桃園(合信)諾貝爾眼科 ★ Smile全飛秒近視雷射|Z8微創飛秒白內障手術|兒童近視門診

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Contact 桃園(合信)諾貝爾眼科 ★ Smile全飛秒近視雷射|Z8微創飛秒白內障手術|兒童近視門診

地址 :

330, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Taoyuan District, Ziqiang Rd, 91號桃園(合信)諾貝爾眼科 ★ Smile全飛秒近視雷射|Z8微創飛秒白內障手術|兒童近視門診

電話 : 📞 +8897
網站 : https://www.nobeleye.com.tw/location_detail.php%3Fid%3D12%23.YlO0hnpBw2w
Opening hours :
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–12PM
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9–11:30AM
城市 : Zìqiáng Rd

330, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Taoyuan District, Ziqiang Rd, 91號桃園(合信)諾貝爾眼科 ★ Smile全飛秒近視雷射|Z8微創飛秒白內障手術|兒童近視門診
詹子毅 on Google

這裡簡單來做個smile近視雷射心得分享,希望有興趣的朋友可以參考一下。 手術前度數: 左:525 散光:125 右:475散光:100 手術診所:桃園合信諾貝爾眼科 手術方式:smile全飛秒雷射 手術醫生:石擎天醫生 諮詢檢查:李致達諮詢師 手術時間:2021/11/22(一) 手術原因: 相信大家在求學過程中都有讀過一段文字「余憶童稚時,能張目對日,明察秋毫...」,但往往事與願違,因為人們總是在不經意的時候傷 害了自己的器官,導致後續變成了「十歲白內障,十二歲全盲」。 小學的時候,許多同學都戴眼鏡,天真以為戴眼鏡很炫,努力讓自己近視以跟上最新的流行,(現在肺炎這麼流行,我怎麼不會想跟流行呢?哭啊!!),當長大吃拉麵以及游泳的時候,才發現諸多不便一一呈現,這大概就是為什麼我想要做近視雷射手術的原因。 1. 手術前諮詢: 有時候,人生就是一個字,緣。2021年10月的某一天晚上,台南依舊是悶熱的天氣,那時陪著家人詢問角膜塑型片更換事宜,在因緣際會下偕同來到了診所,也在那時了解到有種手術是可以一勞永逸的解決近視,心中有無限的好奇,而這想法也烙印在我心裡頭。 終於回到台北的我,起心動念的決定要把20幾年的眼鏡身涯終結,於是查了很多評價,以及YOUTUBER介紹,我認識了李致達視光諮詢師,經他的介紹讓我覺得很有專業的感覺,而他目前位於桃園合信諾貝爾眼科診所服務,於是相談甚歡時,就決定前往桃園術前諮詢,2021/11/13日是諮詢當天,當一進去的時候,嶄新的與整潔的環境頓時有種高級感,接待我的李致達視光諮詢師,也倒了一杯水給我說,來啦,你坐阿,態度非常的親切,於是乎開始先介紹所有雷射眼睛的所有術式,後來因為考量要上班的緣故,我毅然決然地選擇了smile全飛秒雷射術式,理由不外乎是傷口小,恢復快,本持著科技發展日新月異,大膽給他嘗試一下,經過許久的術前檢查包括角膜厚度,眼睛神經,眼壓,度數閃光,還有醫師最後總體檢查,總計花了2個小時以上,其中李致達視光諮詢師,在檢驗過程中近乎苛求的驗光法讓我印象深刻,在過程中不段的說: 來,我們再來一次。好的,那我們再看一次喔。細膩的專業的驗光,讓我備感信心,覺得這次穩了。 2.醫師總檢查: 驗光以及眼睛各項檢查後,出來的數據會交由醫師來判定適不適合做手術,醫師會依照專業的判斷來決定,所以不能做的不會給你硬做,不會像以前太監要淨身入宮的時候,行刀前臨時後悔的時候也不會放你下來,我的主治醫師是石擎天醫生,給我的第一印象是聲音很宏亮很沉著經驗非常老道的一位醫生,上網查詢有一句話是這麼形容石擎天醫生的,就是,石擎天在手,近視都沒有。而經過醫生的數據判查,眼睛查看,醫生只跟我說了一句話,年輕就是本錢,11/22開刀,完全的不猶豫宣告我合格了,真是感謝。 2. 手術當天: 2021/11/22來到了手術診所,在那裏等待著動刀,以及做術前最後判查,李致達視光諮詢師又信心地幫我查看一次,當時心裡其實也沒甚麼想法,只是覺得今天說不定是個合適的日子,我與醫生就各自用舒服的姿勢,用擅長的方式,來一場最完美的手術。 到了開刀時間,11/22日16:00,我換上了手術衣,進到手術房的時候,覺得smile機器很大台,非常的大台,大音希聲,大象無形的這麼大,一開始,醫生叫我躺在機器上面,他說不要怕,你躺好,宏亮堅定的聲音讓我的心又更安定了,點了麻藥後,大概3分鐘我的眼睛開始接受了麻藥的作用,眼睛看的見,但毫無知覺,醫生會確認眼睛沒有知覺時用撐開的夾子把眼睛牢牢固定住避免閉眼睛,然後調整好躺的姿勢,接下來就是啟動機器,會先開右眼手術在再開左眼,此時一切準備就緒後,你的右眼會看到smile機器裡面的綠點越來越靠近,切記眼睛要死盯著綠點不能動,在雷射開始前,會聽到READY,是人都會有點緊張,但好險石擎天醫生專業引導,一個口令一個動作,每一步驟前都安撫我緊張又害怕的情緒,而22秒過後,雷射就開完了,還記得開完當下,聽到大家說非常好(耳朵沒有點麻藥),心裡真的很安心,剩下就是把雷射打出來的角膜取出來,這時候眼睛會看到上方有白光,眼睛就盯著白光就好,在取出角膜的過程,石擎天醫生一直在旁邊說看亮亮,看亮亮,這體諒病人的溝通方式,讓我真的放鬆不少,沒多久左眼也開完,大概20分鐘左右,手術宣告成功結束。 3. 手術結束 手術結束當下,我張開了眼睛發現眼睛出現了傳說中的水霧感,有點像是在蒸氣房裏面,但是眼睛是看得到的,非常神奇,然後之後回家大概18:00時,按時點完諾貝爾眼科特別的A、B、C眼藥水就躺著閉眼休息睡到隔天。 隔天起床後,水霧感消失百分之八十,看東西變得非常清楚,心情很激動,多久沒有重見光明了,回診的時候視力馬上變成雙眼0.9,覺得很清楚了,石擎天醫生說一個月內眼睛不要碰水,盡量戴護目鏡,一個禮拜,以及一個月要再回診一次,11/27第二次回診,基本上已經感覺不到水霧感了,回診的時候視力馬上變成雙眼1.0,石擎天醫生說恢復得不錯,繼續保持,視力期待可以回到1.2。 4. 感想 目前尚無其他的副作用,唯一可供大家參考的是,眼睛會吸收比較多的光源,夜晚光暈會大一點,但不影響開車騎車,夜間視力,而眼睛捕捉到的光線也會多許多,而術後要勤戴護目鏡和點人工淚液與按時點眼藥水,目前尚無乾眼的症狀,這裡特別謝謝桃園合信諾貝爾眼科,石擎天醫生,李致達諮詢師給予我專業的檢查與手術,讓我有再一次機會重見光明。
