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地址 :

106, Taiwan, Taipei City, Da’an District, Lane 23, Rui'an St, 8之1號瞻恒物理治療 REVIVAL PHYSICAL THERAPY AND TRAINING CENTRE1樓

電話 : 📞 +88777
網站 : http://revivaltpe.com/
城市 : Rui'an St

106, Taiwan, Taipei City, Da’an District, Lane 23, Rui'an St, 8之1號瞻恒物理治療 REVIVAL PHYSICAL THERAPY AND TRAINING CENTRE1樓
Yuki Wang on Google

-狀況:重訊新手訓練大約2年半左右,練PR時因自己一時沒注意好出力導致腰受傷; -解決:問診一段時間就能精確的找到哪條肌肉的問題,並且給予病患適度的自我伸展與微量訓練,就診完畢時也會主動詢問病患是否能聯繫到教練並給予建議,以達到受傷時仍能維持訓練的目的。 -非常推薦這裡的診療與服務喔。@@b
-Condition: Renewal novice training for about 2 and a half years. When practicing PR, he injured his waist because he didn't pay attention to his efforts for a while; -Solution: After a period of consultation, you can accurately find which muscle problem, and give the patient moderate self-stretching and micro-training. After the consultation, you will also actively ask the patient if he can contact the coach and give advice to achieve injury. The purpose of training can still be maintained. -I highly recommend the clinics and services here. @@b
張益晟 on Google

I graduated from Zhanheng Physiotherapy today, full of joy and a little sentimental haha. It has been nearly a year since I started rehabilitation with James. From the very beginning, I didn’t dare to try any movements because I was afraid of pain. Today, after the test on my right knee, 95% of my right knee has recovered and I can graduate. I really thank James for his continuous encouragement. Take me step by step to find my health through exercise, understand my body, and have confidence in myself. During this period of hard work and not giving up, I have seen a change in my body and also let me know that I am very lucky to meet an awesome physio! I highly recommend James physiotherapist, who will bring you back to your own health and life through exercise?
李芳怡 on Google

之前因運動膝蓋不適,在按摩推拿和一般復健診所都只得到短暫的舒緩,並沒有真正解決緊繃酸痛等症狀。 在瞻恒物理治療所的Mike治療師的詳細問診及用心評估後,針對膝關節疼痛不適部位做調整和放鬆(足弓/膝關節/呼吸方式等..) 除了關節、筋膜徒手調整後給予姿勢訓練及回家作業。 Mike治療師也時時提醒運動要持續,以平時的日常運動為主軸,或者想嘗試不同的運動項目也可以。反而近期持續性的治療效果上,運動表現更能得心應手,不再懷疑人生。 感謝瞻恒物理治療所和Mike治療師,感激不盡~
Previously, due to knee discomfort due to exercise, I only received short relief in massage and massage and general rehabilitation clinics, and did not really solve the symptoms such as tightness and soreness. After detailed consultation and careful evaluation by Mike therapist of Zhanheng Physiotherapy Center, adjust and relax the pain and discomfort of the knee joint (foot arch/knee joint/breathing method, etc.) In addition to freehand adjustment of joints and fascia, postural training and homework are given. Mike's therapist also reminds the exercise to continue, focusing on the usual daily exercise, or if you want to try different sports. On the contrary, in the recent continuous treatment effect, the sports performance is more handy, and there is no doubt about life. Thanks to Zhanheng Physiotherapy and Mike Therapist, thank you very much~
Chiaos Chen on Google

