Residence of Imperial Scholar (Zheng Yongxi)

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Contact Residence of Imperial Scholar (Zheng Yongxi)

地址 :

No. 163號, Beimen St, North District, Hsinchu City, Taiwan 300

網站 :,3,32
城市 : Hsinchu City

No. 163號, Beimen St, North District, Hsinchu City, Taiwan 300
Shih-Hung Chiang on Google

閒置33年難啟動修復工程的新竹市國定古蹟開台進士鄭用錫宅第「進士第」,終於在所有權人同意及文化部核定5,388萬元,即將在107年9月啟動修繕工程,這是竹市第一個私有「國定古蹟」獲政府補助啟動修繕工程,是古蹟保存重要里程碑。 CE 1985年由內政部公告為二級古蹟、即國定古蹟的新竹市鄭用錫宅第「進士第」,因屬私有古蹟,公部門遲無法進入進行相關調查研究,直到CE 2009年,市府才委託中國科技大學進行「國定古蹟進士第暨其古蹟保存區域調查研究暨修復再利用計畫」,CE 2010年完成。 不過,由於「進士第」宅第有多處毀損,CE 2011年,市府緊急進行「進士第第一進鋼棚架緊急支撐暨蟲蟻防治工程」,以鋼棚維護國定古蹟的完整性。 公部門多次與鄭氏宗族關係人討論及召開會議,在退讓暫不處理「進士第」第三進修繕工程後,終於讓修繕工程露出曙光,市府啟動的「國定古蹟進士第假設工程規劃設計、構件補充調查研究暨修正規劃設計書圖」案,107年6月終經文化部審議通過,並獲核定進士第修復工程經費5,388萬元,預計9月開工,CE 2020年底完工。 林曉華說,「進士第」是國定古蹟,依文化資產法規定,主管權責機關雖是文化部,但文化局在為市容景觀及保存文化資產,數10年來都站在第一線與進士第鄭氏派下族人溝通協調,並與文化部尋求解套方式,如今終於走在修復的道路上,期盼進士第修復完成後,能讓180歲的古蹟宅第風華再現。 文化局表示,鄭用錫「進士第」建於清道光18年、CE 1838年,而鄭用錫在CE 1823年赴京會試,位列三甲第109名進士,是台灣籍考生殿試金榜登科的第一人,有「開臺進士」之稱。鄭用錫曾倡議修築石城、協助調停分類械鬥、擔任明志書院山長等,展現儒人關懷本土風範。 鄭用錫居住的宅第「進士第」,其建築樣式在平面有「四點金」的布局特徵,也就是第一、二進左右皆帶房。建物構造以磚、石、木為建築材料,整體建築表現精緻且細膩。不過,隨著年代已久,很多磚瓦及木材都已腐朽,宅第毀損情況嚴重,亟待修復。 位於北門街上的國定古蹟「進士第」,74年8月由內政部公告為二級古蹟,90年修文資法,改為國定古蹟,是開台進士鄭用錫於1838年所建造的宅第。三開三進的大院落,門額上掛「進士第」匾額,後面的第三進於二次大戰時焚毀,只剩下目前的前兩進。進士第木雕十分講究,正廳格扇門的雕花具有古樸蒼茫的特色,底層為萬字不斷,上層為詩句或富貴平安雕刻,其刻工超穎脫俗,令人嘆為觀止,建築特色及歷史意義,具文化資產價值。 鄭用錫於1823年中進士,他是第一個用台灣本籍赴京考中的進士,所以稱「開台進士」,又稱「開台黃甲」。他博讀經史、熱心公益,曾纂修《淡水廳志初稿》、倡建文廟(今孔廟)及出錢出力建城(竹塹城),對於維護地方安寧與秩序更是不遺餘力,於淡北漳、泉、粵分類械鬥曾撰寫「勸和論」一篇,勸息紛爭、辦理團練保衛家園,對新竹之貢獻非常大。 新竹市北門街的國定古蹟「進士第」,為開台進士鄭用錫住宅,指定為古蹟已近40年,經不斷與所有權人溝通終促成修復,新竹市府投入5,388萬元進行第一期工程,歷經近3年進度達99%。其中擁有183年歷史的卍字紅磚牆面,也在這次修復中意外挖出,市府將投入1,600萬元進行二期工程,預計111年6月完工,屆時將打開這座百年古蹟提供導覽參觀。 進士第是保存道光年間建築風貌的重要私人古蹟,CE 1985年指定為國定古蹟,特別感謝鄭家人同意市府進行修復工程,目前一期工程將完工,修復過程中宛如挖寶般,逐漸還原進士第原始樣貌,如磚雕「卍」字牆面、石雕「櫃台腳」,二期工程修復地坪、牆面及左凸規。 此外,還有正廳大門的進士第彩繪,因未經前人修復,仍保留清代原始彩繪痕跡,在部分破損處還可見清代披麻捉灰的工法,極具保留價值。目前針對彩繪構件已進行適當保護措施,並爭取到文資局核定補助100萬元,將進行「進士第彩繪修復計畫」,經過完整的調查研究後,即進行「進士第彩繪工程」,回復當年的彩繪風貌。 鄭用錫CE 1823年中進士,是第一個用台灣本籍赴京考中的進士,所以稱「開台進士」,又稱「開台黃甲」。他博讀經史、熱心公益,曾纂修《淡水廳志初稿》、倡建文廟(今孔廟)及出錢出力建城(竹塹城),對於維護地方安寧與秩序更是不遺餘力,於淡北漳、泉、粵分類械鬥曾撰寫「勸和論」,勸息紛爭、辦理團練保衛家園,對新竹貢獻非常大。 「進士第」是鄭用錫CE 1838年所建造的宅第,至今已有183年歷史,三開三進的大院落,後面的第三進於二次大戰時焚毀,只剩下目前的前兩進。進士第木雕十分講究,正廳格扇門的雕花具有古樸蒼茫的特色,底層為卍字不斷,上層為詩句或富貴平安雕刻,其刻工超穎脫俗,令人嘆為觀止。 在進行進士第修復工程中,已辦理「修復前現況導覽」、「屋面導覽」、「瓦作導覽」、「磚石風化修復導覽」及「古蹟修復研習會暨導覽活動」等5場次修復現場導覽活動,共約160人參加。透過規劃設計及施工廠商清理、修復過程,並藉由學術立場交互審視研討,希望民眾對於國定古蹟進士第的整體空間修復有初步的認識。 對進士第旁的市定古蹟「吉利第」及「春官第」,已著手進行吉利第修復規劃設計案,另會持續積極與春官第所有權人及現住戶進行溝通協調,及早讓市府入內進行規劃設計及修復工程,以讓整個古蹟保存區重現原有風華。 位於新竹市北門街的國定古蹟進士第,為「開台進士」鄭用錫住宅,指定為古蹟已近40年,經不斷與所有權人溝通終促成修復,新竹市府投入5,388萬元進行第一期工程,歷經近3年進度達99%。新竹市長林智堅親赴視察,仔細審視細節,包括門檻石紋雕刻、人字砌牆面、卍字紅磚牆面,還有正廳大門的清代披麻捉灰彩繪工法等。他指出,緊接著市府將投入1,600萬元進行2期工程,預計111年6月完工,屆時將打開這座百年古蹟提供導覽參觀。( 楊仁江 建築師修復 ) 進士第是保存道光年間建築風貌的重要私人古蹟,民國74年指定為國定古蹟,他特別感謝鄭家人同意市府進行修復工程,目前一期工程將完工,更在修復過程,發現建物內部的磚雕「卍」字牆面,,逐漸還原進士第原始樣貌,如磚雕「卍」字牆面、石雕「櫃台腳」,二期工程修復地坪、牆面及左凸規。市府持續與鄭家攜手合作,將修復完工後的進士第開放民眾預約導覽參觀,讓更多人親身感受百年建築的精彩,也了解新竹的歷史。 進士第第一期修復工程,自踏入前堂入口開始,即可看到細膩精緻的拼花磚牆與螭虎漏窗,門檻上的精美石紋雕刻,抬頭的梁柱間還有栩栩如生的木刻圓雕獅座,整座建築無論是木雕、石雕、磚雕、泥塑等,都展現超高的建築工藝價值,也充分展現當時鄭家在新竹的地位與能力。 另還有正廳大門的進士第彩繪,因未經前人修復,仍保留清代原始彩繪痕跡,在部分破損處還可見清代披麻捉灰的工法,極具保留價值。目前針對彩繪構件已進行適當保護措施,並爭取到文資局核定補助100萬元,將進行「進士第彩繪修復計畫」,經過完整的調查研究後,即進行「進士第彩繪工程」,回復當年的彩繪風貌。 鄭用錫1823年中進士,是第一個用台灣本籍赴京考中的進士,所以稱「開台進士」,又稱「開台黃甲」。他博讀經史、熱心公益,曾纂修《淡水廳志稿》、倡建文廟(今孔廟)及出錢出力建城(竹塹城),對於維護地方安寧與秩序更是不遺餘力,於淡北漳、泉、粵分類械鬥曾撰寫「勸和論」,勸息紛爭、辦理團練保衛家園,對新竹貢獻非常大。 「進士第」是鄭用錫CE 1838年所建造的宅第,至今已有183年歷史,三開三進的大院落,後面的第三進於二次大戰時焚毀,只剩下目前的前兩進。進士第木雕十分講究,正廳格扇門的雕花具有古樸蒼茫的特色,底層為卍字不斷,上層為詩句或富貴平安雕刻,其刻工超穎脫俗,令人嘆為觀止。 在進行進士第修復工程中,已辦理「修復前現況導覽」、「屋面導覽」、「瓦作導覽」、「磚石風化修復導覽」及「古蹟修復研習會暨導覽活動」等5場次修復現場導覽活動,共約160人參加。透過規劃設計及施工廠商清理、修復過程,並藉由學術立場交互審視研討,希望民眾對於國定古蹟進士第的整體空間修復有初步的認識。
