Patty's Clinic

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Contact Patty's Clinic

地址 :

No. 3號, Lane 79, Section 3, Xinglong Rd, Wenshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan 116

電話 : 📞 +8899998
城市 : Taipei City

No. 3號, Lane 79, Section 3, Xinglong Rd, Wenshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan 116
ANAN LIOU on Google

周醫生非常親切溫柔但沒事先說有哪些是自費項目 櫃檯人員服務態度真的有待加強 看完診突然才說要多收$170 有禮貌的詢問說請問是什麼項目要多收費 只丟了一句等等單子上有自己看 但完全看不出來哪裡有清楚寫170的項目
Dr. Zhou is very kind and gentle but did not say in advance which items are self-funded The service attitude of the counter staff really needs to be strengthened After seeing the doctor, I suddenly said that I would charge an extra $170 Ask politely and ask what item is the extra charge I just missed a sentence But I can’t see where there is a clearly written 170 item.
張小西 on Google

周醫生非常親切,耐心聽患者陳述,內診也很溫柔; 仇醫生給產婦很大安全感跟信心,手術術後也恢復良好,2位都是很棒的醫生!只是候診有時要很久,診所空間較小會沒地方坐,孕婦媽媽要留意。
Dr. Zhou is very kind and listens patiently to the patient's statement. The internal consultation is also very gentle; Dr. Qiu gives the mother a great sense of security and confidence, and he has recovered well after the operation. Both are excellent doctors! It’s just that sometimes it takes a long time to wait for a doctor. The clinic has a small space and there is no place to sit. Pregnant mothers should pay attention to it.
陳婉君 on Google

從備孕、受孕、產檢到生產都是在愛文, 由於過往曾經有胚胎萎縮的不好經驗, 對於懷孕這件事總是有些恐懼, 所幸友人介紹仇醫師,算是鼓起勇氣來的。 一開始一系列的檢查,仇醫師可以很快又精確地找出問題。 仇醫師很仔細,也很給孕婦正向打氣,不同孕程會有不同的衛教,要做什麼檢查,醫生也會清楚告知,尤其是超音波技術猶如神技! #每次聽到仇醫師振奮人心的「恭喜!」「太好了!」就會覺得安心~ 護理師(不知道名字)也很照顧人,每次打針抽血都會多叮嚀幾句要注意的事情(當然還有閒聊XDD),整個非常感恩您們照顧。 有分泌物多到去找周醫師幾次,很溫柔有同理心,內診技術超好幾乎沒感覺,超厲害的! 最後到中山醫院去給仇醫師剖腹,技術超好, 才不到三個月傷口就變得好小好小! 感謝愛文診所從年初備孕、受孕、產檢到生產一路以來的照顧與仔細檢查,每每產檢一次就多一點安心與雀躍~ 附圖是我們家小寶貝們,特別謝謝仇醫師,在照到心跳那一次產檢,真的是讓我感動到快哭了~至今都難忘!
From pregnancy preparation, conception, obstetric examination to delivery are all in Aiwen, Due to the bad experience of embryo atrophy in the past, I'm always a little scared about getting pregnant. Fortunately, a friend introduced Dr. Chou, and he mustered up his courage. At the beginning of a series of examinations, Dr. Qiu can quickly and accurately identify the problem. Dr. Qiu is very careful, and he is very encouraging to pregnant women. There will be different health education for different pregnancy stages. The doctor will also clearly tell you what to check, especially the ultrasound technology is like a magic skill! #Every time I hear Dr. Qiu's inspiring "Congratulations!" "Great!" I feel relieved~ The nurse (don't know the name) is also very caring. Every time I have an injection and draw blood, I will remind you a few things to pay attention to (and of course chat XDD). I am very grateful for your care. I went to see Dr. Zhou several times when I had a lot of secretions. He was very gentle and empathetic. The internal diagnosis technique was so good that I almost didn't feel it. It was amazing! In the end, I went to Zhongshan Hospital to perform caesarean section on Dr. Chou, the technique was excellent, In less than three months, the wound has become so small! I would like to thank Aiwen Clinic for the care and careful inspection from the beginning of the year to pregnancy, conception, obstetric examination and delivery. Every time I have a prenatal examination, I feel a little more reassured and excited~ The attached picture is our little babies. Special thanks to Dr. Qiu. During the prenatal check-up when the heartbeat was recorded, I was really moved to the point of crying~ I can't forget it to this day!
Suzy Kao on Google

