Round Leaves Rice Box

3.2/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Round Leaves Rice Box

地址 :

No. 99號, Sanmin Rd, Changhua City, Changhua County, Taiwan 500

電話 : 📞 +88779
城市 : Changhua County

No. 99號, Sanmin Rd, Changhua City, Changhua County, Taiwan 500
D先生 on Google

這個月買3次,同樣時間,同樣不耐煩大姐,只有我一個人買也是擺臭臉?外帶也不會主動拿湯碗給消費者?⋯⋯唉~給3次機會了?ByeBye??? 只要老闆娘在櫃檯的一天~是不可能進去消費的?
I bought it 3 times this month. At the same time, I was also impatient. I was the only one who bought it and put on a stinky face. I would not take the initiative to give the soup bowl to consumers. As long as the proprietress is at the counter for a day~ it is impossible to go in and consume?
on Google

現在菜的味道太鹹,不好吃。 剛開始好吃,4菜,豬排像紙一樣薄,店員很愛問人私事。
The taste of the current dishes is too salty and not tasty. It was delicious at the beginning, 4 dishes, pork chops were as thin as paper, and the clerk liked to ask personal matters.
on Google

雞排肉薄的像什麼似的 雞腿都麵粉,配菜中高麗菜有種臭酸的味道 重點一個還要90,建議還是吃別家吧
What does the chicken steak look like? The chicken legs are all flour, and the cabbage in the side dish has a stinky sour taste The key point is 90, it is recommended to eat elsewhere
王素貞 on Google

I ordered the signature leg steak and chicken rice. When the clerk took the frozen meat from the refrigerator and heated it in the microwave, I lost my appetite ?. It's not fresh ingredients at all. Such a bento shop.....
一瓶路過的醬油 on Google

The side dishes are not good except for tofu, especially the gluten with a strange spice, which makes me uncomfortable, and the whole shredded radish egg is a bit disgusting. The fish steak of the main course is even more horrible. The whole inside is soft and rotten. It is much more unpalatable than the fish steaks of ordinary bento shops, and it is too oily...Although I will not come again in the future, I still hope that the restaurant will not be here. I bought this frozen fish steak, it's really not OK.
D Non on Google

好吃 價格實惠。吃到飽
Delicious and affordable. all you can eat
Jeffery on Google

不知道多久沒吃到這種讓人絕望的便當 每一口都是最大的酷刑 絕望程度就像被綁在受刑台上,而你被判處凌遲 當你以為這一口已經是十八層地獄不能再糟 下一口就是第十九層 而二十層正排在後頭 菜跟肉都死鹹到爆 醃蘿蔔更是外表看不出的又嗆又辣,我吃到一半被辣到咳嗽不止 服務的部分店員有夠臭臉 衛生又糟 這種店家真的拜託趕快收起來
I don't know how long I haven't eaten such a desperate bento Every bite is the greatest torture The level of despair is like being tied to a torture platform and you are sentenced to Ling Chi When you think this mouthful is already eighteen layers of hell, it can't get any worse The next bite is the nineteenth floor And the 20th floor is in the back Vegetables and meat are dead salty The pickled radish is choking and spicy, which is invisible from the outside. I was so spicy that I coughed more than half of the time. Some of the clerks serving are stinky enough Hygiene is bad This kind of store really please put it away as soon as possible
Hans Alexi on Google

Cheap, nice shopkeeper! But sometimes the food is already cold.

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