瑞恒行館 Reui-Heng Guesthouse

4.6/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 瑞恒行館 Reui-Heng Guesthouse

地址 :

625, Taiwan, Chiayi County, Budai Township, 後寮路72巷35號瑞恒行館 Reui-Heng Guesthouse

電話 : 📞 +889988
網站 : https://guest-house-online.com/
城市 : Budai Township

625, Taiwan, Chiayi County, Budai Township, 後寮路72巷35號瑞恒行館 Reui-Heng Guesthouse
林嘉祥 on Google

非常貼心的民宿,值得為他推薦 免費飲料水果已是大家都稱讚的,民宿的貼心在於提供化妝水或是隔離霜等小物,當朋友來住時,甚至提供3M的耳塞,對旅者而言是非常貼心的服務 床的軟硬適中,不死硬,也不會軟到沒有支撐,水壓大,洗澡舒服 CP值高到爆表
Very intimate homestay, worth recommending for him The free drinks and fruits are already praised by everyone. The homestay's thought is to provide small things such as lotion or isolation cream. When friends come to stay, they even provide 3M earplugs, which is a very considerate service for travelers. The bed is moderately hard, not deadly hard, and not soft enough to be unsupported. The water pressure is high and the bath is comfortable. The value of CP is so high
張瑪姬 on Google

一樓公共空間有個冰箱,內有運動飲料和瓶裝水免費供應,桌上有提供茶包、零食、泡麵(!)可止飢,還有些保養品試用罐可取。 房間和浴室都很大且乾淨舒適,床和枕頭不會太軟,睡起來很舒服,房間高度偏高,不會有壓迫感(可能高度關係,感覺房間會有一咪咪暗,小小建議,或許可以考慮加強照明?);電視還有NETFLIX可看~ 民宿主人客氣又貼心,當天臨時透過Line訂房,回覆迅速,且還很細心的自製了歡迎手冊(內有附近店家資訊),晚上回來冰箱內還有主人自己的有機芭樂水果切盤可以吃,隔天退房前居然還特地準備了水果讓我帶走,真的是太感人了。 【大力推薦】民宿主人的用心,對待房客就像朋友一樣親切溫暖,有機會快安排個布袋小旅行吧~^^
There is a refrigerator in the public space on the first floor. There is a free supply of sports drinks and bottled water. There are tea bags, snacks, instant noodles (!) on the table to relieve hunger, and some skin care products can be tried. The room and bathroom are large, clean and comfortable, the bed and pillows are not too soft, it is comfortable to sleep, the height of the room is high, and there will be no oppressive feeling (may be related to the height, I feel that the room will be dark, a little suggestion, Maybe you can consider enhancing the lighting?); TV and NETFLIX can be watched~ The owner of the homestay was polite and considerate. He made a reservation through Line on the same day. The reply was quick and he made a welcome booklet very carefully (with information on nearby stores). When I came back to the refrigerator at night, I also had the owner’s own organic guava fruit cutting plate to eat. Before I checked out, I even prepared some fruits for me to take away. It was really touching. [Highly recommended] The homestay owner’s intentions, treat the guests as kind and warm as friends, if you have the opportunity to quickly arrange a small trip~^^
Taiwan Cherry on Google

沒有豪華的裝潢(因為你選擇的價錢),有著很old school 的地板,一對很貼心的兄妹。 1/上樓前,要先換室內拖,才不會把髒污帶進房間。然後業者說【所有的拖鞋都有酒精消毒過】。 2/帶小孩的,帶一大堆行李的,這裡沒有電梯。 3/浴室雖然沒有窗戶,但是地板及牆壁的磁磚都沒有汙黃的髒垢,值得嘉獎。 4/把住宿周邊地區該有的資訊整理成冊,有用心。 5/佛心來著的【飲料隨你喝】跟點心區。(希望大家要做個有禮貌的住客,不要雙手一撈,全進去包包裡) 6/民宿周邊走走,吃的喝的都有,業者也有提供腳踏車喔! 【隔音】,沒辦法改善了,因為業者真的無法要求住在你房間隔壁或樓上樓下的房客【要有禮貌】。老房子的民宿,走到哪裡都會有的情況,有些飯店也會的。
There is no luxurious decoration (because of the price you choose), there is a very old school floor, a pair of very caring brothers and sisters. 1/Before going upstairs, you must change the indoor mop first, so as not to bring dirt into the room. Then the industry said [All slippers have been disinfected with alcohol]. 2/ For those with children, with a lot of luggage, there is no elevator here. 3/ Although there are no windows in the bathroom, the tiles on the floor and walls are not stained with yellow dirt, which is worthy of commendation. 4/ Organize the necessary information in the surrounding area of ​​the accommodation into a book with ulterior motives. 5/"Drink as you please" and snack area from Buddha's heart. (I hope everyone will be a polite guest, don't fish with both hands, all in the bag) 6/Walking around the hotel, you can eat and drink, and the industry also provides bicycles! [Sound insulation], there is no way to improve it, because the industry really can’t ask the tenants who live next to your room or upstairs and downstairs to [be polite]. B&Bs in old houses will have situations wherever you go, and some restaurants will.
hsu chang hou on Google

老闆與老闆娘用心經營,體貼客人 硬體設施很好,環境整潔,住的很舒服!!!
The boss and the proprietress manage with heart and considerate customers The hardware facilities are very good, the environment is clean, and the stay is very comfortable!!!
風狐狸 on Google

二訪瑞恆還是覺得有家的感覺 ? 離魚市很近 高跟鞋教堂也在附近 一樓有免費的飲料跟水提供 還有水果 餅乾 甚至還有泡麵 這種佛心民宿要去哪找呀 ? 還有洗衣機跟曬衣架供使用 附近還有超商跟中油對面還有飲料店 住宿費用也不貴 非常推薦大家來入住
In the second visit to Ruiheng, I still feel at home ? Very close to the fish market, the high heels church is also nearby Free drinks and water are provided on the first floor There are also fruits, biscuits, and even instant noodles. Where can I find this Buddha Heart B&B? There are also washing machines and drying racks for use There are also supermarkets and beverage shops across from Zhongyou The cost of accommodation is not expensive, I recommend everyone to stay
陳泉維 on Google

CP值超高民宿!價格便宜且房間大又住的舒適 一樓客廳還會提供免費飲料和小點心❤️ 下次來布袋住一定再找這間!!!
High CP value homestay! Inexpensive and comfortable room There will also be free drinks and snacks in the living room on the first floor ❤️ Next time you come to Budai, you must look for this room again! ! !
小飛魚的鳥事 on Google

The proprietress was very enthusiastic and explained the facilities in the room carefully, as well as providing free water, drinks and biscuits, so that I feel like I am home when I come to watch the birds in cloth bags. I think the room is very spacious and clean, and the bathroom It's huge, because I ordered the wrong day and the boss let me change it, thank you very much!
孟學子睿 on Google

老闆很客氣,環境舒適,當天因沒有其他旅客住宿,所以享有寧靜的睡眠? 如果旅客是長頭髮,因吹風機風力較小,要吹久一點? 對面就有飲料街,也有全家,很方便?
The boss is very polite and the environment is comfortable. Since there are no other tourists staying on the day, I enjoy a peaceful sleep ? If the traveler has long hair, it needs to be blown a little longer due to the small force of the hair dryer? Opposite there is Beverage Street, and there is also the whole family, which is very convenient ?

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