非常推薦Revival 這個優質的環境及優秀的治療師們,特別感謝James專業的治療及訓練,在10週的訓練後明顯感覺到受傷膝蓋運動表現的進步。 個人情況&心得分享: 自己有固定重訓跟打籃球的習慣,在2021/01 因為打籃球右膝蓋前十字韌帶斷裂&外側半月板撕裂,在2021/04進行前十字韌帶重建、外側半月板縫合手術,手術後遇到三級警戒,並且在當時沒有術後物理治療的觀念,所以只有自己在家依照醫生建議用彈力繩做些居家肌力訓練,2021/08健身房解禁開了以後有去健身房做重量訓練復健,2021/10術後半年在醫生評估下說復原的不錯就回去打籃球了,2021/11打了三週在一次無碰撞上籃落地時覺得右膝蓋扭了一下,休息了一個月後膝蓋是都可以正常活動、重訓,但時不時會有一種膝蓋錯位感,因此又去醫院照核磁共振2022/01診斷確定是右膝內側半月板撕裂。 醫生建議若要修復就是再開刀縫合,若覺得情況不影響生活也可以不開刀就是透過肌力訓練去保護膝蓋,自己覺得才開不到一年所以不想再開刀,透過朋友介紹來找James做物理治療。 10週的時間,大概第3週開始就有明顯感受到膝蓋的穩定性增加,受傷的錯位感已經消失了(自己覺得蠻神奇的),後續的訓練就是讓身體去記得各種動作模式下的正確方式。10週結束,我也又回去打籃球了,說真的在場上跑動的感覺跟沒受傷一樣!但在打了幾場後應該是腿開始沒力了膝蓋的不適感才會再出現。 自己的心得重點是: 1. 如果有手術或是受傷一定要找專業物理治療師做完整復健(很後悔我一開始不知道) 2. 不管有沒有受傷,肌力訓練很重要很重要很重要 3. 受傷就是受傷了,不管是手術或是物治,心態上要調整接受自己無法回到跟原本一模一樣的狀態,但改變打法運動表現不見得會比之前差。
I highly recommend Revival as a high-quality environment and excellent therapists. Special thanks to James for his professional treatment and training. After 10 weeks of training, I can clearly feel the improvement in the performance of the injured knee. Personal situation & experience sharing: I have the habit of fixed heavy training and playing basketball. In 2021/01, due to the rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament of the right knee and the tear of the lateral meniscus in the right knee, in 2021/04, the reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament and the suture of the lateral meniscus will be performed. I was on alert level 3, and there was no concept of postoperative physical therapy at that time, so I had to do some home muscle strength training with elastic ropes at home according to the doctor's recommendation. After the gym is lifted in 2021/08, I will go to the gym for weight training and rehabilitation. In 2021/10, half a year after the operation, after the doctor's evaluation, I went back to play basketball. After three weeks of playing in 2021/11, I felt my right knee twisted when I landed on a non-collision layup. I can do normal activities and retraining, but there is a sense of knee dislocation from time to time, so I went to the hospital for an MRI 2022/01 diagnosis and confirmed that it was a tear of the medial meniscus of the right knee. The doctor suggested that if the repair is to be done, then surgery should be performed again. If the situation does not affect life, the surgery can be avoided and the knee should be protected through muscle strength training. I feel that the surgery has only been performed for less than a year, so I don’t want to undergo surgery again. treat. In 10 weeks, from about the third week, the stability of the knee has obviously increased, and the sense of dislocation of the injury has disappeared (I think it is quite amazing). The follow-up training is to let the body remember the correctness of various movement modes. Way. At the end of 10 weeks, I also went back to playing basketball, and really running on the court felt like I was not injured! But after playing a few games, it should be that the legs start to lose strength and the discomfort in the knees will reappear. The main point of my opinion is: 1. If there is an operation or injury, you must seek a professional physical therapist for complete rehabilitation (I regret that I didn’t know it at first) 2. Whether there is an injury or not, strength training is very important, very important, very important 3. An injury is an injury. Whether it is surgery or physical therapy, you need to adjust your mentality to accept that you cannot return to the same state as before, but changing your style of play may not necessarily make your performance worse than before.
Ngo Yeung Jonathan MOK on Google

Came here because of knee pain, therapists are experienced and kind. Big thanks to James and his team.
Jack Smith on Google

I had a great experience with Ray. He was able to diagnose and treat a few nagging injuries I had and get me back to lifting.
Marie Contentin on Google

I started a physical therapy with Ray for my back and neck pain that have been going on for several months/years already. I knew it would have to be a pretty long process since my body needed deep care and rehabilitation; but I've been so suprised that, in less than two months, that only represents 6 sessions, my neck and back pain/problems are gone! After 2 - 3 sessions, I was already feeling so much better, but my body needed some more training and care to be able to fully recover. Such a relief to be able to live my life without constant pain. Ray is amazing. He is very kind, gentle, can speak Chinese and perfect English, gives great explanations, as well as useful tips and exercises to do at home. I am so grateful, THANK YOU! I highly recommend and won't hesitate to come back if I feel any disconfort again :)
Carlos Alberto Vergne on Google

These people keep it real 100% best clinic in Taipei.

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