Saly彩妝造型學院 -Saly霧眉美容室(新竹新秘,新竹霧眉,新秘教學)

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Contact Saly彩妝造型學院 /Saly霧眉美容室(新竹新秘,新竹霧眉,新秘教學)

地址 :

300, Taiwan, Hsinchu City, East District, Lane 108, Minquan Rd, 6號Saly彩妝造型學院 /Saly霧眉美容室(新竹新秘,新竹霧眉,新秘教學)1樓

電話 : 📞 +88979
網站 :
城市 : Minquan Rd

300, Taiwan, Hsinchu City, East District, Lane 108, Minquan Rd, 6號Saly彩妝造型學院 /Saly霧眉美容室(新竹新秘,新竹霧眉,新秘教學)1樓
Gloria Kou on Google

老師很細心,妝髮都非常精緻! 另外因為我本身有大小眼的問題,老師藉由假睫毛的貼法調整了我的眼皮,而且過了完全不脫妝,真的非常推薦?
The teacher is very attentive, and the makeup and hair are very delicate! In addition, because I have a problem with big and small eyes, the teacher adjusted my eyelids by applying false eyelashes, and it did not take off my makeup at all. I really recommend it?
Amber Huang on Google

I have always liked the design of make-up. Every time I see the teacher's work, my heart is moved. After three years of hesitation, I finally made up my mind to learn from the teacher. It is also a happy journey without regret! During the learning process, the teacher provides all-round teaching from the point to the surface. In the process, he does not hide the points and teaches hands-on. The course covers concepts and skills. The teacher also carefully observes our operation process and immediately gives suggestions and corrections. Yiliangduo highly recommends it to friends who are interested in makeup and styling!
Paggy Tsai on Google

第一次學彩妝肯定要找Saly! 老師很細心講解每個步驟, 也糾正了許多上妝步驟與細節 也真的會很用心的幫忙找到適合我的膚色的色調,還有我想要的妝感 收穫很多 是堂真的會真的想自己上妝的入門課程^_^
For the first time learning makeup, you must find Saly! The teacher explained each step carefully. Also corrected many makeup steps and details It will also really help me find the shade that suits my skin tone and the look I want. gained a lot It's an introductory course where you really want to do your own makeup ^_^
惡童 on Google

Since I started thinking about foggy eyebrows, I have already found several companies and compared the works of many businesses. After all, it is eyebrows, so I will inevitably be afraid of not doing well. Due to fate, a friend recommends Teacher Saly. In addition to being a well-known makeup artist, she is also a tattoo artist. Embroidery teacher, so I went to Teacher Saly and communicated with her about eyebrow shape. She explained it to me patiently and carefully. She gave me a lot of suggestions according to the difference of each person's eye shape, and also spent a lot of thought to understand my needs. , After I finished it, my friends said it was supernatural and super beautiful. I really like the eyebrow shape that Mr. Saly helped me to use. I highly recommend it~ If you want to become beautiful, you will not be disappointed if you look for Mr. Saly ???
eVonne Chang on Google

一直遲遲沒有跟大家分享的原因是霧眉分了兩階段,第一次霧眉的薄膜脫落後顏色會變淺一點,我等了兩個月後皮膚完全修復,再進行第二次的補色,這是我第一次霧眉,我想等到眉毛的顏色穩定後,真的滿意了再跟大家分享囉! 因為自己會化妝,所以一直以來都自己化妝,但是當媽以後就⋯⋯⋯⋯臉有洗乾淨就好??可是有沒有眉毛真的很重要!很多人都說,眉毛是會影響一個人的運勢喔! 我覺得現在有了這些半永久霧眉、角蛋白美睫...等,真的是一大福音耶! 但其實原本我是蠻排斥的...因為身邊看了很多朋友做不好的及做醜了的或是沒多久就掉色的狀況很多..所以我也考慮很久.. 直到我看到saly竟然說要開始為大家霧眉,說想要為了我們這些想要漂亮,但是自己不會畫眉毛、及懶得畫眉毛(我啦?)又或者是跟我一樣還在猶豫的人霧眉耶!我當然一定要報名啊!先不說其他的,光老師化妝的經歷就已經20多年...你覺得「會不會」畫眉毛就好...溝通也很重要!很多主觀的認定,都是需要傾聽每個人的想法及美感經驗分享來達到最美的呈現! 還有我覺得老師做的眉與其他不同的地方在於....我的眉型不是制式的框線硬硬的感覺!是柔和的!是有漸層的這是我喜歡❤️的地方! 現在不但沒化妝!不擦粉!也不用擔心沒有精神啦~
The reason why I haven't shared it with you all this time is that the eyebrows are divided into two stages. The first time the film of the eyebrows falls off, the color will become lighter. I waited for two months after the skin was completely repaired, and then the second color was added. , This is the first time I have foggy eyebrows. I want to wait until the color of the eyebrows is stable and I am really satisfied to share it with you! Because I can make up myself, I have always done my own makeup, but after becoming a's good to wash your face well?? But having eyebrows or not is really important! Many people say that eyebrows will affect a person's fortune! I think now that I have these semi-permanent mist brows, keratin eyelashes, etc., it is really a great boon! But in fact, I was quite repulsive at first...because I saw a lot of friends who did not do well and were ugly or faded after a long time. So I also thought about it for a long time.. Until I saw that saly actually said that she wanted to start fogging her eyebrows for everyone, saying that she wanted to be beautiful for us, but she couldn't draw her eyebrows, and was too lazy to draw her eyebrows (me ?), or was still hesitating like me People are foggy! Of course I have to sign up! Not to mention other things, the teacher's makeup experience has been more than 20 years... Do you think "can" draw eyebrows... Communication is also very important! Many subjective determinations require listening to everyone's ideas and sharing of aesthetic experience to achieve the most beautiful presentation! And I think the difference between the eyebrows made by the teacher and others is....My eyebrows are not the rigid feeling of the standard frame line! be soft! There is a gradient which is what I like ❤️! Not only without makeup now! No powdering! Don't worry about lack of energy
Misty Wang on Google

I found Ms. Saly to be the bridal secretary because of my engagement. The teacher's professional makeup aside, she was careful, focused, and pursued perfection, which allowed me to complete the engagement beautifully. Now, every time the teacher has to confirm again and again that the eyebrows on both sides are the same length, and the height and vision are no problem, then they will start to work, and it will last for a long time, super push ?
Ella Tai on Google

Fantastic stylist!
Alice Huang on Google

It’s very nice !

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