駁二共創基地 PIER-2 BASE - Yancheng District

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Contact 駁二共創基地 PIER-2 BASE

地址 :

80343, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Yancheng District, Dayong Rd, 11號駁二共創基地 PIER-2 BASE3樓

電話 : 📞 +887899
網站 : http://pier2base.tw/
城市 : Dayong Rd

80343, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Yancheng District, Dayong Rd, 11號駁二共創基地 PIER-2 BASE3樓
王智嘉 on Google

We should meet the counter girl for the first time~Why can we be so upset...I don't understand~ I don't owe her anything! Just take something~ it doesn’t need to be like this!
Che-Wen Chen on Google

Quite comfortable and spacious co-working space, suitable for holding meetings and lectures
py L on Google

優點: 1.進駐單位皆經過初步審核,不會有怪異公司進駐,不過目前已不限於創意產業,如會計、地產開發、營銷系統、旅遊規劃等單位也可進駐。 2.會議室依進駐坪數,享有一定的免費使用時段。 3.屬於市府的產業發展營運單位,可以參加許多市府補助案的投案,但不知是否因屬於文化局管轄而非經發局,有時獲知消息已慢半拍。 4.內部環境良好,廁所維持乾淨,還有淋浴間方便加班人員。 缺點: 1.基地的創意或創業氛圍=0,單位與單位間除了某些認識朋友間自發性的小聚會之外,沒有甚麼可以常態性交流的機會,曾經舉辦的一次交流會就是廠商各自發表簡介ppt,雖然對外宣傳還是有些孵化器的定位,但實質上目前只有房間出租的功能,基地開設課程大多是針對大學生或初入職場上班族為主,對於新創業者能提供的資源幾乎為零。如果因為想要開發駁二周邊展覽遊憩相關業務而進駐,完全沒有幫助。 2.離高速公路很遠,客戶來訪不便,且附近停車位大多被長期占用,最近的駁二大勇路底停車場收費極高。 3.雖鄰近有帕莎蒂娜與誠品,但附近生活機能不佳,如以步行,中午午餐選擇很少,若自備便當,僅一間餐廳中午座位完全不足,2020年有增加微波爐數量,但如果中午才去還是要排隊,且微波爐經常因操作不當而損壞待修。 4.進駐時須繳交6個月押金,退租時即便公司登記已遷出,仍需等待相當時日才能拿回押金,不若一般辦公大樓可立即拿回。 5.只有簡單輕隔間,隔音極差,加上為節省冷氣費,許多單位會開門工作,雞犬相聞。可自行增設隔音工程,但退租需100%恢復原樣。 6.商務感不夠,櫃台似乎都是欠缺商業營運經驗的兼職人員在負責,有時會令來訪客人感到專業度不足或態度不佳。 7.沒有可臨時停車的處所,對於有器材或設備須進出的團隊,會相當不便。 可能令人介意的點: 1.房租只能聯絡主管當面繳交,或到高雄銀行填寫公庫匯款單繳款,無法線上轉帳,也無法在共創基地櫃檯繳交。 2.冷氣收費不貴但也不便宜,進駐前請詳閱進駐規定再簽約,2020年更換冷氣主機後冷房效率有大幅改善,不過如果辦公室位於邊邊角角,夏天不開室內冷氣無法工作,但如果辦公室位於主走道兩旁,打開門就有冷氣進來。如果是小坪數空間,因樓板高度低,相對送風機的噪音會很大。 3.靠邊的房間會覺得走道窗戶比較髒。大包垃圾與回收物,須依垃圾車時段自行下樓丟垃圾車,共創基地不處理。 4.櫃台只能收件,不能代寄件,如包裹貨到付款,也不能先寄放錢給櫃檯請櫃檯代付款,叫宅急便來要自己拿給司機。 5.加班時走廊燈經常會被警衛關掉,整間黑漆漆,現在不知是否已改善。 6.除了進出基地大門之外,進出辦公室也需感應卡,包含從裡面要出去也是一樣,不然就會被鎖在裡面,只能以手機呼叫救援。 7.進出基地時感應磁卡的地方與可以推開門的地方,很遠。
advantage: 1. All units stationed have undergone preliminary review and no weird companies will be stationed. However, it is no longer limited to creative industries. Units such as accounting, real estate development, marketing systems, tourism planning, etc. can also be stationed. 2. The meeting room enjoys a certain period of free use according to the number of pings. 3. Industrial development and operation units that belong to the city government can participate in many city government subsidy cases, but I don’t know whether it is under the jurisdiction of the Cultural Affairs Bureau instead of the Economic Development Bureau. Sometimes the news is already half a beat. 4. The internal environment is good, the toilets are kept clean, and there are showers for overtime workers. Disadvantages: 1. The creative or entrepreneurial atmosphere of the base = 0, there are no opportunities for regular exchanges between the unit and the unit, except for some spontaneous small gatherings with friends. The exchange meeting held once was where the manufacturers published their respective introduction ppt Although there is still some incubator positioning for external publicity, in fact, it only has the function of room rental. The courses offered by the base are mostly aimed at college students or newcomers to the workplace, and the resources that can be provided to new entrepreneurs are almost zero. If you want to develop related business related to exhibitions and recreation in the surrounding area of ​​Pier 2, it will not help at all. 2. It is far away from the expressway, it is inconvenient for customers to visit, and most of the nearby parking spaces are occupied for a long time. The nearest parking lot under Dayong Road is very expensive. 3. Although there are Pasadena and Eslite in the vicinity, the living functions nearby are not good, such as walking, there are few choices for lunch at noon, if you bring your own lunch, only one restaurant will not have enough seats at noon. There will be an increase in the number of microwave ovens in 2020 , But if you go there at noon, you still have to line up, and the microwave oven is often damaged due to improper operation and waiting for repair. 4. A deposit of 6 months must be paid when moving in. Even if the company registration has moved out, you still need to wait for a long time to get the deposit back. It is not the case for general office buildings to get it back immediately. 5. There are only simple light compartments and extremely poor sound insulation. In addition, in order to save air-conditioning costs, many units will open their doors and work, and they will hear each other. The sound insulation project can be added by itself, but 100% of the rent must be restored to the original condition. 6. The business sense is not enough. The counters seem to be in charge of part-time staff who lack commercial operation experience. Sometimes visitors feel that they are not professional or have a poor attitude. 7. There is no place for temporary parking, and it will be quite inconvenient for teams with equipment or equipment to enter and exit. Points that may be bothersome: 1. The rent can only be paid in person by contacting the supervisor or filling out a remittance form at Kaohsiung Bank. Online transfer is not possible, nor can it be paid at the counter of the co-creation base. 2. Air-conditioning charges are not expensive but not cheap. Please read the entry regulations carefully before entering the station. The efficiency of the cooling room will be greatly improved after the air-conditioning host is replaced in 2020. However, if the office is located in a corner, the indoor air-conditioning will not work in summer. But if the office is located on both sides of the main aisle, air-conditioning will come in when the door is opened. If it is a small space, due to the low floor height, the noise relative to the blower will be loud. 3. The aisle window will feel dirty in the side room. Large bags of garbage and recyclables must go downstairs and throw away garbage trucks according to the time of garbage trucks, and create a base without processing. 4. The counter can only receive the parcel, not on behalf of the delivery. For example, if the package is paid on delivery, you can't send the money to the counter first. Ask the counter to pay on your behalf, and call the delivery service to bring it to the driver. 5. The corridor lights are often turned off by guards during overtime, and the whole room is dark. I don't know if it has improved. 6. In addition to entering and exiting the base gate, a proximity card is also required to enter and exit the office, including going out from the inside, otherwise you will be locked inside and you can only call for rescue with your mobile phone. 7. When entering and leaving the base, the place where the magnetic card is inducted and the place where the door can be opened are far away.
Arx Chiu on Google

