墨魚廚房 PASTACO&CURRYTACO|台北內湖旗艦店 |手作咖哩飯 牛排 炸物專賣 人和食緣 - Section 1

4.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 墨魚廚房 PASTACO&CURRYTACO|台北內湖旗艦店 |手作咖哩飯 牛排 炸物專賣 人和食緣

地址 :

114, Taiwan, Taipei City, Neihu District, Section 1, Huanshan Rd, 90號墨魚廚房 PASTACO&CURRYTACO|台北內湖旗艦店 |手作咖哩飯 牛排 炸物專賣 人和食緣

電話 : 📞 +887888
網站 : http://www.rceating.com/
城市 : Huanshan Rd

114, Taiwan, Taipei City, Neihu District, Section 1, Huanshan Rd, 90號墨魚廚房 PASTACO&CURRYTACO|台北內湖旗艦店 |手作咖哩飯 牛排 炸物專賣 人和食緣
阿默 on Google

今天來爬山的時候在查附近有沒有吃的結果看到的店,看了一下菜單覺得不錯就過來了,但是有件事情想和店家說,你們家的東西很好吃也絕對有實力可以很多人過來的,但是招牌太不明顯了啦!!!真的很容易錯過 餐點的這個價格居然還會有附餐等等的,真的超級划算,重點是真的很好吃,很值得過來 我超級驚訝地瓜放進咖哩當配菜可以這麼好吃,玉米也很好吃超多汁還甜甜的,另外是附湯裡面居然有整塊的鮭魚欸……!!! 吃到一半真的覺得很可惜,明明是好店卻沒有坐滿,真的只是缺一塊吸引人進來的招牌跟廣告了QQ
Today, when I came to climb the mountain, I checked whether there was any food nearby and I saw a restaurant. I checked the menu and found it was good. But there is one thing I want to tell the restaurant. Your food is delicious and there is definitely a lot of strength. People came here, but the sign is too unobvious! ! ! Really easy to miss The price of the meal is actually accompanied by meals, etc. It is really super cost-effective, the point is that it is really delicious and it is worth coming over I was surprised that sweet potatoes can be so delicious when used as a side dish in curry. The corn is also delicious and super juicy and sweet. In addition, there is a whole piece of salmon in the soup...! ! ! It’s a pity to eat halfway through. It’s obviously a good shop but it’s not full. It’s really just missing a sign and advertisement that attracts people to come in. QQ
Ling Chen on Google

The environment is clean and tidy, the space is not crowded! The price is very affordable! The curry is delicious and the portions are generous! There are scallops in the soup! All you can drink! The fried noodles are Japanese, not Taiwanese. Push push!
Tzu Chiao Shen on Google

第一次吃,食材用的不錯,印度咖哩牛排飯套餐,咖哩到配菜都很用心,飯也煮的好,餐具也搭配的不錯,本以為在學校旁邊,就是CP值不錯、份量大的店,比想像中精緻~ 店內還有賣冷凍食材,看起來品項很多,不知道是不是只有餐廳營業時間才有賣?
The first time I ate it, the ingredients were good, the Indian curry steak rice set, the curry and the side dishes were very careful, the rice was cooked well, and the tableware was well matched. I thought it was next to the school. The shop is more refined than expected~ The store also sells frozen ingredients. It seems that there are many items. I wonder if it is only available during restaurant business hours?
Michelle Shih on Google

爬完金面山後,飢腸轆轆,正好發現在公車站牌旁邊有一間賣咖哩的墨魚廚房,就去試試看。現在因為疫情,又遇上連日大雨,客人不多,我們點了一份咖哩豬排套餐,一份白醬蔬菜套餐(點餐時就需要先結帳、只收現金),店家就跟我們說可以先自取飲料享用,後面就備有百事可樂、橘子汽水、冰紅茶、及mountain dew四種飲料,我開心地喝著汽水等送餐。餐點上的也滿快,套餐有味噌湯、胡麻醬拌龍鬚菜、胡麻豆腐、一小份布蕾及主餐,份量滿多的,而且每一樣都好吃。味噌湯就讓人驚艷,裡還放了小干貝,味道十分鮮美,胡麻豆腐有放柴魚片提味,跟龍鬚菜的味道就不太一樣了,主餐的醬汁都很美味,蔬食的白醬有搭配炸地瓜、芋頭及多種蔬菜,咖哩醬也有,豬排的大小跟我的手掌一樣大,吃起來多汁過癮,最後的烤布蕾雖然看起來迷你,但是裡面看得到香草籽,吃起來濃郁香滑,是讓人滿足的甜點。沒想到這次隨意進門的小店餐點品質這麼高。更讓人感動的,當天下著雨,老闆特別幫另一桌的小朋友們擦乾雨衣,好讓小朋友不用穿濕衣服受涼,這份心真的太暖,希望老闆能撐過現在的疫情,繼續提供好菜、好服務給更多客人。
Rocky Su on Google

caleB U Abby on Google

Great good ~ Wonderful service. We will be back?
Anne B on Google

My husband and I were in the neighborhood and chose this place expecting we might get a modern curry-flavored taco, but actually this place has nothing to do with tacos! They take their curry very seriously though and it seems every dish is cooked and plated with care and attention to detail. We had to wait about 15 minutes for our food, but it was a tasty meal for a reasonable price. I got the vegetarian Thai green curry with the set (miso soup + small plate of greens + mini pudding with caramelized top) and was very satisfied. My husband got the spicier Indian curry with chicken; he was similarly pleased with the CP值, but a little annoyed by the false “taco” advertising. ☺️ if you want tacos, head elsewhere! But if you’re looking for a good bowl of Japanese, Indian, Thai, or Italian curry, this place is a solid option. Clean environment with a friendly staff.
Mark Zheng on Google

Got fooled. Curry taco doesn’t offer tacos! It is just a regular Japanese curry shop. It tastes pretty good and the staff was very friendly. They only take cash.

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