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Contact 米寶弁當

地址 :

米寶弁當 號, No. 663, Hanmin Rd, Xiaogang District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan 812

電話 : 📞 +8878
網站 : http://www.mibo.com.tw/
Opening hours :
Wednesday 10:30AM–2PM
Thursday 10:30AM–2PM
Friday 10:30AM–2PM
Saturday 10:30AM–2PM
Sunday 10:30AM–2PM
Monday 10:30AM–2PM
Tuesday 10:30AM–2PM
城市 : Kaohsiung City

米寶弁當 號, No. 663, Hanmin Rd, Xiaogang District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan 812
王永南 on Google

It is rare to find clean, delicious and convenient meals in Xiaogang. Order and pick up fast food.
李木公 on Google

This rib... really doesn't push...
細品思念 on Google

筍子湯,太鹹了。 飯盒裡有2個醃製食物, 價格高, 就別放醃製食物了。
Bamboo shoot soup is too salty. There are 2 pickled foods in the lunch box, The price is high, Don't put pickled food.
Hokou Lin on Google

少油、少鹽很適合注重健康的人,如果有健身的人,也可買舒肥雞胸肉補充蛋白質。 店裡的湯很有誠意,都會用雞骨、豬骨、碎肉去煮,有時候撈起來料都比湯還多了! 每個月還有集點卡送便當活動,常去買的話真的很划算。
Less oil and less salt are very suitable for health-conscious people. If you have fitness, you can also buy fattening chicken breast to supplement protein. The soup in the store is very sincere, and they use chicken bones, pork bones, and minced meat to cook. Sometimes the ingredients are more than the soup! Every month there is also a collection of cards to send a bento event, if you buy it frequently, it is really a bargain.
王志鋒 on Google

The delivery staff is extremely arrogant, and the lunch is not very cheap and it is too lame. Have you figured out who is the consumer?
林凱晨 on Google

6/28傍晚5:20 青菜有小蝸牛,請店家確實清洗蔬菜。
6/28 5:20 in the evening There are small snails in the vegetables, please clean the vegetables.
夏斑 on Google

我吃的是京醬滷排骨 換糙米飯 85+15元=100元 價位以便當來說有稍偏高 而且量少 但是口味相當好吃 ? 排骨好吃 糙米飯也好吃 不知道是不是我肚子餓的關係 適合小鳥胃的人 ?
I am eating Beijing sauce and pork ribs for brown rice 85+15 yuan = 100 yuan price so that when it is slightly higher and less, but the taste is quite delicious ? ribs delicious brown rice is also delicious, I don’t know if it is my stomach Hungry relationship for the bird's stomach
宇涵 on Google


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