ŠKODA 竹北展示暨服務中心

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Contact ŠKODA 竹北展示暨服務中心

地址 :

302, Taiwan, Hsinchu County, Zhubei City, Section 1, Jiafeng 11th Rd, 3號ŠKODA 竹北展示暨服務中心

電話 : 📞 +889
網站 : https://www.skoda.com.tw/
Opening hours :
Wednesday 8:30AM–9:30PM
Thursday 8:30AM–9:30PM
Friday 8:30AM–9:30PM
Saturday 8:30AM–9:30PM
Sunday 8:30AM–9:30PM
Monday 8:30AM–9:30PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–9:30PM
城市 : th Rd

302, Taiwan, Hsinchu County, Zhubei City, Section 1, Jiafeng 11th Rd, 3號ŠKODA 竹北展示暨服務中心
吳文郁 on Google

我交車了^^ 以我的工作很常會需要去拜訪客戶, 同事們用車時間很常會強碰一起, 如果沒車就需要一直轉車轉車轉車,真的很不方便, 會接觸SKODA這個品牌是因為公司的公務車KAMIQ , 駕馭感非常好也很有力一開始還以為是1500cc,沒想到才1000cc, 完全顛覆了我的想像, 想了想努力工作這麼多年,買台車犒賞自己應該很合理吧! 工作使用或出去走走都方便,就埋下了買車想法這個種子, 因緣際會之下知道老鄉在SKODA服務, 對於這個老鄉在我印象中做事很認真又熱情誠懇, 當然要立馬找他預約看KAMIQ, 許久不見的老鄉,一見如故,沒想到他都有在FOLLOW我的限時動態 說我的限時動態都是運動或者爬山, 就問我是不是偏好運動風格, 就按照KAMIQ與另一款SCALA介紹分析兩者差異讓我了解, 看我已經開過KAMIQ,建議試駕SCALA體驗差異, 在試駕SCALA過程中,發覺重心比較低, 乘坐包覆性跟操控感更符合我喜歡的感覺, 最後就選擇SCALA,較有運動風與年輕的感覺, 就直接下訂,作為犒賞我自己的聖誕節禮物, 同時做好在這車子缺晶片的時期,要等上好幾個月的心理準備, 還好運氣很好,等車一個月後, 在某天下午老鄉突然打給我, 我的愛車年後就可以提前交車了, 從訂車到交車只等了1個半月, 因為是第一次買車很多東西都不懂, 謝謝我的老鄉不厭其煩的回答我的很多疑問,也給我建議, 替我的需求東奔西跑,服務從看車、下訂、驗車到交車都讓我很放心, 也替我省了不少費用與時間,真的是非常謝謝他, 情人節前一天交車,還準備了熊熊跟金莎提前祝我情人節快樂,真的太sweet了 如果有想入坑SKODA的車友們,我真的很推薦我的老鄉, 推薦你們可以到新竹的竹北吉揚SKODA 找宥滕(Jeffrey或小胖), 他的服務態度絕對讚?而且是個熱情又貼心的人, 當你見過他之後就會了解有多熱情跟貼心
I delivered the car In my work, I often need to visit clients, Colleagues often bump into each other when they use the car, If you don't have a car, you have to keep changing cars and changing cars, which is really inconvenient. I came into contact with the brand SKODA because of the company's official car KAMIQ, The driving feeling is very good and powerful. I thought it was 1500cc at first, but I didn't expect it to be 1000cc. Completely subverted my imagination, After thinking about it for so many years of hard work, it should be reasonable to buy a car to reward yourself! It is convenient to use at work or go for a walk, so I planted the seed of the idea of ​​buying a car, By fate, I knew that my fellow was serving at SKODA, In my impression, this fellow is very serious and sincere in doing things, Of course, you have to make an appointment with him to watch KAMIQ immediately. A fellow I haven't seen for a long time, hit it off at first sight, I didn't expect him to have a limited-time update on FOLLOW me Said that my limited-time dynamic is sports or mountain climbing, Just ask me if I prefer sports style, Just follow the introduction of KAMIQ and another SCALA to analyze the difference between the two and let me understand, Seeing that I have already driven KAMIQ, it is recommended to test drive SCALA to experience the difference, In the process of test driving SCALA, I found that the center of gravity is relatively low, The ride coverage and handling feel more in line with my liking, In the end, I chose SCALA, which is more sporty and youthful. Just place an order, as a Christmas present for myself, At the same time, be prepared to wait for several months when this car is short of chips. Fortunately, good luck, after waiting for the car for a month, One afternoon, my fellow villager suddenly called me, My car can be delivered in advance after the new year, It only took a month and a half from booking to delivery. Because it is the first time to buy a car, I don't understand many things. Thank you to my fellow villagers for taking the trouble to answer my many questions and giving me advice, Running around for my needs, the service from viewing the car, placing an order, inspecting the car, and delivering the car makes me very relieved. It also saved me a lot of money and time, I really thank him very much, The car was delivered the day before Valentine's Day, and Xiong Xiong and Jin Sha wished me a happy Valentine's Day in advance, it was really sweet If there are riders who want to enter the pit of SKODA, I really recommend my fellow, It is recommended that you go to SKODA in Jiyang, Zhubei, Hsinchu to find You Teng (Jeffrey or Xiaopang), His service attitude is absolutely amazing? and he is a warm and caring person, When you meet him, you will understand how warm and caring
DA家 on Google

