Shin Zu Shing Co., Ltd.

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Contact Shin Zu Shing Co., Ltd.

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No. 174號, Junying St, Shulin District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 238

電話 : 📞 +888
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城市 : New Taipei City

No. 174號, Junying St, Shulin District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 238
呵呵 on Google

我對主管、領導者的理解是:要有做事的能力,給予正確的方向讓下屬跟者他一起衝,不是讓下屬自己衝,一天到晚要下屬聽他的話,不聽就拿考績與年終威脅。事後出錯就全怪下屬,只會叫下屬自己想辦法;成功卻說是自己的功勞。 沒有專業能力,也沒有帶人的魅力卻整天說帶人要談心不談薪,卻要求員工,晚上留下來(值班)做給更高階的長官看,必須待在特定樓層坐著給人當猴子看。 這樣的主管簡直丟人現眼…
My understanding of supervisors and leaders is: have the ability to do things, give them the right direction to let subordinates rush with him, not let the subordinates rush by themselves, and ask them to listen to him all day long. threat. If you make mistakes afterwards, you will blame your subordinates, and you will only ask your subordinates to figure out a way; success is your own credit. No professional ability, no charm to bring people, but all day long to talk with people without discussing salary, but ask employees to stay at night (on duty) to be seen by higher-level officers, and they must stay on a specific floor and sit for others. monkey look. Such a boss is just disgraceful...
410500341 TKU on Google

裡面大部分的員工對人還不錯但有某些調機師態度超差 當做沒幾個禮拜的工讀生就嫌你產能比老員工低 才做沒多久而已是要多快 休息時間超少 制度也很差
Most of the employees in it are not bad to people, but some of the dispatchers have a very poor attitude. If you are a working student for a few weeks, you will think that your production capacity is lower than that of the old employees. very poor
天兵 on Google

離職半年來說說這裡的問題 為了公司能更好,在此發表一些建議, 某資深經理不尊重專業,不希望員工向有能力的前輩學習 說有問題都可以向他請教就好 包含廠商到公司做教育訓練或是購買設備時的操作教學 他也直接跟對方說他都會(不用教) 遇到問題時,他只會說問廠商啊(為何不在廠商到公司時一併處理呢), 而是事後天天打電話問功夫,這樣比較有效率?
After six months of resignation, talk about the problems here In order to make the company better, here are some suggestions, A senior manager does not respect professionalism and does not want employees to learn from capable predecessors You can ask him if you have any questions. Including the operation teaching when the manufacturer comes to the company for education and training or when purchasing equipment He also directly told the other party that he would know (no need to teach) When encountering problems, he will only ask the manufacturer (why not deal with it when the manufacturer arrives at the company), Instead, it is more efficient to call every day to ask about kung fu?
李誌誠 on Google

我離職一年來說說這邊到底有多爛 面試共兩關 第二個主管砍第一個談好的薪資 後來進去了,覺得不好做了一年離職,離職前主管問說要不要留,我說加薪就留,他也沒有加薪,離職前就請你支援支到飽,奉勸大家要會捧懶趴不然很烙賽,再者工作環境很差,一廠的工作環境真的奇差無比唷,面試會在本廠,工作看分發,上頭也是裙帶關係,這個我這邊就不好說。
I quit for a year to talk about how bad this place is Two interviews The second supervisor cuts the first negotiated salary After I went in, I felt that it was not good to do it for a year. Before I left, the supervisor asked me if I wanted to stay. I said that I would stay with a salary increase. He did not raise his salary. Laziness is not good, and the working environment is very poor. The working environment of the first factory is really terrible. The interview will be in the factory, and the job depends on the distribution. .
熊福利 on Google

I used to work in the past, and the management would pretend to be dead. There are kings on the production line, and they are very unfriendly to outsiders. There are good people and bad people. I really don’t want to criticize everyone in a few words. I don’t know how bad people are. I’m just an operator who has just arrived. Basically, when I came in, I was relatively accepting low wages and high working hours. I have no idea about the future. We are responsible for the smuggling alone. The old employees and the management are hiding here and there, and there is no sense of responsibility. I left because I felt very worthless to myself. For the first time, I doubted whether I was useless. You finally want to keep people. I'm afraid of suffering if I can't stop talking, this is what makes me the most angry!
yu Lu on Google

