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Contact 小城故事文史工作室

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Sanyi Township, Miaoli County,Taiwan

電話 : 📞 +8899
Opening hours :
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday 9AM–5PM
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday 9AM–5PM
Monday 9AM–5PM
Tuesday 9AM–5PM
城市 : Miaoli County

Sanyi Township, Miaoli County,Taiwan
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裝修中,未營業。龍騰斷橋已經屹立114年的日治時期鐵道遺跡。樑柱浩大,且有歐美的風格。 「停車資訊」 1. 上方有兩座停車場,有網路訂票自行車的,可以直接免費停最上面的停車場,否則只能停比較下面的收費停車場,此停車場是人工收費,一進去就有老婦人跟你收錢,一次50元。 2. 只有這兩座,過了就是通往深山的一般道路,不要像我一樣碰運氣看還有沒有,而鎩羽而歸。 「導遊口述記載」 1. 鐵道橋存在時間? 建立於1905年,毀於1926年關刀山大地震。 2. 為何臺灣有大量漂亮的巴洛克式建築,日本反而沒有? 因為西力東漸,當時日本雖然明治維新後,派出很多留學生去歐美留學,學成歸國後,陸續為人所用,但建築師則頻頻不被見用,因為日本人很固守自己的傳統,不願意接受歐美式的建築蓋在自己家附近,所以臺灣就變成當時日本留學建築師嶄露頭角的地方。有很多蓋得很漂亮的著名的建築物,都是出自這批人,如總統府、行政院等,以及這座龍騰斷橋。 3. 為何要在那麼鳥不生蛋的地方,蓋那麼漂亮的橋樑? 因為日本建築師,將台灣當作試驗場練習自己在歐美學成的技術。既然是練習,當然不分地點,也要盡量做到最好。且當時臺灣是日本第一個殖民地,愛面子的日本人當然想要做出一番事業,來證明在東亞的自己也能脫亞入歐,將殖民地治理的有過之而無不及,所以在1895年納入台灣後,1905年就把鐵道整頓一番,蓋得又漂亮,交通又很順暢,來展示自己治理殖民地的能力,龍騰斷橋便是其中一段鐵路。 4. 是否是糯米糊的磚塊? 不是。糯米糊的怎可能過了114年,磚塊到現在還沒瓦解? 5. 南斷橋上的大樹是什麼品種? 雀榕。麻雀吃果實後,拉屎在上面就長出來,很有吳哥窟的感覺。 6. 為何北斷橋只長小樹苗或雜草,南斷橋長滿一大棵雀榕? 因為北斷橋當初規劃作為觀光,所以一直有人砍樹拔草,南斷橋隔了一條溪水,交通不易,因此而荒廢掉,疏於管理,直到後來蓋了小橋,將觀光潮流引過河,南斷橋才逐漸被人重視,但樹已長得很大了,所以乾脆不打理了,免得破壞建築結構。 7. 為何叫龍騰斷橋? 此地原本叫魚藤,原因是旁邊的鯉魚潭傳說有魚精,所以居民種植大量有毒植物——魚藤,以及命名旁邊一座長得很像青龍偃月刀身的山,叫關刀山,想要藉此消滅那魚精。不過,因為叫魚藤太不典雅,所以改叫龍騰。 「遊玩小帖步」 1. 建議可以騎個自行車,車站在最上面,否則很快就看完了。 2. 此自行車形狀像火車,班次也是,只有特定時間才會集體出發。電動跟腳踩雙合一。
Renovated, not open. The Longteng Broken Bridge has stood for 114 years of the railway relics of the Japanese occupation. Liangzhu is vast and has a European and American style. "Parking Information" 1. There are two parking lots on the top. If you have an internet booking bicycle, you can park the parking lot directly for free. Otherwise, you can only compare the following paid parking lot. This parking lot is a manual charge. When you enter, there is an old woman who will pick you up. Money, 50 yuan at a time. 2. Only these two are over the general road to the mountains. Don't try to look at luck like me, and you will return. "Guideline dictation" 1. What is the time of the railway bridge? Established in 1905, it was destroyed in the 1926 Guandaoshan earthquake. 2. Why does Taiwan have a lot of beautiful Baroque architecture, but does Japan not? Because Xi Lidong gradually, although Japan sent a lot of international students to study in Europe and the United States after the Meiji Restoration, after learning to return to China, they were used by people, but the architects were often not used because the Japanese were very conservative in their own traditions. I am willing to accept European-American architecture in my home, so Taiwan has become a place where Japanese study architects have emerged. There are a lot of famous buildings that are beautifully covered, from the people, such as the presidential palace, the executive court, etc., as well as this dragon bridge. 3. Why do you want to cover such a beautiful bridge in a place where birds don't lay eggs? Because Japanese architects used Taiwan as a testing ground to practice their own skills in Europe and the United States. Since it is practice, of course, regardless of location, try to be the best. At that time, Taiwan was the first colony in Japan. The Japanese who loved the face certainly wanted to make a career to prove that they themselves could be removed from Asia in East Asia, and that the colonial governance was better than ever, so in 1895. After being included in Taiwan in 1905, the railway was reorganized in 1905, beautifully decorated, and the traffic was smooth, to demonstrate its ability to govern the colony. Longteng Bridge is one of the railways. 4. Is it a brick of glutinous rice paste? No. How can the glutinous rice paste pass for 114 years, and the bricks have not collapsed yet? 5. What is the variety of big trees on the South Bridge? 雀榕. After the sparrows eat the fruit, the scorpion grows on it and it feels like Angkor Wat. 6. Why is the North Broken Bridge only small saplings or weeds, and the South Broken Bridge is covered with a large gar. Because the North Broken Bridge was originally planned for sightseeing, people have been cutting trees and pulling grass. The South Broken Bridge is separated by a stream of water. The traffic is not easy. Therefore, it is abandoned and neglected to manage. Until then, the bridge is covered and the tide of sightseeing is led across the river. The South Broken Bridge was gradually taken seriously, but the tree has grown very large, so it is not taken care of, so as not to damage the building structure. 7. Why is it called Longteng Bridge? This place was originally called the fish vine. The reason is that there is a fish carp in the legend of the carp pond, so the resident planted a large number of poisonous plants - fish vines, and named a mountain that looks like a green dragon 偃月刀, called Guandaoshan, wants to borrow This eliminates the fish essence. However, because the fish vine is too elegant, it was called Longteng. "Playing a small post" 1. It is recommended to ride a bicycle and the station is at the top, otherwise it will be finished soon. 2. This bicycle is shaped like a train, and the number of shifts is only for a specific time. Electric and foot double-in-one.

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