你眼中的問題.一切都是錢的問題, 而且答應過的地磚補強.防潮布也省下來、如果今天工程沒問題,誰會計較這種血汗工程款!收到你的回覆之後、我就拿皮尺去實際丈量完工尺寸、 去看看您的93000是如何計算出來的、為何你拆地板可以唬成免費 一開始不承認你下的那三刀切書桌是你自己沒評估好、 後來又死凹硬凹不認錯的態度。今天幸好沒人受慯.本想大事化小跟你反應狀況、你有辦法把主顧形容都愛貪小便宜ㄠ你又不加錢.只要是人就一定會有失誤、如果你不是欺人太甚“誰會吃飽太閒给你負評!跟你结緣於網站所以也止於網站、別害人走不知路 與其嘴上功夫不饒人不如多注意一下自己的態度,及時修正面對自己的錯誤祝你下個客人會更好吧!
I rudely ruined the decoration and love to add engineering money, so the shops I found on the Internet are really not reliable! Will create new problems Criticize and be called a liar The naughty boy who jumped to the desk with nothing, the whole family was criticized, the teacher who said he was very professional when the project was contracted, the problem occurred after the random demolition, and the next day after the completion of the work, the children were writing their homework while playing on the mobile phone. It collapsed to the child’s foot, but fortunately it was not injured! I was so angry that I complained, When contracting the project, it means please trust professional After receiving the money, he said that I was just repairing the floor and everything else was none of his business If the desk did not collapse at the beginning, I have always sincerely hoped that you will make a lot of money safely and reflect with you the attitude after the desk collapsed. It was all you asked for. Why don't you raise the wooden floor and do it down to the ground? Can't it be constructed? At the beginning of the bricks of 3000 yuan per square meter, the area of ​​my house was less than 18 square meters, and the entrance and 16 square meters were deducted. You will receive a total of 93,000 for the demolition You said that you drove a distance of more than 20 minutes from Renwu to Qishan Interchange in National 10th. I am afraid that you will not get anything after evaluating the price. I don't think too much and I want to complete the project as soon as possible. I have always been afraid of your hard work and nothing. Make money. But after a problem, I saw your reply because the floor was not raised, so you asked for the problem yourself, and the push and dragging skills are better than your engineering experience. You keep retorting that there is no charge for removing the floor, so why the payment? It is not less than 60,000, because today is not pressing your family, so the problem that appears in your eyes. Everything is a matter of money, And the floor tiles that have been promised to be reinforced. Moisture-proof cloth is also saved. If there is no problem with today's project, who will account for this kind of sweat and sweat project? After receiving your reply, I will take a measuring tape to actually measure the finished size, Go and see how your 93000 is calculated and why you can bluff it for free if you remove the floor At the beginning, you didn't admit that the three-size-fits-all desk you were under was an attitude that you didn't evaluate well, and later you didn't admit your mistakes. Fortunately, no one is affected today. I wanted to make things smaller and respond to your situation. You have a way to describe your customers as greedy and greedy, and you don’t add money. As long as you are human, you will definitely make mistakes. If you are not deceiving too much" Who will give you a negative review if you are too full or too busy! I am connected with you on the website, so stop at the website, don’t hurt others. It is better to pay more attention to your attitude and correct your mistakes in time to face your own mistakes. I wish you a better next guest!
sandy s on Google

The floor is beautiful, practical and bright, the whole space feels completely different, the material is also very good, it is wear-resistant and easy to clean, the construction staff are very professional, the price is real, thank you
李靜兒 on Google

服務良好,老闆娘超親切,討論時給的建議很中肯? 施作快速,完工整個美美的~
The service is good, the proprietress is super kind, and the suggestions given during the discussion are very pertinent ? The application is fast, and the whole beautiful is completed~
蔡欣微 on Google

季萬春 on Google

Professional wooden floor construction, good quality, reasonable price, dust recycling equipment, very high-quality service, it is worth recommending!
鄭智遠 on Google

When contacted, he patiently explained the characteristics of various floors, and tried his best to help me with working hours. The on-site construction is efficient and careful. During the process, attention will be paid to the cleanliness of the on-site environment. After the completion, the whole will feel like home. Highly recommended!

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