在這做1年多正職,非常後悔!浪費了一年多時間。新日興上市上櫃都4個廠了還對底層不友善!這家只適合派遣,不適合做正職,如果正職是低等階級(作業員),還是早點離職找更好出路~ 那位2020年才到上班新日興管理俊英街h棟張課長謝謝你點醒我,我問你為何做十幾年同事她還最低薪,你回我:作業員在怎麼厲害還是作業員~(line記錄我都留著)。我真的看不到未來,我在年後離職。2022年最開心的一件事。 新日興的指導員也非常不ok,教導沒有sop,喜歡跳著順序教。然後再告訴主管,我有教阿~某些主管不友善,指導員不ok! ps:正職最低層福利超差:沒紅利發放,端午中秋都500禮卷,年終還要看主管喜好給的唷
I have been working here for more than a year, and I regret it very much! Wasted over a year. The new Nikko has 4 factories on the OTC market, and it is not friendly to the bottom layer! This company is only suitable for dispatch, not for regular jobs. If the regular job is a lower class (operator), it is better to leave early to find a better way out~ Thank you for reminding me, Mr. Zhang, who has only come to work in 2020, Xinnixing Management Junying Street Building H. I asked you why she was still a minimum wage as a colleague for more than ten years. You replied to me: How good is an operator or an operator~( I keep all the line records). I really can't see the future and I leave after the year. The happiest thing in 2022. The instructors of Xin Rixing are also not ok, there is no sop in teaching, and they like to teach in order. Then tell the supervisor, I have taught me ~ some supervisors are not friendly, and the instructors are not ok! ps: Welfare at the lowest level of the full-time position is too poor: no dividends are issued, the Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival are both 500 gift vouchers, and at the end of the year, it depends on the supervisor’s preference.
[ちおん] on Google

當我到這間公司時應徵的工作為工程師 主管跟我原本說好工作內容是自動化設備相關的工作 說是新成立的部門大家能夠互相學習,還能利用空閒之餘學寫程式 但當我確定要來上班後 立馬回頭跟我同事說我幫你們找了個助理進來 以後行政相關就都要交給我用 那我會覺得不需要找一個大學生進來做的吧 隨便一個高職生都能做我的工作啊 我並不是進來當文件工程師或是採購助理的 這就算了… 主管交辦的文件我做完了 但我去處理設備相關的問題時候又會罵我 說我的工作不是這個 讓我滿頭問號 所以當初我是被騙進來就是了嗎? 還嘻皮笑臉的問我原來你會用六角板手啊! 這是在羞辱我,還是主管根本沒看過我的履歷啊… 想想也是啦!我每次做完的報告給他看過後,他都說可以 但事後他卻完全不記得我報告了什麼或是我講了什麼 也不會記的自己說了什麼或做了什麼決定 可見這樣的人是有選擇性失憶症的 而這樣的人卻還是繼續當公司的主管,這讓我對新日興的信任蕩然無存
The job I applied for when I came to this company was an engineer The supervisor told me that the job content is related to automation equipment. It is said that everyone in the newly established department can learn from each other and learn to write programs in their spare time. But when I made sure to come to work Immediately turned around and told my colleague that I helped you find an assistant to come in. In the future, all administrative related matters will be handed over to me. Then I think I don't need to find a college student to do it. Any high school student can do my job. I didn't come in as a documentation engineer or a procurement assistant. Forget it... I finished the documents assigned by the supervisor. But when I'm dealing with equipment-related problems, they scold me and say that's not my job Makes my head full of question marks, so I was tricked in at first, right? He also asked me with a smile on his face, so you know how to use a hexagonal wrench! Is this humiliating me, or the supervisor didn't read my resume at all... Think about it too! Every time I show him the report that I have done, he says yes But afterwards he has absolutely no memory of what I reported or what I said. I can't remember what I said or made a decision It can be seen that such people have selective amnesia. However, such a person still continues to be the director of the company, which makes my trust in the new Nikko disappear.
Preeth S on Google

Amazing mechanical work

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