一多一平價現炒店 - Daya District

3.9/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 一多一平價現炒店

一多一平價現炒店 號, No. 47, Xuefu Rd, Daya District, Taichung City, Taiwan 428
沈敬嚴 on Google

炒飯份量剛好 用料實在 重點是沒有炒三色蔬菜 讚讚?
The amount of fried rice is just right and the ingredients are really good. The point is that there are no fried three-color vegetables. Like it ?
トースト【海外かざま隊】 on Google

之前很喜歡去這家 換了櫃台服務人員態度也太差了吧 不知道在兇幾點的
I used to like to go to this place very much. The attitude of the staff at the counter was too bad. I don't know what time it was at
王大陸 on Google

Ivy Shiu on Google

✅大雅吃過最好吃的蝦仁炒飯?原本在大雅市場學府路,搬到大華國中一路跟隨,味道還是一樣 ✅推薦 蝦仁炒飯、牛肉炒飯、牛肉燴飯、什錦湯、味噌鮭魚湯、虱目魚湯、炒羊肉、紅燒虱目魚、絲瓜文蛤、三杯小卷 ✅不收服務費,只收現金 ✅週一公休 ✅建議用餐早點出門,避開用餐尖峰時段,避免等侯多時,因為每樣都是現炒,需耐心等候
✅The best shrimp fried rice ever eaten by Daya?Originally on Xuefu Road in Daya Market, I moved to Dahua Middle School to follow along, the taste is still the same ✅Recommended Shrimp fried rice, beef fried rice, beef risotto, assorted soup, miso salmon soup, milkfish soup, fried lamb, braised milkfish, loofah, three cups of small rolls ✅No service fee, only cash ✅Closed on Monday ✅It is recommended to go out early for meals, avoid peak dining periods, and avoid waiting for a long time, because everything is freshly fried, so wait patiently
熊鼠哥 on Google

吃個飯也可以撈到鐵線 厲害了這品質
You can also get the iron wire after a meal. This quality is amazing
黃珮珊 on Google

今天中午去買牛肉炒飯 結果裡面有這麼多辣椒 還好小孩沒吃到,不然店家要怎麼負責??
Going to buy beef fried rice at noon today Turns out there are so many peppers in it Fortunately, the child didn't eat it, otherwise how would the store be responsible? ?
梁傑奕 on Google

蛋炒飯這樣60,豬肉炒飯也是60 ⋯想說蛋炒飯蛋應該要比較多,卻沒有 極度失望?
Egg fried rice is 60, pork fried rice is also 60  … I want to say that there should be more eggs in fried rice, but there is no Extremely disappointed ?
Steven C on Google

Perfect pork rice at this friendly price.

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