美麗新城診所 (皮膚科疾病 酒糟-蠕形蟎蟲檢測-舒利達 善纖達 皮秒雷射-彩衝光 鳳凰電波-Q+音波-IG電波 痘痘針-粉瘤-凹疤-蟹足腫-異體真皮-飛梭雷射-PLT凍晶 趾甲矯正 桃園中壢青埔大園) - Zhongli District

4.6/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 美麗新城診所 (皮膚科疾病 酒糟/蠕形蟎蟲檢測/舒利達 善纖達 皮秒雷射/彩衝光 鳳凰電波/Q+音波/IG電波 痘痘針/粉瘤/凹疤/蟹足腫/異體真皮/飛梭雷射/PLT凍晶 趾甲矯正 桃園中壢青埔大園)

地址 :

320, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Zhongli District, Section 1, Gaotiezhanqian W Rd

電話 : 📞 +8887
Postal code : 1
網站 : https://www.facebook.com/DoctorBeautyClinicTaoyuan/services/%3Fref%3Dpage_internal

320, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Zhongli District, Section 1, Gaotiezhanqian W Rd
吳艷芳 on Google

In mid-March, Dr. Zhuang was charged 15,000 for the operation on adenoma, and the wound did not heal until the end of April and was still in pain. Later, I went to a major hospital for a second surgery to remove the powder tumor residue. It is advisable to find a specialist in a large hospital for an operation involving a knife.
楊帥 on Google

今日第一次去看減重還有皮膚相關問題,莊醫師人非常好每個問題都解說的相當詳細還給予適當的鼓勵,對我來說是非常好的看診經驗,櫃臺的顧問小姐漂亮親切之外也有專業水準哦! 謝謝你們!
Today is the first time to see weight loss and skin-related problems. Dr. Zhuang is very good. He explained every question in great detail and gave him appropriate encouragement. It was a very good experience for me. The consultant at the counter is beautiful. In addition to being friendly, there is also a professional level! thank you all!
NN7788 on Google

當初我皮膚一直長痘痘 醫生看了看,說這是皮屑痘苞菌 開了治療灰指甲的自費藥7天300元.. 我吃了快兩個月的藥 前一個月吃了,只有稍微變淡 但是後面還是沒有消失… 還是持續再長 我後來到別間診所看醫生 他們說我這個症狀根本不是當初你們醫生說的症狀 建議我直接改吃a酸 我現在痘痘才完全消失…. 而且當時我肝指數還上升
I used to have acne on my skin The doctor looked at it and said it was dandruff pox bacterium Prescribed self-paid medicine for onychomycosis 7 days 300 yuan.. I have been taking the medicine for almost two months I ate it a month ago, only slightly faded But it still hasn't disappeared... keep going longer I later went to see a doctor at another clinic They say my symptoms are not the symptoms your doctor said at first Suggest me to switch to a sour My acne is completely gone now.... And at that time, my liver index was still rising.
Lee Nani on Google

The first time I hit Picosecond was to come to Beautiful New City. I saw someone recommend it in the FB community. I felt that the price was very reasonable and there was no limit to the number of shots. It felt great to go there in person! The doctor was very attentive and saw every little detail, even more carefully than myself. In the end, another probe was added to strengthen it. It was really cost-effective. Because I wanted to speed up the recovery, I purchased an ice-cold induction treatment. The beautician is very skilled. Well, the whole process is very comfortable, so I bought the Baotang course directly, hoping to turn into boiled egg muscle before summer!
劉筑欣 on Google

It was sprayed on the face twice, and the doctor was very caring and did not forget to remind me of sun protection, so I did not leave any scars. I trusted this doctor, so I consulted the eyelid department for three more times. For more than ten years of things, I have seen dermatology before, and I have recommended it to ophthalmology, ophthalmology, and dermatology. When the clinic treats skin problems, the doctor can help me remove the miliary swelling that other doctors can't do in the clinic. Although the treatment of acne is not effective here, but there is a specialization in surgery, I still recommend a good doctor, granulation around the eye. It was also dealt with. Other doctors would only say "not recommended". In addition, this doctor must be a psychic. He knows that I don't know the price.
Jennifer on Google

Before I went to Beauty New City for medical treatment, I thought it was just a clinic for skin diseases. My good sister highly recommended that Director Zhuang is professional and kind. I didn't really believe it... I didn't expect it to be true! At the beginning of the month, I came to play their latest Q+ linear sonic wave lift. The doctor applied it very fast, and the most important thing was that it would not hurt. Originally, the beautician said that it would take 2 to 3 months to have a more obvious effect. It is no exaggeration that less than 1 I have a small face, so I don’t need to take a special angle when taking pictures. I have already made an appointment to experience the picosecond laser & BBL. I want to say it and give them praise and encouragement.
Priscila Sanfelice Kämpf on Google

If someone is suffering from skin chronic Rosacea or allergies, I found a good dermatologist who helped me. Dr George (莊禮謙 ) He was the only one who found out and treated the cause. I was having this dermatitis for over 3 years, and the local treatments in Taipei (and the ones I searched for in Italy and Switzerland) only relieved symptoms for a week or two. They told me I would never be healed. Now I am on second month of treatment and all the pain and redness is gone. He used an exam to find out the cause - a kind of worm who goes into the skin in certain low immunity conditions. Dr. George prescribed 4 months treatment for that. I am half way through. Nurse and Dr. also speak English.
Ju Midori on Google

It was amazing! I started my treatment last Thursday and Im really impressed!!! My acnes dried up and I have a new skin!!! I recommend laser treatment and injections for acnes!!! Thanks !!!

Write some of your reviews for the company 美麗新城診所 (皮膚科疾病 酒糟/蠕形蟎蟲檢測/舒利達 善纖達 皮秒雷射/彩衝光 鳳凰電波/Q+音波/IG電波 痘痘針/粉瘤/凹疤/蟹足腫/異體真皮/飛梭雷射/PLT凍晶 趾甲矯正 桃園中壢青埔大園)


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