Shanshuiguanxing Park

4.1/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Shanshuiguanxing Park

地址 :

Taiwan, 澎湖縣馬公市 Shanshuiguanxing Park

電話 : 📞 +889

Taiwan, 澎湖縣馬公市 Shanshuiguanxing Park
xeno wang on Google

There are so many mosquitoes in summer, and the fishing port in the evening is very beautiful
Shawn Wu on Google

It’s a small park, unfortunately there is no restroom. If there are some, you will get a lot of extra points XD
CY H on Google

No light damage at night, very beautiful at night, but very dark, be careful when walking
Goodman Wu on Google

There are a lot of stars, but also a lot of light pollution.
Tsai tsai on Google

蠻好找的, 我是白天去, 抬頭就能看到圓弧狀的天空, 晚上看星星一定很美。 我才待一下,就覺得蚊子好多,比較敏感的人要記得穿長褲擦防蚊液。
It's pretty easy to find. I went during the day, and I can see the arc-shaped sky when I look up. It must be beautiful to see the stars at night. I only stayed for a while, but I felt that there were a lot of mosquitoes. People who are more sensitive should remember to wear long pants and apply mosquito repellent.
陳炎能 on Google

山水觀星公園位於山水沙灘南岸東邊山水漁港一帶的觀音山上,居高臨下可鳥瞰山水沙灘和山水漁港,蔚藍大海盡收眼底,這裡環境清幽寧靜,有三座涼亭、觀星指示牌與步道,沿著步道走,在山背凹處,可以發現畫有春夏秋冬節氣的星象石碑參考表,這裡的星儀槽區設計成兩個凹槽,鎖港與山水海域夏季夜晚海上夜釣小管的船隻燈光,透過土牆遮擋海面上的漁火光害,透過土牆遮擋海面上的漁火光害,讓觀星更加順暢。 聽當地達人介紹解說,在這裡可以晨間看日出,傍晚看夕陽,夜晚觀星。
劉秀Sofia on Google

It is separated from Shanshui 30 highland, near the side of Shanshui fishing port, the view will be blocked by trees, you can see the fishing port and some beaches from the gap, and there are planes flying over the time you stay.
Guai CHAN on Google

You get an almost 360 degree view. Other than that nothing much.

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