The state-owned historic site in Hsinchu City, which has been idle for 33 years and difficult to start the restoration project, opened the Jinshi Zheng Yongxi’s "Jinshi No.". It was finally approved by the proprietor and the Ministry of Culture approved 53.88 million yuan. The restoration project will start in September 107. A privately-owned "national monument" received government subsidies to start a repair project, which is an important milestone in the preservation of the monument. CE In 1985, the Ministry of the Interior announced that it was a second-level historic site, namely the National Historic Site, the "Jinshidi" of Zheng Yongxi House in Hsinchu City. Because it is a private historic site, the public sector has been unable to enter for relevant investigations and studies. It was not commissioned by the city government until CE 2009 The University of Science and Technology of China carried out the "National Historic Site Jinshi No. 1 and Its Historic Site Preservation Area Investigation and Research and Restoration and Reuse Project", which was completed in CE 2010. However, due to multiple damages to the "Jinshidi" mansion, in CE 2011, the city government urgently carried out the "Jinshidi's First Steel Scaffolding Emergency Support and Insect Control Project" to maintain the integrity of the national monuments with steel sheds. The public authorities have discussed and held meetings with people related to the Zheng clan for many times. After retreating temporarily and not handling the third improvement project of the "Jinshidi", the repair project was finally revealed. The city government initiated the "National Historic Site Jinshidi Hypothetical Project Plan". Design, component supplementary investigation and study and revision of planning and design documents" proposal was finally approved by the Ministry of Culture in June 107, and was approved for Jinshidi restoration project funding of 53.88 million yuan. It is expected to start in September and be completed by the end of CE 2020. Lin Xiaohua said that "Jinshidi" is a national historic site. According to the provisions of the Cultural Assets Law, although the competent authority is the Ministry of Culture, the Bureau of Culture has been in the forefront of the city's appearance and preservation of cultural assets for several decades. The Zheng sent his subordinates to communicate and coordinate, and seek ways to solve the problem with the Ministry of Culture. Now they are finally on the road of restoration. I hope that after the restoration of Jinshidi, the 180-year-old historic house will be restored. According to the Cultural Affairs Bureau, Zheng Yongxi’s "Jin Shi No." was built in Daoguang 18 of the Qing Dynasty and CE 1838, and Zheng Yongxi went to Beijing in CE 1823 and ranked 109th among the top three Jinshi, and was the first person to be admitted to the Golden Board for Taiwanese candidates. Known as "Taiwan Jinshi". Zheng Yongxi once suggested building a stone city, assisting in mediating classification and fighting, serving as the head of the Mingzhi Academy, etc., showing the Confucian care for the local style. Zheng Yongxi's residence "Jinshidi" has a layout characteristic of "four golds" in its architectural style, which means that both the first and second entrances have houses on the left and right sides. The structure of the building uses brick, stone and wood as building materials, and the overall architectural performance is exquisite and delicate. However, with the passage of time, many bricks and woods have decayed, and the house is seriously damaged and needs to be repaired urgently. The National Historic Site "Jinshidi", located on Beimen Street, was declared a Grade II monument by the Ministry of the Interior in August 1974. It was revised in 1990 and changed to a National Historic Site. The three-open and three-entry compound has a "Jinshidi" plaque hung on the front of the gate. The third entrance behind was burnt down during World War II, leaving only the current first two entrances. Jinshidi’s wood carvings are very particular. The carvings of the grid doors in the main hall have the characteristics of primitive simplicity. The bottom layer is filled with thousands of characters, and the upper layer is carved with poems or wealth and peace. The carvings are extraordinary and breathtaking. The architectural features and historical significance are cultural. Asset value. Zheng Yongxi was awarded a scholarship in 1823. He was the first scholar to be admitted to Beijing with his native Taiwanese, so he was called "Kaitai Jinshi", also known as "Kaitai Huangjia". He has extensive knowledge of scriptures and history, and is enthusiastic about public welfare. He has compiled the "First Draft of Tamsui Hall Chronicle", advocated the construction of a Confucian Temple (now Confucian Temple), and contributed money to build a city (bamboo trench city), and spared no effort to maintain local tranquility and order. , Quan, and Canton, once wrote an article on "Persuading Peace", which was a great contribution to Hsinchu by persuading disputes and organizing group exercises to defend the homeland. The National Historic Site "Jinshidi" in Beimen Street, Hsinchu City, was the residence of Jinshi Zheng Yongxi. It has been designated as a historic site for nearly 40 years. After continuous communication with the owner, the restoration was finally promoted. The Hsinchu City Government invested 53.88 million yuan in the first phase of the project. After nearly 3 years, the progress reached 99%. Among them, the 183-year-old swastika red brick wall was accidentally excavated during this restoration. The city government will invest 16 million yuan in the second phase of the project. Sightseeing. Jinshidi is an important private monument that preserved the architectural features of the Daoguang period. It was designated as a national monument in CE 1985. Special thanks to the Zheng family for agreeing to the city government to carry out the restoration project. The first phase of the project will be completed. The restoration process is like digging treasure, and the Jinshi is gradually restored The original appearance, such as the brick carved "swastika" wall and the stone carved "counter foot", the second phase of the project is to repair the floor, wall and left raised rule. In addition, there is also the Jinshidi color painting on the main hall gate. Because it has not been repaired by the predecessors, it still retains the original traces of the Qing Dynasty. The construction method of the Qing Dynasty can also be seen in the damaged places, which is of great preservation value. At present, appropriate protection measures have been taken for the painted components, and a subsidy of 1 million yuan has been obtained from the Bureau of Cultural Resources. The "Jinshidi Color Painting Restoration Project" will be carried out. After a complete investigation and research, the "Jinshidi Color Painting Project" will be carried out. Reply The painted style of the year. Zheng Yongxi, CE 1823, was the first Jinshi to go to Beijing for the entrance examination with his native Taiwanese, so he was called "open Taiwan Jinshi", also known as "open Taiwan Huangjia". He has extensive knowledge of scriptures and history, and is