Here is a simple sharing of smile myopia laser experience, I hope friends who are interested can refer to it. Preoperative degree: Left: 525 Astigmatism: 125 Right: 475 Astigmatism: 100 Surgery Clinic: Taoyuan Hexin Nobel Ophthalmology Operation method: smile full femtosecond laser Surgeon: Dr. Shi Qingtian Consultation and inspection: Li Zhida consultant Operation time: 2021/11/22 (one) Reasons for surgery: I believe that everyone has read a passage in the course of schooling, "When Yu Yi was a child, he could open his eyes to the sun and see the details...", but often things go against their wishes, because people always inadvertently hurt their own organs, leading to subsequent changes. "Ten-year-old cataract, twelve-year-old completely blind." When I was in elementary school, many classmates wore glasses, naively thinking that wearing glasses is dazzling, trying to make myself short-sighted to keep up with the latest epidemic, (now pneumonia is so popular, why would I not want to follow the epidemic? Cry!!) When I grew up eating ramen and swimming, I found that many inconveniences appeared one by one. This is probably why I want to have myopia laser surgery. 1. Consultation before surgery: Sometimes life is just one word, fate. One night in October 2021, Tainan was still sweltering and hot. At that time, I accompanied my family to ask about the replacement of the corneal plastic film. I came to the clinic together with my family. I also learned that there is a kind of surgery that can be done once and for all. For solving myopia, there is boundless curiosity in my heart, and this idea is also imprinted in my heart. When I finally returned to Taipei, I decided to end my 20-year-old spectacles. So I checked a lot of reviews and the introduction of YOUTUBER. I met Li Zhida's optometrist. His introduction made me feel very good. He has a professional feeling, and he is currently serving at Nobel Eye Clinic in Taoyuan. So when he had a good conversation, he decided to go to Taoyuan for preoperative consultation. November 13th, 2021 is the day of consultation. When he entered, the brand new There was a sense of high class with the neat environment. The Li Zhida optician who received me also poured a glass of water to me and said, come on, take a seat, the attitude is very kind, so I started to introduce all the laser eyes For all the techniques, I decided to choose the smile full femtosecond laser technique because of the consideration of going to work. The reason is that the wound is small and the recovery is fast. I insist on