因為上班通勤需要用車 都用家裡的車,想說買台專屬於自己愛車, 最近路上skoda的車越來越常見 身邊朋友也覺得不錯,陪朋友來賞車, 業代陳先生知道我想入手第一台車, 根據我以前開家裡的車是自然進氣, 邀請我試乘看看渦輪增壓的感覺, 看到Kamiq車型蠻好看的,就試乘kamiq1.0, 試乘後1.0渦輪增壓真的不輸自然進氣2.0的內, 試乘體驗過程覺得現在科技配備蠻好的, 舒適又穩,加上後座乘坐空間很寬敞, 如果帶家人出門,也可以坐得舒服, 陳先生提供給我網路上車友露營的樣子, 我覺得很浪漫欸, 讓我對於skoda品牌又更感興趣了, 加上現在又升級數位儀表跟車道置中 直接給他訂下去,期待交車的時候❤️ 業代陳宥滕 人很nice, 過程中講解細心也很貼心 我要回家期待我車到來了
Need a car for commuting to work I use the car at home. I want to say that buying a car is exclusive to my car. Skoda cars are becoming more and more common on the road recently Friends around me also think it's good, accompany my friends to appreciate the car, Mr. Chen Yedai knew that I wanted to buy my first car. According to the car I used to drive at home, it was naturally aspirated, Invite me to take a test ride to see what the turbo feels like, Seeing that the Kamiq model is very good-looking, I will try the kamiq1.0. After the test ride, the 1.0 turbo really does not lose to the naturally aspirated 2.0. During the test ride experience, I feel that the current technology is quite good. Comfortable and stable, plus the rear seat is very spacious, If you take your family out, you can also sit comfortably, Mr. Chen provided me with the pictures of car friends camping on the Internet, I think it's very romantic. Made me more interested in the skoda brand, In addition, the digital instrument and the lane centering have been upgraded now. Book it directly for him, looking forward to the delivery time ❤️ Yedai Chen Youteng is very nice, Explained carefully and caringly during the process I'm going home waiting for my car to arrive
范暐煜 on Google

因緣際會下 從朋友口中認識這個品牌 到了展示中心聽「劉律揚銷售顧問」細心介紹 也漸漸了解關於歐系車的種種知識 展間的員工服務態度都很好 很認真接待 2020年訂車 等了八至九個月 但我深信 這些等待是值得的 其中讓我最最滿意的事 我的承辦業務都會時時刻刻跟我回報車子的狀況 到哪啊 入海關了沒啊 來到展示中心了沒啊 這是我覺得他們很重視客人 也做到讓客人放心及安心 維修廠的服務也值得稱讚 在客人工作繁忙支援 會幫忙拉車去保養 車子擦傷小意外也非常重視客人權益 幫忙協助危險及安排進廠??
I got to know this brand from a friend by chance. I went to the exhibition center and listened to the careful introduction by "Liu Luyang Sales Consultant", and I gradually learned all kinds of knowledge about European cars. The staff in the exhibition room have a very good service attitude and are very serious. I have waited eight to nine months to book a car in 2020, but I am convinced that the wait is worth it. The thing that makes me most satisfied is that I will always report to me the status of the car when I undertake the business. Have you been to the exhibition center? This is because I think they attach great importance to customers and make them feel at ease and reassured. The service of the repair shop is also commendable. When customers are busy with work, the support will help pull the car to maintain the car, and also attach great importance to the rights and interests of customers. Assist in danger and arrange entry to the factory??
ray Di on Google

今天跟家人來竹北skoda賞車 感謝劉律揚業務的接待 此次賞車體驗非常好 業務清楚介紹skoda的優勢跟很多安全配備 讓我覺得skoda真的非常安全!cp值很高!賞車過程也非常輕鬆 沒有壓力 非常推薦大家來竹北可以找劉律揚業務!竹北展場也很寬敞舒適!
Xin Chen on Google

