Qixing Jingpin Motel

3.9/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Qixing Jingpin Motel

地址 :

No. 95號, Zhongcheng Rd, Hemei Township, Changhua County, Taiwan 508

電話 : 📞 +8879
城市 : Changhua County

No. 95號, Zhongcheng Rd, Hemei Township, Changhua County, Taiwan 508
HAO on Google

一開始覺得還可以,不過後來使用按摩椅發現很老舊,感覺都很久了,按摩起來也沒很舒服,最重要的是按摩腳的部分壞掉了,壞掉的按摩椅就拿去修阿?擺著幹嘛 然後再來是我跟女友半夜睡著,睡到四點突然女友說腳很癢,結果發現腳跟手都被不知道什麼東西叮了8.9個紅腫,而且都是包在棉被的部位,我懷疑床單或床鋪沒有好好清潔,最後因為床癢的不能睡了只好離開旅館找附近親戚拿藥止癢,四點半逼不得已只好離開旅館,到底是怎樣,給一星都太多了。如果可以真的想給負5星,第一次住就這樣,不建議任何對蚊蟲沒有抵抗力的人去住
At first I thought it was ok, but later I used the massage chair and found that it was very old and felt for a long time, and the massage was not very comfortable. The most important thing is that the part that massages the feet is broken, and the broken massage chair is used for repair. ? What are you doing Then, my girlfriend and I fell asleep in the middle of the night. When I slept at four o’clock, my girlfriend said that my feet were itchy. I found that my heels and hands were stung by something unknown. 8.9 reds and swellings were all covered in the quilt. I suspect The sheets or the bed were not cleaned properly. Finally, because the bed was itchy, I couldn't sleep, so I had to leave the hotel to find some relatives nearby to relieve the itching. At 4:30, I had to leave the hotel as a last resort. If you really want to give minus 5 stars, it’s the first time you live. It is not recommended for anyone who is not resistant to mosquitoes.
秀美黃 on Google

設施完備也新,格局佈置舒服 服務人員態度不錯?
The facilities are complete and new, and the layout is comfortable The service staff is good ?
張棋雯 on Google

1.半夜睡覺睡到一半,癢醒,腳和手都癢爆,打開電燈看右腳有6個被咬的痕跡、右手2個,一開始還沒打開電燈時,我以為是被蚊子叮,結果把棉被都蓋住,然後就更癢,代表是棉被和床單有問題啊!我真的傻眼,第一次出外住旅館會這樣 2.按摩椅的機型老舊,用按摩椅時會發出聲音,而且腰會痠、還有按摩腳的鍵壞掉 3.電視是類比電視,有時候有聲音、有時候沒聲音,斷斷續續 4.入住時發現地板有腳味...其他人的味道 5.冷氣不涼,熱爆 6.洗面乳難用到爆,我用了之後,洗了5-6分鐘才洗乾淨,邊洗邊想說三小,為什麼還是黏黏的,傻眼欸 爛爆!!! 不就幸好我家在附近,可以半夜回去,早知道朋友選旅館時就不要推薦這間
1. Halfway through sleep at night, I woke up with itchy feet and hands. I turned on the light to see that there were 6 bite marks on my right foot and 2 on my right hand. When I didn’t turn on the light at the beginning, I thought I was bitten by a mosquito. As a result, the quilts are covered, and then it becomes even more itchy, which means there is a problem with the quilts and sheets! I’m really dumbfounded, it’s the first time I go out to stay in a hotel 2. The model of the massage chair is old, it will make a sound when using the massage chair, and the waist will be sore, and the massage foot button will be broken 3. TV is an analog TV, sometimes there is sound, sometimes there is no sound, intermittent 4. When I checked in, I found that the floor smelled of feet... the smell of other people 5. The air conditioner is not cold and hot 6. Facial cleanser is difficult to use. After I used it, it took 5-6 minutes to wash it off. While washing it, I wanted to talk about it, why is it still sticky, dumbfounded. Rotten! ! ! Fortunately, my home is nearby, so I can go back in the middle of the night. I would not recommend this one if I knew my friends would choose a hotel.
王毓婷 on Google

房間還可以 但是一進到房間 煙味超級重 浴缸放出來的水 不知道是地下水還是自來水 不知道是生鏽還是浴缸不乾淨 味道不是很好聞 床的棉被 好像沒有哄乾 潮濕味很重 應該是不會再來消費第二次了
Room is ok But when I entered the room, the smell of smoke was very heavy I don’t know if the water from the bathtub is groundwater or tap water. I don’t know if it is rusty or the bathtub is not clean. The smell is not very good. The quilt on the bed doesn’t seem to be dry, it smells very wet I shouldn't come to spend the second time
on Google

優點 空間設計不錯 房間夠大 短暫休息還可以 缺點 室內只有一個插座 插座還沒電 按摩浴缸水放好 按下按摩按鈕 噴出一堆雜質 是多久沒人使用?? 棉被 被套質感也很粗糙 去過那麼多汽旅 這間不ok
Advantages Good space design The room is big enough for a short rest Disadvantages There is only one socket in the room, and the socket is still out of power Put the water in the jacuzzi and press the massage button Spouting a bunch of impurities. How long has no one used it? ? The quilt and quilt cover are also very rough I've been to so many car tours
鄭博仁 on Google

雖然訂單編號有弄錯 可能員工有抄錯 害我們被耽誤了一下下 但整體的服務都是好的 離開時男生員工的鞠躬讓我們有驚艷到?
Although there was a mistake in the order number, maybe the staff copied it wrong and we were delayed for a while, but the overall service was good. The bow of the male staff when we left made us surprised ?
Lai Sam on Google

乾淨無煙味! 設施設備偏舊…也就價位不貴!
Clean and no smoke! The facilities and equipment are old...and the price is not expensive!
李炎昌 on Google

Very bad. There is a strong smell of smoke in the guest room, the wooden floor still exists-Tuo Shui, there is soot under the bathroom ladder-like towel rack, I really doubt whether it is cleaned

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