the rapid development of science and technology, so I boldly give him a try. After a long period of preoperative examination, including corneal thickness, eye nerves, intraocular pressure, degree flashing, and the doctor’s final overall examination, it took more than 2 hours in total. Among them, Li Zhida's optician consultant, nearly exacting optometry during the examination process I was very impressed by the law, and said in the process: Come, let's do it again. Okay, let's watch it again. The delicate and professional optometry made me feel confident and felt stable this time. 2. Physician's general examination: After optometry and various eye examinations, the data will be handed over to the doctor to determine whether it is suitable for surgery. The doctor will make a decision based on professional judgment, so you will not be forced to do what you can’t do, and it will not be like the previous eunuchs. When entering the palace, I will not let you down when I regret temporarily before performing the knife. My attending physician is Dr. Shi Qingtian. My first impression is that the voice is very loud, calm, and experienced. A very sophisticated doctor. There is a sentence on the Internet that describes Dr. Shi Qingtian like this, that is, Shi Qingtian is in hand and he has no nearsightedness. After the doctor's data check and eye inspection, the doctor only said one thing to me, young is the capital, 11/22 surgery, I did not hesitate to declare that I am qualified, I am really grateful. 2. On the day of surgery: I came to the surgery clinic on November 22, 2021. I was waiting for the surgery and the final pre-operative assessment. Li Zhida's optometrist helped me to check it again with confidence. At that time, I didn’t have any thoughts, but I just thought it might be today. It was a suitable day, and the doctor and I used comfortable postures and good methods to perform the most perfect operation. When it came time for the operation, at 16:00 on 11/22, I put on the surgical gown. When I entered the operating room, I felt that the smile machine was very big, very big, with loud sounds and invisible elephants. At the beginning, the doctor told me to lie on the machine. He said don’t be afraid. When you lie down, the loud and firm voice made my heart more stable. After I ordered the anesthetic, my eyes began to receive the anesthetic for about 3 minutes. It works, the eyes can see, but there is no sensation. When the doctor confirms that the eyes are not conscious, use the open clip to firmly fix the eyes to avoid closing the eyes, and then adjust the lying posture. The next step is to start the machine. After eye surgery, open the left eye again. When everything is ready, your right eye will see