享樂主義RIMOWA行李箱出租YOYO推車出租WIFI出租 高雄行李箱出租 - Section 1

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享樂主義RIMOWA行李箱出租WIFI出租YOYO推車出國租借首選 - Gotravelrental.com

享樂主義RIMOWA行李箱出租WIFI出租自拍神器出租YOYO推車出國租借首選租租yoyo推車租wifi行動上網租相機! 高雄行李箱出租 高雄市鳳山區光復路一段50號2樓找享樂最放心

享樂主義RIMOWA行李箱出租WIFI出租YOYO推車出國租借首選 - Gotravelrental.com

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Contact 享樂主義RIMOWA行李箱出租YOYO推車出租WIFI出租 高雄行李箱出租

地址 :

830, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Fengshan District, Section 1, Guangfu Rd, 50號享樂主義RIMOWA行李箱出租YOYO推車出租WIFI出租 高雄行李箱出租 2

電話 : 📞 +8877989
網站 : https://www.gotravelrental.com/
城市 : Guangfu Rd

830, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Fengshan District, Section 1, Guangfu Rd, 50號享樂主義RIMOWA行李箱出租YOYO推車出租WIFI出租 高雄行李箱出租 2
賴穎馨 on Google

Excellent service attitude, fast response time ~ suitcases and trolleys are very new ~ highly recommended ~ ~
Steven Liao on Google

The price is fair, the suitcase is very new, and the customer service is very convenient to respond immediately. It is really assured to go abroad to find enjoyment !!
Dylan Jeffryes on Google

Good service! It is convenient and fast to rent, and it is the first choice for traveling abroad. In the future, there is no need to pile up a suitcase that will be used once in a long time.
廖小瑜 on Google

A good helper when traveling abroad! Luggage, cloud wifi is fast, Yoyo carts are readily available, and 24-hour customer service is very convenient to respond immediately! The most assured to go abroad to find enjoyment, good service and caring!
Jeff Williams on Google

帶兒子到門市試乘推車非常滿意! 推車很新很好推,也有翻譯機承租 我們整趟出國旅程因為有推車跟翻譯機而特別便利 門市服務態度極佳,客服回覆速度快
I am very satisfied with taking my son to the store to try the cart! The cart is very new and very good, and there is also a translation machine for rent. Our trip abroad is especially convenient because of the cart and the translator. The service attitude of the store is excellent, and the customer service response is fast.
Nikita J on Google

行李箱超新又乾淨,yoyo推車好推而且wifi速度快讓全家人在這趟日本行用得很開心,特別推薦客服人員~不管再晚都即時回覆問題真的很貼心! 下一次出國會再找享樂主義~服務態度好又貼心
The suitcase is super new and clean, the yoyo trolley is easy to push, and the wifi speed is fast, which makes the whole family very happy in this trip to Japan. It is especially recommended to the customer service staff. It is really caring to respond to the question no matter how late! Find hedonism again ~ Good and caring attitude
林碧盈 on Google

非常不愉快的一次出租經驗, 取箱子跟歸還的時候都不是正式的員工確認箱子的完整性,(商家說法是因為我是假日取貨,員工放假,員工放假也沒做好交接,當天還擔心借不到行李箱) 還完箱子隔天才打來說箱子有零件損壞, 需要賠償零件500+來回運費300,總共800元。 我租借行李箱那麼多次以來,從來沒有一次被說箱子刮傷、損壞,需要賠償的。 她們都說箱子上的航班貼紙不要撕除,箱子若有損毀,店家會自己跟航空公司談理賠,這次聽朋友介紹,換了一家出租行李箱店,卻是如此的令人不悅,往後還是會選擇F開頭的專業行李箱出租店比較有保障。 如果需要租借該家旅行箱,建議一:最好平常日取貨,才有員工在,不然一進門就會沒頭沒尾的不知道你是去幹嘛的。 建議二:行李箱務必全程套上該店家提供的超厚實透明保護套,才不會歸還的時候怪你自己沒有用保護套,行李箱才會刮傷之類的。 建議三:除了旅平險要買之外,最好三不五時的檢查你租來的旅行箱,請避免它有零件遺失及損傷。
Very unpleasant rental experience, When the box is returned and returned, it is not the formal employee's confirmation of the integrity of the box. (The merchant said that because I was picking up the holiday, the employee was on holiday, the employee was not on the holiday, and I was worried that I could not borrow the suitcase.) After the box was finished, the box was damaged every other day. Need to compensate for parts 500 + return shipping costs 300, a total of 800 yuan. Since I rented my suitcase for so many times, I have never been said that the box was scratched, damaged, and needs compensation. They all said that the flight stickers on the box should not be torn off. If the box is damaged, the store will talk to the airlines about the claim. This time, listening to a friend and changing a rental luggage store, it is so unpleasant, Still choose the professional luggage rental store at the beginning of F is more secure. If you need to rent the suitcase, it is recommended that it is best to pick up the goods on a regular basis, and then there are employees, otherwise you will not know what you are doing when you enter the door. Recommendation 2: The suitcase must be covered with the ultra-thick transparent protective cover provided by the store. Only when you return it will you blame yourself for not using the protective cover and the suitcase will be scratched. Proposal 3: In addition to the travel insurance, it is best to check the suitcase you rented at three o'clock, please avoid missing parts and damage.
林小兔 on Google

第一次租行李箱 離家很近隨便找的 想說租借和歸還方便 店家還可以租借wifi機 有需要可以順便 我後來是去台哥大買sim卡 較自由 行李箱狀況很新 裡面很乾淨 店家會附透明保護套 全程保護很安心 我是租長形的 店家說是運動版 老公租大號的(應該就是一般的) 我是比較喜歡運動版的 外型好看 內襯隔板收納也比老公的好用
I rented my suitcase for the first time. I was very close to my home. I want to say that it is convenient to rent and return. The store can also rent a wifi machine. I went to Taiwan to buy a sim card. The suitcase is in a very new condition. It is very clean inside. The store will be equipped with a transparent protective cover. The whole process is very safe. I am renting a long-shaped store, saying that it is a sports version. Husband renting a large one (should be average) I prefer the sports version. Lining partition storage is also better than her husband's

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