enthusiastic about public welfare. He has compiled the "First Draft of Tamsui Hall Chronicle", advocated the construction of a Confucian Temple (now Confucian Temple), and contributed money to build a city (bamboo trench city), and spared no effort to maintain local tranquility and order, Yu Danbeizhang , Quan, and Cantonese classmates have written "The Theory of Persuading Reconciliation" to persuade disputes and organize group training to defend their homeland. He has made great contributions to Hsinchu. The "Jinshidi" is a house built by Zheng Yongxi in CE 1838. It has a history of 183 years. It is a compound with three openings and three entrances. The third entrance was burnt down during the Second World War, leaving only the current first two entrances. . Jinshidi’s wood carvings are very particular. The carvings of the grid doors in the main hall have primitive and vast characteristics. The bottom layer is filled with swastikas and the upper layer is carved with poems or wealth and peace. The carvings are extraordinary and breathtaking. During the Jinshidi restoration project, the "Guide to the current situation before restoration", "Roof guide", "Roof guide", "Masonry weathering restoration guide" and "Historic site restoration seminar and guided activity" have been processed Waiting for 5 times to repair the site guided activities, a total of about 160 people participated. Through the planning and design and construction of the cleaning and restoration process of the construction company, and through the interactive examination and discussion from academic standpoints, it is hoped that the public will have a preliminary understanding of the overall space restoration of the National Historic Site Jinshidi. For the municipal historic sites "Jilidi" and "Chunguandi" next to Jinshidi, the planning and design of the restoration of Gilidi has been initiated. In addition, we will continue to actively communicate and coordinate with the owners and current residents of Chunguandi, and let the city government as soon as possible. Entering in for planning, design and restoration works, so that the entire heritage preservation area can reproduce the original elegance. Located in Beimen Street, Hsinchu City, the National Historic Site Jinshidi, the residence of Zheng Yongxi, the "Taiwan Jinshi", has been designated as a historical site for nearly 40 years. After continuous communication with the owner, the restoration was finally facilitated. The Hsinchu City Government invested 53.88 million yuan in the first phase of the project. , After nearly 3 years, the progress reached 99%. The Mayor of Hsinchu, Lin Zhijian, went to inspect and carefully examined the details, including the stone carvings on the threshold, the herringbone wall, the red brick wall with the swastika, and the Qing dynasty painting method of the main hall gate. He pointed out that the city government will invest 16 million yuan in the second phase of the project, which is expected to be completed in June 111, when the century-old monument will be opened for guided tours. (Repaired by Yang Renjiang Architect) Jinshidi was an important private monument that preserved the architectural features of the Daoguang Period. It was designated as a national monument in 1949. He especially thanked the Zheng family for agreeing to the city government to carry out the restoration project. The first phase of the project will be completed. In the restoration process, bricks inside the building were found. The walls carved with "swastika" gradually restore the original appearance of the Jinshi, such as the brick wall with "swastika" and the