結婚9年 求子心切多年的我們 試過超多生殖中心的醫生 從期待到失望到絕望 再一次的因緣際會之下 因為生理期的問題 求診了仇醫生 整個看診的感覺非常安心 也感覺到仇醫生的用心 第二次的回診 仇醫生沒有忘記我 總是第一時間能了解我來看診的目的 知道仇醫生有在做生殖這部分的療程 於是心中默默決定我要在試一次看看求子療程 就在愛文診所 坦白說台北各大生殖中心 我也看了很多家 每次的用藥 感覺都是一個基本SOP 每一個人照本宣科 仇醫生卻不一樣 他會針對我的身體用藥反應 開藥 給予治療 讓我真的感受到 有備受關心的感覺 也有醫生的信心鼓勵 每次都會更有自信這次會成功 愛文的護士們都非常熱心及親切 每一次的抽血 每一次的檢查 都不會讓人感到害怕 即使感覺漫漫長路 不知道會不會成功 卻也很期待揭曉答案的一天 終於來到植入後的14天 揭曉答案 謝謝仇醫生給了我們一對龍鳳胎 當然生產的部分也一定要交給仇醫生 懷雙胞胎的確比較辛苦 即便要安胎 仇醫生也不辭勞苦的每天到病房關心我 假日也一樣 如果真的遇到太忙 會晚到 電話關心也絕對不會少 在備受關懷的照顧下 已平安順產 寶寶們已經8個月都很健康 很開心能遇到一間這麼棒的診所 非常推薦給大家
We have been married for 9 years, we have been eager to seek children for many years Doctors who have tried many fertility centers From anticipation to disappointment to despair Once again by karma Because of the problem of the menstrual period, I consulted Dr. Qiu. I feel very comfortable throughout the visit I also feel the care of Doctor Chou The second visit, Dr. Qiu didn't forget me Always the first time to understand the purpose of my visit I know that Dr. Chou is doing the reproductive part of the treatment So I silently decided in my heart that I would try the child-seeking treatment at Aiwen Clinic Frankly speaking, the major reproductive centers in Taipei I have also seen many Every medication feels like a basic SOP Everyone is scripted Dr. Qiu is different. He will react to my body's medication. Prescribe medicine, give treatment, make me really feel There is a feeling of being cared for and the confidence and encouragement of the doctor Every time I will be more confident that this time I will succeed Aiwen's nurses are very enthusiastic and kind Every blood draw Every examination will not be scary Even if it feels like a long way to go, I don't know if it will succeed Looking forward to the day when the answer will be revealed Finally came 14 days after implantation The answer is revealed, thank you Dr. Chou for giving us a pair of twins Of course, the production part must also be handed over to Dr. Qiu Pregnancy with twins is really hard Even if you want to have a tire Dr. Qiu goes to the ward every day to take care of me without taking any pains Holidays are the same If you are really busy, you will be late, and there will be no shortage of phone calls. under caring care gave birth safely The babies are healthy at 8 months Glad to meet such a great clinic Very recommended to everyone
Judy沛若 on Google

醫生敷衍(男生和女生都一樣)、感染詢問相關藥物都感覺很敷衍知識淺薄,只想快速帶過,內診褲子都還沒脫好就跑進來,護士醫生都一直在聊天、不被尊重(明明看評論來的,根本不是細心的醫生)還有藥師櫃檯態度也不好,我希望你們要知道多少人不會只有懷孕的問題,很多年輕女性都是鼓起勇氣來婦產科詢問解答,不要讓別人感覺被糟蹋敷衍 謝謝
Doctors are perfunctory (both boys and girls), and they feel very perfunctory when they ask about drugs related to infection. It was obvious from the comments, not a careful doctor at all) and the attitude of the pharmacist at the counter is not good. I hope you will know how many people do not only have pregnancy problems. Many young women have the courage to ask the obstetrics and gynecology department for answers. Don't let others feel spoiled and perfunctory thank you
黃子庭 on Google

For pregnant mothers with high body temperature, the clinic here is really small and it is still very hot. There is a nurse who is very unprofessional during the examination. She has been pumping for a long time and keeps saying that I am not drinking enough water. Blood pressure is also very constant and not good ?
Wen Wen WANG on Google

Christine Wertz on Google

As a foreigner (with no insurance) they use that to take money from you..... I paid over 1,000 just for a check up and an ultrasound !! The doctor told us it would be 150, but the clerk made us pay 550 and didn’t even explain why we had to pay that much! All I did was lay down while she stuck something up me, and I had to pay 550 extra for that? Plus 550 just to go enter? The clerk has a very nasty attitude, but the doctor could speak English and was very warm and friendly. Her assistant however, not a word in English and didn’t even give me privacy to take off my clothes ? I came here before for some infections and was treated well, and got well informed in how to prevent more infections and the assistant was kind and warm and spoke English. But looks like they change the doctor and I don’t feel comfortable going again ? ? ? ?

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