推薦業代張宸紜,上週六跟著家人一起到附近的公園欣賞元宵活動,結束後老公提議想到前方skoda 展示中心賞車,進到展示中心後,業代立即給予熱心及親切的服務,也非常專業且詳細的為我們介紹我們感興趣的車型,看到我們賞車的時間已接近晚餐時間,我們又帶著孩子,業代還貼心的給孩子提供飲料及熱壓吐司,真是一次非常棒的賞車體驗,
I recommended Yedai Zhang Chenyun. Last Saturday, I went to the nearby park with my family to enjoy the Lantern Festival. After the end, my husband suggested that I think of the car at the skoda exhibition center in front of me. After entering the exhibition center, Yedai immediately provided warm and cordial service. Very professional and detailed introduction to the models we are interested in. Seeing that the time for us to appreciate the car is approaching dinner time, we are bringing our children, and Yedai also provides the children with drinks and hot-pressed toast. Great car viewing experience,
陳彥騰 on Google

真心大力推薦曾志忠副理! 人生購入第一台車,在網路爬文做很多功課選了skoda這個品牌,於是查了電話預約試乘,曾副理相當的貼心,當天除了發簡訊提醒時間地址外,甫停好車便大老遠看到曾副理走出熱情揮手接待。整個賞車流程氣氛是輕鬆且愉悅的,當天曾副理除了耐心回答我每個雞毛蒜皮的大小問題外,談話也是相當的風趣,甚至臨時起意想多試乘別台車子曾副理也立馬幫我安排,更重要的是在展間待了3個小時,曾副理全程掛著親切的微笑沒有讓客戶感到任何壓力,完全可以感受到他熱誠且尊重客戶的專業素養。當天回家思考大概半天時間便決定下訂了,想不到晚上曾副理不辭辛勞直接開車來家裡簽約,省去我再跑一趟展間的時間,真的夠貼心。 從訂車->等待->到港->驗車->選牌->交車 全程大概兩個月的時間,曾副理持續保持聯絡定期為我更新愛車的資訊及確認車險車牌隔熱紙行車記錄器等各項小細節,完全不用煩惱會漏掉什麼。最後交車當天也是細心講解車上每一項細節與設定,車用系統上密密麻麻的選單看到我眼都花了,但是曾大哥跟客戶確認平常開車的習慣與用車需求,直接一步到位幫我設定妥善,真的是讓人感到相當的放心與信賴,留意到我有載小朋友便主動幫我設定兒童安全鎖。最驚喜的是後車廂一打開裡面有準備給小朋友的禮物!!兒子看到好開心!! 交車到現在已經兩個星期,曾大哥也是持續與我聯繫看有沒有碰到什麼用車上的疑難雜症,這次的購車經驗讓我很滿意,也真心覺得很幸運能碰到曾志忠副理,等小朋友長大如果要換大台的車款,我想我還是會再來找他服務。
I sincerely recommend Deputy Manager Zeng Zhizhong! I bought the first car in my life, did a lot of homework on the Internet and chose the brand skoda, so I checked the phone and made an appointment for a test ride. Deputy Manager Zeng was very considerate. In addition to sending a text message on the same day to remind the time and address, the car was big as soon as I parked it. From a distance, I saw Deputy Manager Zeng walk out and waved warmly to receive him. The atmosphere of the whole car viewing process was relaxed and pleasant. In addition to patiently answering every trivial question I had that day, Deputy Manager Zeng also had a very interesting conversation. Even if he wanted to try other cars temporarily, Deputy Manager Zeng immediately helped me. Arrangement, and more importantly, after staying in the exhibition room for 3 hours, Deputy Manager Zeng wore a friendly smile throughout the whole process and did not make the customer feel any pressure. He could feel his enthusiasm and respect for the customer's professionalism. That day, I went home and thought about it for about half a day before I decided to place an order. Unexpectedly, in the evening, Deputy Manager Zeng worked hard and drove directly to the house to sign the contract, saving me the time to go to the exhibition room again, which is really thoughtful. From booking a car -> waiting -> arriving at Hong Kong -> car inspection -> choosing a license plate -> handing over the car During the whole process of about two months, Deputy Manager Zeng kept in touch with me on a regular basis to update the information of my car and confirm the small details such as the car insurance license plate heat insulation paper dash cam, so I don't have to worry about what I will miss. On the day of the final delivery, I carefully explained every detail and setting on the car. I was blinded by the dense menus on the car system, but Big Brother Zeng confirmed the usual driving habits and car needs with the customer, and directly helped in one step. I set it properly, which really makes people feel quite at ease and trust. When I noticed that I had children on board, I took the initiative to set the child safety lock for me. The most surprising thing is that as soon as the back compartment is opened, there are gifts for children! ! So happy to see my son! ! It has been two weeks since the delivery of the car. Brother Zeng has also continued to contact me to see if he has encountered any intractable diseases on the car. I am very satisfied with the car buying experience this time, and I really feel very lucky to have met Deputy Manager Zeng Zhizhong. , When the child grows up, if he wants to change the car model of the big platform, I think I will still come to him for service.
Jessica Lin on Google

