Sianji Temple

4.7/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Sianji Temple

Huxi Township, Penghu County,Taiwan
王建鴻 on Google

The temple is solemn, and the lights are very beautiful at night
Yihao Wang on Google

尖山村民的信仰中心,主祀神明為顯濟靈王,陪祀神明為謝玄、關聖帝君、註生娘娘、土地公、土地婆、虎爺公,寺廟創立於 (西元年): 1781年,2017年11月26日移至現址入火大典。主祀神明為東晉宰相謝安,陪祀神明為謝安之親姪子 謝玄,二人為東晉著名戰役淝水之戰的主角,在當時以兵少之姿仍擊敗號稱持有百萬大軍的前秦苻堅,以保東晉不被滅亡。而他北伐勝利、正是功成名就之時,還能激流勇退,不戀權位;因此被後世人視為良相的代表,「高潔」的典範。村民平時稱主祀神明為王公,稱陪祀神明謝玄為元帥爺,目前有武轎,澎湖武轎出巡時,也會配合出巡。
The belief center of Jianshan villagers, the main worshipping god is Xianji Spirit King, the accompanying worshipping gods are Xie Xuan, Guan Sheng Emperor, Zhusheng Niangniang, Land Lord, Land Lord, Tiger Lord Gong. Moved to the current site on November 26, 2017 to enter the fire ceremony. The main god is Xie An, the prime minister of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and Xie Xuan, the sister-in-law of Xie An, who accompanied the gods, and the two are the protagonists of the battle of the famous Jinshui Battle of Fangshui. , To protect Dongjin from being destroyed. And when he succeeded in the Northern Expedition, it was at the time when he succeeded in fame, he could still retreat bravely, and he did not love power; therefore, he was regarded by future generations as a representative of goodness, a model of "noble". Villagers usually call the main deity god as the prince and the accompanying deity Xie Xuan as the marshal. At present, there are Wu Jiao, and Penghu Wu Jia will also cooperate with the tour.
洪小芳 on Google

The temple’s night lighting is super beautiful?The temple is enthusiastic?Remote transmission is also super good, looking forward to the remote transmission of 5G!
王建鴻 on Google

The temple is enthusiastic, and the temple has added night lighting, which is extremely beautiful.
張強強 on Google

Thanks to the temples of Xie'an, Xie Xuan and Guan Gong, this year's Lantern Festival is a golden brick bridge, which has its own characteristics
Johnny lee on Google

東山再起 不錯 大間 好停車 有攤販 元宵還有送小孩東西 工作人員親切
comeback good Oma good parking There are street vendors There are also gifts for children during the Lantern Festival friendly staff
jack b on Google

Was amazing, still looking for my pants, lost them here two years ago
Leung Kit on Google

Very traditional old school style

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