the green dot in the smile machine getting closer and closer. Remember to stare at the green dot and not move. You will hear it before the laser starts. READY, people will be a little nervous, but Dr. Xianshi Qingtian professionally guides me with a password and an action. Before each step, it calms my nervous and scared emotions. After 22 seconds, the laser is finished. Remember to turn on. At the end of the moment, I heard everyone say that it was very good (there was no anaesthetic in the ears), and I was really relieved. The rest is to take out the cornea from the laser. At this time, the eyes will see the white light above them, and the eyes will stare at the white light. Okay, during the process of taking out the cornea, Dr. Shi Qingtian kept talking about watching Liangliang, watching Liangliang. This considerate way of communicating with the patient really relaxes me a lot. It didn’t take long for me to open my left eye, about 20 minutes. Around the time, the operation was successfully completed. 3. End of surgery Immediately after the operation, I opened my eyes and found that the legendary water mist sensation appeared in my eyes. It was a bit like in a steam room, but my eyes could see it. It was very magical. Then I went home at about 18:00. After the Nobel ophthalmology special A, B, and C eye drops, I lie down and sleep with my eyes closed until the next day. After getting up the next day, the water mist disappeared 80%, seeing things became very clear, I was very excited, how long did I see the light again, my vision immediately changed to 0.9 for both eyes when I came back to the clinic, I felt very clear, Shi Qing Dr. Tian said that within a month, don’t touch your eyes with water, and try to wear goggles. You have to go back to the clinic once a week and a month. The second time on November 27th, I basically can’t feel the water mist anymore. When I go back to the clinic, I have my eyesight. It immediately became 1.0 for both eyes, and Dr. Shi Qingtian said that he was recovering well. If he continues to maintain it, he expects his vision to return to 1.2. 4. Thoughts There are no other side effects at present. The only thing for your reference is that the eyes will absorb more light sources, and the halo at night will be larger, but it will not affect driving and cycling, night vision, and the eyes will catch a lot of light. I have to wear goggles, artificial tears and eye drops regularly after the operation. There is no symptom of dry eye at present. I am especially grateful to Nobel Ophthalmology Department of Taoyuan Hexin, Dr. Shi Qingtian, and Li Zhida consultants for giving me professional examinations. With surgery, I have another chance to see the light again.
林柏宏 on Google