這次買的是KODIAQ RS七人座車,原本交車期遙遙無期,謝謝小魏(魏煜紘)幫忙爭取名額,讓我們在生二寶之前順利拿到車 為了寶貝們換車買車的,可以考慮這款車,安全氣囊就有9顆,加上有電動尾門真的是很適合手忙腳亂的媽媽使用,超大天窗給寶貝們在後面不會覺得壓迫,還有發現輪胎是馬牌的我覺得很讚耶! 也謝謝小魏贈送的後照鏡式行車記錄器,我覺得這個也是很讚! CP值來說Kodiaq尊榮版的就很超值了,後面置物空間很深,適合兩個以上寶寶的家庭放出門遊玩的所有用品 另外其實我們都會帶著寶寶來看車,小魏都很親切的招呼,也會逗小孩子玩,真的是很有溫度耶 中間我們改單,小魏也是很有耐心的協助我們 交車時,也是帶著小孩,小魏用最有效率的方式幫我們都帶到資訊,且新車操作的介面實在是太多了,小魏都很用心&仔細的解說,我們問題也是蠻多的,小魏都會一一答覆,過程中還不忘逗小孩? 看了許多它牌的車,這趟購車經驗讓我覺得SKODA服務真不錯,當然也是遇到人很好的銷售員?
This time, I bought a KODIAQ RS seven-seater car. The original delivery date is still far away. Thank you Xiaowei (Wei Yuhong) for helping us fight for a place, so that we can get the car smoothly before giving birth to the second treasure. To buy a car for the babies, you can consider this car. There are 9 airbags, and the electric tailgate is really suitable for mothers who are in a hurry. I found out that the tires are Continental, I think it's great! Thanks also to Xiaowei for the rear-view mirror driving recorder, which I think is also very good! In terms of CP value, the Kodiaq Honor Edition is very good value. The rear storage space is very deep, suitable for families with two or more babies to put out all the supplies for play. In addition, in fact, we all take our babies to see the car. Xiao Wei greets them kindly and also entertains children, which is really warm. We changed the order in the middle, and Xiao Wei was also very patient to assist us When the car was delivered, I was also with a child. Xiao Wei helped us all bring information in the most efficient way, and there were too many interfaces for the operation of the new car. Xiao Wei was very attentive and explained carefully, and we also had a lot of questions. Yes, Xiao Wei will answer them one by one, and he will not forget to tease the children in the process? After seeing a lot of other cars, this car buying experience made me feel that SKODA's service is really good, and of course I met a very good salesperson?
Elton Yeh on Google

尋找新車的過程,蠻多朋友推薦skoda的超強CP值。 ㄧ開始打電話尋問的過程業務員也很親切的講解。踏入竹北的skoda展間寬敞又明亮,一點都沒壓迫感。整個賞車過程非常的棒,主要還是業務員徐威鈞先生非常不厭其煩的講解,且很主動詢問我們的需求,也盡他所能幫忙我們爭取ㄧ些相關套餐配備。 雖然等車過程碰到船期delay,但徐先生也會事先告知。驗車也會提早幫我們先尋過狀況,牽車當天也非常清處的一一講解操作方式,雖然剛牽還是會忘掉使用方法,但一通電話講解也非常清處。甚至重大需要他也會親自到府牽車服務。 這趟購買經驗非常尊榮且滿意,若有再次購買需求ㄧ定會選擇skoda麻煩徐先生服務
In the process of looking for a new car, many friends recommend skoda's super CP value. ㄧ The salesman who started calling to ask questions was also kindly explained. Stepping into the skoda showroom in Zhubei is spacious and bright, and there is no pressure at all. The whole car appreciation process was very good, mainly because the salesman Mr. Xu Weijun explained very tirelessly, and took the initiative to ask our needs, and did his best to help us get some related packages. Although there is a delay in the shipping schedule during the waiting process, Mr. Xu will also inform him in advance. The car inspection will also help us find out the situation in advance, and the operation method is also very clear on the day of the car. Even in major needs, he will personally go to the house to lead the car service. This purchase experience is very honorable and satisfying. If there is a need for another purchase, I will choose skoda to trouble Mr. Xu's service

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