Showlin Beauty Salon

4.7/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Showlin Beauty Salon

地址 :

No. 19號, Section 2, Keelung Rd, Xinyi District, Taipei City, Taiwan 110

電話 : 📞 +8877
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城市 : Taipei City

No. 19號, Section 2, Keelung Rd, Xinyi District, Taipei City, Taiwan 110
黃婉蓉 on Google

I found a lot of hair salons and wanted to dye my hair perm, because my previous failure experience made me very timid. I heard a friend recommend the designer "Jaen" here. I wanted to give it a try. The result is really super satisfying! The designer Jayne is very careful, the whole process is very happy and comfortable, completely different from the previous experience, I decided to serve him in the future???
C. Leo on Google

YEN小顏 on Google

I recommend Shujing No. 9. She has been styling her for more than ten years. She is the only hairdresser who has passed the appraisal of my wife. She is also very patient with children. My little naughty egg is also obedient to her hands, praise!
吳秉澤 on Google

真心推薦小林髮廊-世貿店 {7號}設計師 第一次來這邊剪頭髮 從一個流浪頭髮的我 剪成一個人摸帥樣的我 我覺得我很快可以脫單了????? 以後我就來這剪頭髮了???
Sincerely recommend Kobayashi Hair Salon - World Trade Store {No.7} Designer First time here for a haircut From a stray-haired me Cut into a person and touch handsome me I think I can get off the list soon ????? I will come here to cut my hair from now on ???
陳冠仔 on Google

被7號設計師郭小妤脅迫之下留下五星好評⋯⋯(泣 #以上是玩笑話 從2014年開始,從她還很便宜的時候(喂)剪到現在八年過去,從她還是少女的時候剪到現在變成⋯嗯還是少女(咦) 一路看著她從菜鳥設計師到獨當一面技術越來越純熟的模樣真是感慨萬千(淚 #吾家有女初長成? 雖然以前被剪過耳朵⋯洗頭背後衣服全濕(好啦這不是她弄的?)⋯偶爾被她提醒頭髮越來越少⋯(怒)還會給我綁些超前衛的馬尾讓我走在時代最前端⋯(如圖) 但五星評價當之無愧的啦(應該啦) 希望未來我頭髮不要掉光還可以來給妳打理喔~~(怕
vivi Chou on Google

大推 "0號設計師- 小佩"。 所有愛捲捲頭的漂亮女生,一定要來親自體驗!! ❤️ (只是店內客人很多,要耐心的等待喔!!捲子是不會讓妳失望的!?) 小佩老師~吹捲子的技能: 我個人認為是- 天下無敵的啦!! ❤️ 吹捲捲的功力、電棒捲的功力、捲青捲的功力.. 把吹好的捲捲,細心整理好不會散的功力。 吹好的捲子~像彈簧一樣ㄉㄨㄞ ㄉㄨㄞ 的.. 是七級風都吹不壞的 --> 超強捲捲頭!!? 與仿間許多店家,吹的捲子相比~ 一走出美容院,大門"叮咚"一聲,風一吹~ 頭髮就 " 散 開 了 "... 暈呀 @@" 唉,果真是高下立見!! 小佩老師完勝,是捲子大神!!? 來"小林-世貿店"弄頭髮,已經將近20年了~ 看著助理們長大~成為新一代的設計師。 看著設計師們~成為資深設計師~ 這20年,世貿店帶給我太多快樂的回憶~ 這裡對我來說,就是一個溫暖的大家庭。? 未來,我依舊會每週都來洗髮、護髮。 看著店內的這群好友們、妹妹們.. 就是最幸福的日常!! ??
Jen H. on Google

Very friendly and helpful staff. Would recommend the oil hair wash!
Chelsea Corral on Google

Listen. I don't really leave a review to give a compliment. But this time, I have to! So read this before you go here. No.5 Pei Shun is the best!!! I read someone's review about her so I went there and asked for No.5. Her skills are amazing! First time I did was shampoo + blowdry. Omg, her skills surprised me so I started to going to this hair salon almost everyday hahaha. I love her so much! The photo is when she did extra styling for me. Although I wasn't able to speak to her in Taiwanese, I was able to communicate with her via google translate. Go for a shampoo or blowdry. You will never be disappointed.

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