stone "counter foot". The second phase of the project repairs the floor, wall and left raised rule. The city government continues to work hand in hand with the Zheng family to open up the public to make an appointment for guided tours of the Jinshidi after the restoration has been completed, so that more people can experience the splendor of the century-old architecture and understand the history of Hsinchu. The first stage of the Jinshi restoration project, from the moment you step into the entrance of the front hall, you can see the delicate and exquisite mosaic brick wall and the window of the tiger, the exquisite stone carvings on the door sills, and the lifelike wood carvings between the beams and columns. Leo, the entire building, whether wood carving, stone carving, brick carving, clay sculpture, etc., exhibits super-high architectural craft value, and fully demonstrates the position and ability of the Zheng family in Hsinchu at that time. There is also the Jinshidi color painting on the main hall gate. Because it has not been restored by the predecessors, it still retains the original color painting traces of the Qing Dynasty. Part of the damage can also be seen in the Qing Dynasty's construction method of draping with linen and catching dust, which is of great preservation value. At present, appropriate protection measures have been taken for the painted components, and a subsidy of 1 million yuan has been obtained from the Bureau of Cultural Resources. The "Jinshidi Color Painting Restoration Project" will be carried out. After a complete investigation and research, the "Jinshidi Color Painting Project" will be carried out. Reply The painted style of the year. In 1823, Zheng Yongxi was the first Jinshi to go to Beijing for the entrance examination with his native Taiwanese nationality, so he was called "kaitai jinshi", also known as "kaitai huangjia". He has extensive knowledge of scriptures and history and is enthusiastic about public welfare. He has compiled the "Drafts of Tamsui Hall", advocated the construction of a Confucian Temple (now a Confucian Temple), and contributed money to build a city (bamboo trench city), and spared no effort to maintain local tranquility and order. , Quan, and Cantonese classmates have written "The Theory of Persuading Reconciliation" to persuade disputes and organize group training to defend their homeland. He has made great contributions to Hsinchu. The "Jinshidi" is a house built by Zheng Yongxi in CE 1838. It has a history of 183 years. It has a three-open and three-entry compound. The third one was burnt down during the Second World War, leaving only the current first two. . Jinshidi’s wood carvings are very particular. The carvings of the grid doors in the main hall have primitive and vast characteristics. The bottom layer is filled with swastikas and the upper layer is carved with poems or wealth and peace. The carvings are extraordinary and breathtaking. During the Jinshidi restoration project, the "Guide to the current situation before restoration", "Roof guide", "Roof guide", "Masonry weathering restoration guide" and "Historic site restoration seminar and guided activity" have been processed Waiting for 5 times to repair the site guided activities, a total of about 160 people participated. Through the planning and design and construction of the cleaning and restoration process of the construction company, and through the interactive examination and discussion from academic standpoints, it is hoped that the public will have a preliminary understanding of the overall space restoration of the National Historic Site Jinshidi.
張若瑜 on Google

