藍冰菓NORM-冰品專買 |刨冰|奶酥厚片|咖啡廳|恆春美食|恆春必吃|恆春刨冰| - Hengchun Township

4.9/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 藍冰菓NORM-冰品專買 |刨冰|奶酥厚片|咖啡廳|恆春美食|恆春必吃|恆春刨冰|

地址 :

946, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Hengchun Township, Zhongshan Rd, 91號藍冰菓NORM-冰品專買 |刨冰|奶酥厚片|咖啡廳|恆春美食|恆春必吃|恆春刨冰|

城市 : Zhongshan Rd

946, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Hengchun Township, Zhongshan Rd, 91號藍冰菓NORM-冰品專買 |刨冰|奶酥厚片|咖啡廳|恆春美食|恆春必吃|恆春刨冰|
紹宇王 on Google

冰品好吃☺️? 初次光顧-2號冰
Delicious ice cream☺️? First visit - Ice No. 2
崔沛潔 on Google

點了五號冰,海鹽焦糖醬真夠好吃的? 料也超好吃?
I ordered No. 5 ice, the sea salt caramel sauce is really delicious? It's delicious too ?
周姿詠 on Google

質感與美味兼具的冰店 我喜歡2號冰,爽口好吃
陳鴻志 on Google

Delicious, good shot, Santorini style
洪品彥 on Google

各位可以試試看. 與眾不同的冰品!
You can try it out. Unique ice cream!
陳昱維 on Google

店家明亮 8號線香的味道 讓人一進店就有好印象 冰品甜味適中份量算大很划算 布丁好吃到留著最後一口吃
Yachu Chao on Google

和旅伴一起去,兩個人都點了三號冰。芋圓和芋泥甜度恰到好處,搭配起來也很好吃很好吃。 美中不足的是,店家雖然不吝嗇地給了很大份量的刨冰,但是刨冰承受不住芋泥的重量。我們才剛開始吃沒幾口,刨冰就紛紛垮掉,而碗太小根本接不住垮掉冰和芋泥,只能眼巴巴看著喜歡吃的芋泥掉出碗外⋯很可惜?
Went with a travel companion, both ordered ice number three. The sweetness of the taro balls and the mashed taro is just right, and they are also delicious together. The fly in the ointment is that although the store generously gave a large amount of shaved ice, the shaved ice could not bear the weight of the taro paste. We just started to eat a few mouthfuls, and the shaved ice collapsed one after another, and the bowl was too small to handle the collapsed ice and mashed taro.
XIN XIN on Google

刨冰好吃~ 店內明亮,音樂是一連串的饒舌歌曲,每首都想跟著唱?
Shaved ice is delicious~ The store is bright and the music is a series of rap songs, every song wants to sing along?

Write some of your reviews for the company 藍冰菓NORM-冰品專買 |刨冰|奶酥厚片|咖啡廳|恆春美食|恆春必吃|恆春刨冰|


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