Sandiaojiao Trail

4.3/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Sandiaojiao Trail

地址 :

Gongliao District, New Taipei City,Taiwan

電話 : 📞 +8899
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城市 : New Taipei City

Gongliao District, New Taipei City,Taiwan
barry liu on Google

There is a trial run of 856 Taiwan Haohang Golden Fulong Line extended to Magang, which is the parking lot at the starting point of the trail. The trail is fairly easy to walk, the concrete steps are somewhat high, and there is a brief introduction of the Taiwan lighthouse on the ground, but some are not clear.
cc wang on Google

起點在北部濱海公路與馬崗街交會處,訖點在山上的三貂角燈塔。 入口旁有一個小廣場,場上有座涼亭和兩個公車站牌一一台灣好行856、綠19。下了公車,就直接走進步道, 所以公車班次雖不密集,交通也還算方便。 從入口往燈塔方向看,步道平直、梯面寬大、落差很小,而且是緩緩上升,所以非常好走。當然,一口氣往上走個十來分鐘,有人會喘氣、流汗、腿酸……,道中便適時出現一座木製六角涼亭,可以坐下歇歇,真感謝設計與施工人員的貼心。 穿過涼亭,依然是階梯寬平、緩緩上升,經過幾個小轉折,忽然從右上方欄杆露出部份白色球體,宛如含羞半遮面的美人,啊!太好了,因為那是燈塔到了的「預告」,果然,再上幾階,就到達目的地了。 這趟上坡,大約花了20分鐘,路途不算遠;回程時,既是下坡,又熟門熟路,行走速度自然比上山快得多,但是,由於沒有急著達成的目標,就有了東張西望的閒情 ,在路上掃來瞄去,忽然發現兩旁植物滿豐富多姿的,尤其是那成叢成簇的月桃,葉片狹長濃綠、花朵花苞纍纍成串,令人賞心悅目;站在階梯上,抬眼一望,哇!馬崗村白色、赭色、磚色、黑色、灰色、秋香色 …… 屋宇,在藍天碧海綠樹襯托之下,顯得份外幽靜美麗。 讓我在步道上流連最久的,是細看每隔幾階就嵌在右上角的「全台燈塔簡介」,可惜碑面灰、刻字淺、塵埃滿、落葉多,不易看清介紹的地點,在努力辨識之下,認出幾處燈塔名稱,其中,印象最深刻的是「釣魚台燈塔」,非常高興看到它。 下山花的時間,竟然比上山還長,但是慢走細看多穫,值得!
Vivian Chen on Google

Sandiaojiao Lighthouse Trail is an easy trail to reach and see the mountains and the sea. The coastline and mountains here are so beautiful!
高英哲 on Google

It’s so beautiful!
Rene R on Google

Nice walk, not much shade. Great views.
Tiffany Jiang on Google

Beautiful sea ... Belong to my memories of my father ... ?? ??? ... ❤️♥️?? I love you, Father.
I A on Google

so so tough cleaned steps
Adriana Ng on Google

I really enjoyed going on this hike with my friend. It super easy and convenient to get to. We took the train from Taipei main to Sandiaojiao station which should take you 50-60 minutes. We left around 8am on Saturday morning and it was already super busy so I recommend going on a weekday. As soon as you get there, you turn right and walk along this long, narrow path beside the train tracks. Once you see the small village which is you walk past the train tracks and up to the trail. Highly recommend this hike! Its fairly flat with elevation about 450m. There is some climbing and parts past the Waterfall which can be quite steep but if you are able, keep on climbing because we found a small little secluded pool.

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