Sealy 席伊麗-- 板橋文化精品館

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Contact Sealy 席伊麗-- 板橋文化精品館

地址 :

220, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Banqiao District, Section 2, Wenhua Rd, 147號Sealy 席伊麗-- 板橋文化精品館

電話 : 📞 +88
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城市 : Wenhua Rd

220, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Banqiao District, Section 2, Wenhua Rd, 147號Sealy 席伊麗-- 板橋文化精品館
黃翊軒 on Google

Today, I came to see the bridal bed, Miss Huang is very enthusiastic to introduce, you can find him if you are looking for a bed, very good service!
Wen-Hui Hung on Google

Ms. Yang's service is very good, she has enough knowledge and professionalism about the bed, and she is very kind. There is no pressure when trying to lie down here.
Ccy Kevin on Google

今天經過吳小姐細心的介紹之後我才知道原來床對人是如此的重要, 原來席伊麗對"床"的研究是如此的深入, 真是讓人大開眼界, 這次還好是遇到這位吳小姐親切的解說才使的我了解到"床"睡眠"健康"的相對關係, 難怪席伊麗只靠一張"床" , 就可以行遍天下 ! 頂級的澳洲皇冠的睡感就是我的需求,扎實又Q彈、柔軟支撐強,我的最愛。按100個讚
Today, after careful introduction by Miss Wu, I realized that the original bed is so important to people. The original study of "bed" by Shi Yili is so deep, it is really eye-opening. This time, it is good to meet this Miss Wu. The explanation made me understand the relative relationship of "bed" sleep "health". It is no wonder that Xi Yili can travel all over the world with only one "bed"! The top Australian crown sleep is my demand, solid and Q Bullet, soft support, my favorite. By 100 likes
zowie Lin on Google

The clerk is very kind and explains carefully. Each bed has its own characteristics to meet various needs. I found a mattress I like very quickly and ordered it on the same day!
Yung-Chan Chen on Google

國慶日的下午前往參觀 接待的店員小姐非常親切 也會幫我們挑選最適合的床墊 整個過程相當放鬆,也不會有壓力,非常好的體驗 數年前在法國馬賽的洲際飯店住宿時 對於床墊的柔軟舒適真是驚為天人 躺下去瞬間沉睡,早晨起來通體舒暢 這次換新床墊,就希望可以換到那種感覺的床墊 但是試了很多家,都跟當初的感覺相差很大 直到躺到席伊麗門口的那張床墊 當初那種舒服的回憶完全回來了 真的是五星級的床墊和五星級的體驗
Visit in the afternoon of National Day The clerk at the reception was very kind Will also help us choose the most suitable mattress The whole process is quite relaxing, there is no pressure, very good experience When I stayed at the InterContinental Hotel in Marseille, France a few years ago The softness and comfort of the mattress is really amazing Lie down and fall asleep instantly, get up in the morning and feel comfortable I want to change to a new mattress this time But after trying a lot of homes, they are very different from the original feeling Until the mattress at Xi Yili’s door The comfortable memories back then are completely back Really a five-star mattress and a five-star experience
Xiao xia Xiao on Google

Awesome beds, lie down and sleep for a second, a good bed is really important.
陳昶安 on Google

服務人員非常專業,介紹詳細 床本身質感品質也都非常高檔 任何人都可以找到合適自己的床
The service staff is very professional, the introduction is detailed The quality of the bed itself is also very high-end Anyone can find the right bed
vina8210 on Google

Sealy 席伊麗的床,睡過就回不去了,之前湊巧因為住了飯店一個月而初體驗了sealy的床,身為空中瑜珈與空中芭蕾老師的我,對於床的細膩與敏感程度非常高,每天練習、上課回家幾乎身心疲憊,人一天有三分之一的時間都花在睡眠上,擁有一張結構紮實而柔軟的床,讓筋骨更加舒適,隔天拉筋事半功倍!??
Sealy Xi Yili’s bed, I can’t go back after sleeping. I happened to experience Sealy’s bed for the first time because I stayed in a hotel for a month. As an aerial yoga and aerial ballet teacher, I am very sensitive to the bed. Everyday practice, going to class and going home is almost exhausted physically and mentally. One-third of the day is spent on sleep. Having a solid and soft bed makes the bones more comfortable and stretches the muscles the next day. ??

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