Sanxiantai Recreation Area [Taiwan Tourist Shuttle]

4.6/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Sanxiantai Recreation Area [Taiwan Tourist Shuttle]

地址 :

Chenggong Township, Taitung County, Taiwan 961

城市 : Taitung County

Chenggong Township, Taitung County, Taiwan 961
Martin Peška on Google

Michael Hsu on Google

Very beautiful seaside, very beautiful scenery
呂凌逸 on Google

張家豪 on Google

It’s very close to the attraction and it’s convenient to take a ride, but it’s a bit thrilling that the bus only runs every hour
EJ CHEN on Google

Looking at the good location of the sunrise, the arch bridge is very special, it is recommended to go over the bridge to see
陳裕文zw on Google

三仙台風景區位於臺東縣成功鎮東北方的三仙台,全島面積約 22 公頃,最高點海拔約 77公尺。質屬巒山集塊岩,這裡原來只是一處岬角,但因海水侵蝕,逐漸蝕斷岬角頸部,而成了離岸島,島的四周珊瑚礁環繞,海底熱帶魚群聚,適合潛水不適合游泳。因其為火山噴發而出的小島峽,島上奇石分布,除了仙劍峽、合歡洞等與故事有關的天然奇景外,並且散布著海蝕溝、壼穴、海蝕柱、海蝕凹壁等海蝕景觀,登島遊覽頗富尋幽訪勝之趣。如果您想要省下停車費.請先查好地圖從礫石灘地路邊停車走15到25分鐘的礫石海邊路喔!
Sanxiantai Scenic Area is located in Sanxiantai, northeast of Chenggong Township, Taitung County. The whole island covers an area of ​​about 22 hectares and the highest point is about 77 meters above sea level. It is a mountainous agglomerated rock. It was originally a headland, but due to seawater erosion, the neck of the headland was gradually eroded and became an offshore island. The island is surrounded by coral reefs and is surrounded by tropical fish under the sea. It is suitable for diving but not for swimming. Because it is a small island gorge that erupted from a volcanic eruption, the strange rocks are distributed on the island. In addition to the natural wonders related to the story such as Xianjian Gorge and Hehuan Cave, there are also sea erosion landscapes such as sea erosion ditches, trenches, sea pillars, and sea erosion recesses. Landing on the island is quite interesting to find a quiet visit. If you want to save parking fees, please check the map first and walk 15 to 25 minutes on the gravel beach road from the gravel beach!
hide 2525 on Google

台東転運站発台東駅経由三仙台行き台湾好行8101Aバスの乗降場です。 帰りには他にも8101,8102、8119系統などで、成功、台東方面に行けますが、バスのりばが600mほど離れた場所にあるので注意してください。
This is the platform for the 8101A bus bound for Sanxiantai from Taitung Bus Station via Taitung Station. On the way back, you can go to Taitung with success by using 8101, 8102, 8119, etc., but please note that the bus stop is about 600m away.
K DY on Google

In October 2021, under renovation, the arch bridge will be closed.

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