政府做事不要做半套 硬體很好 軟體招商不積極只是浪費公帑 標準公家機關推諉的文化 尤其櫃檯人員晚娘面孔更是經典
The government should not do half of its work. The hardware is very good. The software is not actively attracting investment, but it is a waste of public funds. Especially the face of the night lady at the counter is even more classic
Cyaorin Chin on Google

第一次來聽講座感覺是個滿特別的空間,會辦一些課程。 但第一次來入口很難找,在台糖旁邊進去的3樓。
The first time I came to listen to the lecture, I felt that it was a special space, and I would hold some courses. But the entrance is difficult to find for the first time. It is on the 3rd floor next to Taiwan Sugar.
YF Lin on Google

剛來的時候印象很好 環境給人充滿藝術氣息和創造力的感覺 但是大樓真的太老舊了,管線、網路、電梯時常出問題 重點是其中一個櫃台人員臉超臭(戴眼鏡、長髮、女),借個會議室還要被兇被瞪 這麼沒有服務熱忱就不要做這樣的工作吧 幸好後來應該是離職了?
Impressed when I first arrived The environment feels artistic and creative But the building is really old, and there are often problems with pipelines, networks, and elevators The point is that one of the counter staff has a very stinky face (wearing glasses, long hair, female), and he will be stared at for borrowing a conference room Don't do this kind of work without service enthusiasm. Fortunately, I should have resigned later.
Garfield on Google

Excluding the unkind service of the receptionist at the front desk, the facilities, scenery, and decoration inside are really distinctive, and the hardware of the entrepreneurial space is in place. If the competent authority can enhance the service enthusiasm of the front desk staff, I believe that more entrepreneurs will be willing Stationed!
Duncan Chui - Life in Taiwan on Google

The girl in front is extremely rude to me. I walked in, asked to see if I can join for the day pass. She was rude, unprofessional, and didn’t want anything to do with me. It was my first time there so I just have some general questions. She kept saying that i have to apply online to enter. What a disgrace. Never seen a place in Taiwan as bad as this place

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