NTE 創勝文教 - Zhongshan District

4.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact NTE 創勝文教

地址 :

10491, Taiwan, Taipei City, Zhongshan District, Zhulun St, 60號NTE 創勝文教2樓

電話 : 📞 +88777
網站 : https://ntetaiwan.com/
Opening hours :
Wednesday 1–10PM
Thursday 1–10PM
Friday 1–10PM
Saturday 1–5PM
Sunday 9:30AM–5PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 1–10PM
城市 : Zhulun St

10491, Taiwan, Taipei City, Zhongshan District, Zhulun St, 60號NTE 創勝文教2樓
Unz Tsai on Google

In order to improve the overall English ability of Taiwanese as a starting point, the teacher's teaching is lively and rich, and he spends a lot of time preparing the teaching materials. Often, it is shared with everyone on current events and hot topics on the Internet!
yuming chiu on Google

I have been in NTE for more than half a year, and Mr. Wang’s class is very practical and has benefited a lot. The service staff is also very kind and friendly, and feels like returning home, quite recommended English learning environment.
Ricky Lan on Google

In the second year of high school, he enrolled in Wang's collocation course, and also enrolled in the IELTS class during the university. It is obvious from the teacher's self-edited textbook that the teacher's intentions are taught. The teaching method taught is to enable me to learn consciously and systematically on the road of English learning. Praise
唐于庭 on Google

The content of the course is solid and interesting, which enhances the understanding of English learning, and also has more learning direction and interest after the course. Very good learning environment, highly recommended.
WY Lu on Google

課程內容紮實,但大班課程學生多,老師沒辦法去了解每個學生的情況,課程缺少學生對學生、學生對老師間的互動,大部分是老師單方面輸入。沒有指定回家作業(不過提供自主練習方式),所以也缺少給予學生學習狀態的反饋。 雖然報名前有試聽,也有和前台討論,但最後對個人學習成效幫助很有限,並不適合我,最後也沒有達到我的學習目標,我也蠻沮喪的。
The content of the course is solid, but there are many students in the big class, and the teacher cannot understand the situation of each student. The course lacks student-to-student and student-to-teacher interaction, and most of them are unilateral input by the teacher. There is no designated homework (but provides self-practice methods), so there is also a lack of feedback to students' learning status. Although there was an audition before the registration and discussions with the front desk, in the end, it was of limited help to the personal learning effect and was not suitable for me. In the end, my learning goals were not reached, and I was quite frustrated.
Itza Chen on Google

以前的英文學習生涯,印象中搭配詞的學習都不是重點,就是一直背單字增加字彙量,偶爾背些片語,更遑論知道語料庫的存在了。背了單字卻不會使用或用錯了,真的是很尷尬的事情。Alex對於教學的用心,在教材上,以及回答問題時,都非常顯而易見。例句都非常貼近生活,與時俱進,更容易產生共鳴。 文法課更是打破傳統英文老師的教法,我以為我的文法已經不會有什麼進步的空間,沒想到Alex的教法,更是打開了英文文法學習的一扇大門。我從沒搞懂的冠詞規則,還有介系詞規則,都在這得到完美的解答!
In the previous English learning career, the learning of collocation words was not the focus of my impression, but I kept memorizing words to increase vocabulary, occasionally memorizing phrases, let alone knowing the existence of a corpus. It is really embarrassing to memorize a word but not use it or use it wrong. Alex's dedication to teaching is very obvious in the teaching materials and when answering questions. The examples are very close to life, keep pace with the times, and resonate more easily. The grammar class breaks the traditional English teacher's teaching method. I thought that my grammar would not have much room for improvement. I didn't expect that Alex's teaching method opened a door to English grammar learning. The article rules that I have never understood, and the prepositional rules, are all answered here!
莊麗雲小隻仔 on Google

最愛創勝號菠蘿麵包,,獨樹一格 隔天吃一樣美味?
My favorite is the pineapple bun, which is one of a kind It's delicious the next day ?
Timmy Hsueh on Google

這是一所富有人情溫度的英文語言學校,在 NTE 創勝文教不會碰到如日光燈般冷淡的櫃檯人員和單調乏味的裝潢,這裡是每位英文學習者所最嚮往的家,有著親切如朋友般的櫃檯、實力堅強又和藹可親的師資群及美式宿舍風格的木質裝潢,還有精緻的課本,這裡的一切讓我認為稱它為語言學校最合適了,補習班(cram school) 的標籤不屬於這裡。 從大學時開始來上「改變一生」系列,接著「全方位」系列,工作後為了準備赴美攻讀碩士,因此接著上 GRE 及 TOEFL,並且請他們進行留學文件的編修,算一算成為創勝的鐵粉已有三年之久。 從一開始接觸「改變一生文法」課程就對 NTE 及其老師們佩服無比,老師們不斷追求自我能力提升,並將時事帶入課程中讓學生更能產生共鳴,且教你如何學習一門語言,讓學生以正確的語言習得方式去學習英文,而且這套方式是上完課後還可以自己繼續使用,甚至可以套用到學習其他語言上的! 在留學文件編修上,著實令人驚艷!NTE 創勝文教不像坊間的留學顧問只是改改文法或句構就交差了事,而是很努力的想挖出學生身上獨一無二的人格特質與隱性優勢,這些會讓欲申請的學校眼睛一亮的關鍵,再轉化成具有脈絡架構、native speaker 所慣用句構的文章,甚至在編修時還會講究文章唸起來的流暢度,這一切讓我看到團隊們對於學生的留學文件有多麼重視及其專業程度令人敬佩! 推薦給所有想要好好學習英文、想要擺脫填鴨式學習英文、再也不想要只是為了語言檢定而學習英文但考完就不會用或不知道怎麼用的人來 NTE 創勝文教,這裡的課程與一切會徹底改變你對語言學習的舊有認知,發現到語言學習的另一片嶄新天地! #成人英語 #GRE #TOEFL #托福 #留學考試 #留學文件編修 #學術寫作 #企業內訓 #英語師資培訓

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