The first phase of the renovation project is in progress, looking forward to the opening in mid-2021
Grace on Google

整休中,要到明年7月才好 古建築一角看起來不錯,期待
During the rest, it won’t be until July next year A corner of the ancient building looks good, look forward to
簡學漢 on Google

The Jinshidi was built in the eighteenth year of Daoguang (1838). It was the first house built by Zheng Yongxi on Shuitian Street outside the north gate of Zhumo after the Zheng family established the Zheng Family Temple in Kinmen in the tenth year of Daoguang (1830). .
John Hsieh on Google

Zheng Yongxi of the North Gate of Hsinchu City was the first Jinshi of the opening ceremony. In the 18th year of Daoguang (1838), he built the Hsinchu Jinshidi, and the 109th Jinshi of Zheng Yongxi Temple was the first person to be a scholar in the Taiwanese quota. "Opening a yellow armor", and his resignation returned to his hometown, that is, "Jinshi Di". Jinshidi and its surrounding buildings have been built for nearly two hundred years, and they have an important position in the development of Hsinchu and Taiwan. It is a valuable cultural asset from the perspective of history or architecture.
Kenny Shen on Google

The long-term inactivity in the past has collapsed, but fortunately, it is currently being renovated, looking forward to returning to the style of the past, and letting the public pay attention to the protection and inheritance of historical sites.
志凡 on Google

1.從中正路銜接,可見第一棟為鄭氏家廟,接續為吉利第(破損嚴重,僅存棟架)、春官第、進士第,可惜同屬鄭氏的徵士第數年前為拓寬道路拆除,但三者均未開放參觀,不過從進士第入口凹壽處觀看石雕,雖經風化,仍覺得有歷史感,也許是昔日名門,潛歸尋常人家的感覺吧(鄭用錫一家在戴潮春之亂時也有資助參與平亂) 2.自高中歷史課本提到開臺進士鄭用錫,在彰化慶安宮有他題的匾額、金門館有他寫的碑文,一直以來都很想目睹進士第的風采,但似乎有種王謝堂前燕的沒落。 3.也許現在的住戶不希望別人打擾,所以未歡迎外人參觀,也許是宵小的行為,讓他們放棄開放的念頭,但心中還是引頸期盼著,希望此處將來能夠發揚成為「北門街進士第文化區」
1. From Zhongzheng Road, the first building is Zheng Family Temple, followed by Geely (severely damaged, only truss), Chunguan and Jinshidi, unfortunately, Zheng Zheng ’s conscripts were expanded a few years ago. The road was demolished, but none of them was open to visit. However, watching the stone carving from the entrance to Jinshou entrance, although weathered, it still feels historical. (There was also funding for peace in the Spring Rebellion) 2. Since the high school history textbook mentioned the opening of Jinshi Zheng, a plaque with his title in the Qing'an Palace in Changhua, and the inscription written by him in the Golden Gate Museum, I have always wanted to witness Jinshidi's style, but it seems that there is a kind of king Xietang Qianyan The decline. 3. Maybe the current tenants do not want others to disturb, so they are not welcome to visit outsiders, maybe it ’s a small behavior to let them give up the idea of ​​opening up, but they still look forward to it and hope that it will be carried forward in the future to become "North Gate Street Jinshidi" Cultural district
allen wang (載湉) on Google

鄭用錫,出生於乾隆53年(1788年),道光3年(1823年)時,赴京考中進士。道光17年(1837年), 鄭用錫在竹塹城北建造了一棟三開五進的大院落,並在門額掛上「進士第」的尊榮匾額,就是我眼前這棟 破舊的宅第了。門額上依舊高懸著「進士第」的匾額。
Zheng Yongxi, born in Qianlong 53 (1788) and Daoguang 3 years (1823), went to Beijing to take the junior high school entrance examination. In the 17th year of Daoguang (1837), Zheng Yongxi built a courtyard with three entrances and five entrances in the north of Zhucheng, and hung the honorary plaque of "Jin Shi Di" on the door. This is the dilapidated house in front of me. . The forehead of the "Jin Shi Di" is still hanging above the door.

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