5/6 16:30做了smile近視雷射手術,從術前諮詢有致達經理專業且親切的服務,手術中石醫師非常貼心的引導消除內心的緊張,是一個非常令人安心的團隊,推薦給大家。
5/6 16:30 Smile laser surgery was performed. From the preoperative consultation, the manager Zhida provided professional and friendly service. During the operation, Dr. Shi gave a very thoughtful guidance to eliminate inner tension. It is a very reassuring team. I recommend it to Everyone.
佩佩 on Google

Due to the epidemic, children spend more time using computers and tablets. Recently, they found that their postures are weird. I found this good evaluation of Hexin Nobel Ophthalmology near my home on the Internet. I took my brother to check and my myopia has increased... Via The doctor and the optometrist suggested to start myopia control. The optometrist here was very patient and professional and explained many options for controlling myopia in detail. Later, we chose orthokeratology to help my brother control myopia. I feel very friendly and the nurse is very kind. I recommend everyone to come here to see the eyes?
吳育禎 on Google

因為疫情開始校園停課,孩子變成每天要接觸3C、電腦,線上課,讓原本已經近視的孩子飛快的增加度數,真的驚嚇到我了,也非常的害怕正在發育的孩子變成高度近視! 所以當檢查完眼睛確認完度數後,經由非常的細心的驗配人員的建議,孩子的度數是符合矯正治療的方案,那當然要治療啊!千萬要控制住度數~ 所以決定用-酷柏視兒每日拋軟式隱形眼鏡療程-來控制度數! 它有美國FDA認證及台灣衛福部TFDA核准! 因為是日拋型的所以每天配戴,不用擔心清潔不佳的問題,每天白天配戴晚上拋棄,真的是太棒了~完全可以減低清洗不乾淨發炎感染的問題~ 專業的人員超級仔細的重複教導孩子如何自己配戴以及拆卸隱形眼鏡~帶回大概一周份的試用品,讓孩子在家裡先練習~試戴了一周後我們今天回診再檢查了一下眼睛以及跟醫生說明配戴狀況都很順利~ 於是我們就正式開始了日常配戴學童近視控制專用日拋的生活囉~ 桃園諾貝爾專業人員-謝長弘-服務一級棒的
Because of the epidemic, the school has been closed, and children have to be exposed to 3C, computers, and online classes every day, which has caused the children who were already short-sighted to increase their degrees rapidly. Therefore, after checking the eye and confirming the degree, after the advice of the very careful fitting staff, the degree of the child is in line with the corrective treatment plan, so of course treatment is required! Be sure to control the degree~ So I decided to use - Kubo Shier daily soft contact lens treatment - to control the degree! It has the US FDA certification and Taiwan's Ministry of Health and Welfare TFDA approval! Because it is a daily disposable type, you can wear it every day. You don't have to worry about the problem of poor cleaning. It is really great to wear it every day and throw it away at night~ It can completely reduce the problem of uncleanness, inflammation and infection~ Professional staff super carefully and repeatedly teach children how to wear and remove contact lenses by themselves~ Bring back about a week's worth of test products, let the children practice at home~ After a week of trying on, we will return to the doctor today to check the eyes and talk to the doctor It shows that the wearing condition is very smooth~ So we officially started the daily life of wearing a daily disposable for school children's myopia control~ Taoyuan Nobel Professional - Xie Changhong - Excellent service
HSIEH on Google

Although the degree of the child has increased again, I am still very worried, but I don’t want him to order mydriatic agent. After thinking about it for a while, the family decided to let the child have the control plan suggested by the optometrist. The service staff here is very professional and detailed. Tell us the advantages and disadvantages of each plan and suggest which is more suitable for us. We chose daily disposable contact lenses that can be tried on at home and then decided. At least we can know whether the child can accept it or not. This is the try-on on the day. I have been wearing the photo for a week now. The child likes to see things clearly. Yesterday, I signed an appointment. The doctors, nurses and optometrists here feel very friendly and professional. Highly recommended
簡木容 on Google

I have heard from many friends recommending that Hexin Nobel Ophthalmology is very professional. This time I brought my family for cataract surgery. It was really good. Dr. Shi Qingtian was very careful and skilled, and the nurse optometrist was also very patient and professional. wrong!
Mia Chang on Google

The smile full femtosecond myopia laser surgery was very successful. I would like to thank Manager Li for helping me patiently with all the preoperative examinations and the super friendly and professional Dean Shi who personally performed the surgery! The procedure was smooth and painless at all! Thank you Nobel Ophthalmology for letting me see again~~~~ Big push?
Susu on Google

近視這個問題困擾了我非常多年,因為從國中就開始戴隱形眼鏡,加上從事護理師的工作後戴眼鏡會有很大的不便(開刀房不能三不五時推眼鏡還容易起霧),導致長期配戴隱形眼鏡的我已經出現了眼睛乾澀戴不久的問題,終於在今年動了想做雷射手術的念頭。 雷射手術這種一輩子的事情我是支持多方比較評估的,所以我一開始其實是到全台最多網紅葉佩的眼科做評估,但從一開始諮詢師幫我評估的態度以及專業度都讓我感覺不太舒服,也沒辦法見到幫自己動手術的醫生,我相信無論是誰都會覺得不安心跟不太高興,而我也不想帶著疑惑的心情付出一大筆錢做影響靈魂之窗的事情,所以聽身邊親戚朋友在各種不同的眼科診所評估後『諾貝爾眼科』是目前聽到過不論是術前、術中或術後都評價很好的地方,於是我也決定要去預約檢查。 我檢查的門市是?『桃園合信諾貝爾眼科』,診所的環境非常乾淨明亮,櫃檯掛號人員親切的請我填寫資料後?『諮詢師—致達經理』就出現替我服務,整個術檢過程可以說是非常親切、耐心、不會讓人有壓迫感?,測視力的時候也一直說很好~很棒(害我都覺得我自己真的那麼棒嗎哈哈),評估結束後可以加致達經理的Line 如果有問題都可以直接詢問,他只要醒著都會回覆?,手術當天致達經理也會再驗光一次看看數值是不是差不多,今天術後回診雖然沒遇見經理,但他還是有看一下我的回診資料然後再稱讚一下我眼睛恢復的很好,真的很sweet耶?歡迎想做雷射諮詢且想被專業又親切服務的人一定要來桃園合信諾貝爾找致達經理!! 術前評估完會直接給手術醫生看自己眼睛的狀況,這點是另一間網紅葉佩眼科沒有的,真的非常加分?? 幫我手術的醫生是?『石擎天醫師』同時他也是桃園的院長,一進去診間他替我的眼睛做了檢查後就說我的眼睛很健康適合做雷射,他的肯定給我一種很安定的力量,不管是在手術前、手術當中、手術後以及今天是術後第一次回診,石醫師都很有耐心且一直說我很棒做的很好(又一次懷疑我只是躺著真的做的很好嗎哈哈~) 耳聞有幾間眼科的醫生在雷射時只要眼睛有一點跑掉就會很兇,但給石醫師手術完全不會有這種情況,只會有非常多的鼓勵?❤️ 哇一回神發現我怎麼打了那麼多,一定是代表我非常滿意整體的服務體驗吧,想做雷射一定要選擇好的診所、好的諮詢師、好的醫生,桃園合信諾貝爾可以一次滿足三種要求,心動不如馬上行動,祝各位的體驗都能給我一樣好❤️❤️❤️
The problem of myopia has troubled me for many years, because I have been wearing contact lenses since middle school, and wearing glasses after working as a nurse will be very inconvenient (the glasses cannot be pushed every now and then in the surgery room, and it is easy to fog), As a result of wearing contact lenses for a long time, I have had dry eyes, and I finally had the idea of ​​laser surgery this year. Laser surgery is a life-long thing I support multi-party comparison evaluation, so I actually went to the ophthalmology department of Ye Pei, the most popular Internet celebrity in Taiwan, for evaluation. I don't feel very well, and I can't see the doctor who operated on me. I believe that no matter who it is, everyone will feel uneasy and unhappy, and I don't want to pay a lot of money to do something that affects the soul with doubts. So I heard about the evaluation of my relatives and friends in various ophthalmology clinics. "Nobel Eye Clinic" is a place that has been evaluated very well before, during and after surgery, so I also decided to make an appointment for an examination. . The store I checked was ?『Taoyuan Hexin Nobel Ophthalmology』. The environment of the clinic was very clean and bright. After the registration staff at the counter kindly asked me to fill in the information ?『Consultant - Zhida Manager』 appeared to serve me. The process can be said to be very kind, patient, and will not make people feel oppressed?, and I always said that it was very good ~ great when measuring vision If you have any questions, you can directly ask the manager's Line. He will reply as long as he is awake. On the day of the operation, the manager will also have an optometry to see if the values ​​are similar. Although I didn't meet the manager today, I did not meet the manager. Have a look at my follow-up information and then praise my eye recovery is very good, really sweet ?Welcome to those who want to do laser consultation and want to be professionally and kindly served, you must come to Taoyuan Hexin Nobel to find Zhida manager! ! After the pre-operative evaluation, the surgeon will directly show the condition of his eyes to the surgeon. This is something that another Internet celebrity Yepei Ophthalmology does not have. It is really a plus. The doctor who helped me with the surgery is ?"Dr. Shi Qingtian" and he He is also the director of Taoyuan. As soon as I entered the clinic, he checked my eyes and said that my eyes were healthy and suitable for laser surgery. After the operation and today is the first time to come back after the operation, Dr. Shi is very patient and always said that I am doing very well (again, I wonder if I just lie down and do it really well haha~) I heard that there are several ophthalmologists who will be very fierce if the eyes run away a little during the laser, but this will never happen to Dr. Shi, there will only be a lot of encouragement ?❤️ Wow, I found out why I played so many times. It must mean that I am very satisfied with the overall service experience. If you want to be a laser, you must choose a good clinic, a good consultant, and a good doctor. Taoyuan Hexin Nobel can do it. Satisfy three requirements at one time, it is better to act immediately, I wish you all the same experience as me ❤️❤️❤️

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