創業台槓|Startup Talk|創新育成中心|數位行銷課程、行銷企劃課程、創業管理課程、職場提升課程

4.7/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 創業台槓|Startup Talk|創新育成中心|數位行銷課程、行銷企劃課程、創業管理課程、職場提升課程

地址 :

800, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Xinxing District, Minquan 1st Rd, 251號創業台槓|Startup Talk|創新育成中心|數位行銷課程、行銷企劃課程、創業管理課程、職場提升課程20樓

電話 : 📞 +887
網站 : https://www.facebook.com/STalkTW/
城市 : st Rd

800, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Xinxing District, Minquan 1st Rd, 251號創業台槓|Startup Talk|創新育成中心|數位行銷課程、行銷企劃課程、創業管理課程、職場提升課程20樓
汪坤昇 on Google

The venue is very good, the intent course, and the lecturer is great!
茄茄 Alice on Google

前幾天 跟台槓借場地 事前都有確認時間可以租借 同仁已填寫預約單 結果隔天被莫名其妙說不能借了,被取消 因為他們自己有活動要辦 說要回電也不會回電 造成我們嚴重困擾 臨時要再找其他場地敲時間 一來一往錯過許多機會 如此慘痛的經驗卻不聞不問
some days ago Borrow the venue with the bar There is confirmation time beforehand to rent Colleagues have filled in the appointment form The result was inexplicably said the next day that it could not be borrowed and was cancelled Because they have their own activities If you call back, you won't call back Cause us serious trouble Temporarily find another venue to knock on time Many missed opportunities Such a painful experience
Phyllis S on Google

The related courses are very good?
石蕙 on Google

The courses offered are very good.
孟令強(Barry) on Google

第一次來參加活動覺得主辦單位很用心 在高雄少數有舉辦課程的單位 希望可以在南台灣可以創造不一樣的火花 創業台槓為南部最大創業交流社群。希望建立南台灣互利共享的創業生態系,經由每個月的分享聚會,建立一個跨領域的創業交流平台。活動的主題有行銷、網路創業、餐飲創業、電商、社會企業..等。藉由分享和對談,讓企業家、創業團隊、設計師、工程師、學生激盪出火花。 除了創業月聚會以外,也培育新創企業所需人才,開辦行銷、電商、財務、法律..等相關課程講座。
When I came to the event for the first time, I felt the organizer was very attentive There are a few units in Kaohsiung that hold courses I hope you can create a different spark in southern Taiwan The entrepreneurial bar is the largest entrepreneurial exchange community in the south. Hope to establish a mutually beneficial and shared entrepreneurial ecosystem in southern Taiwan. Through monthly sharing gatherings, a cross-disciplinary entrepreneurial exchange platform will be established. The themes of the event are marketing, internet entrepreneurship, catering entrepreneurship, e-commerce, social enterprise, etc. By sharing and talking, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial teams, designers, engineers, and students are excited. In addition to the startup month gathering, it also nurtures the talents needed by start-up companies, and provides lectures on related courses such as marketing, e-commerce, finance, and law.
吳金融 on Google

Entrepreneurship is one of the few units in Kaohsiung that has a number of courses. Every month, we share a gathering and establish a cross-disciplinary entrepreneurial exchange platform. The invited lecturers are industry lecturers with rich practical experience.
YING-BA on Google

環境不錯~課程也不錯?? 有機會還會報名的! 停車也蠻方便的對面有個停車場?️ 可惜比較沒有時間和同學們交流認識~~~
The environment is good~ the course is not bad?? Have the opportunity to register! Parking is also quite convenient, there is a parking lot ?️ Unfortunately, there is no time to exchange ideas with the students~~~
Chiaen Li on Google

創業台槓是少數南部很棒的開課單位,總會舉辦很新、很優質的課程,也會舉辦一些分享會,提供跨界的朋友一個交流的平台。創辦人也非常用心在這個領域上,若有對於數位相關的課程感興趣,非常推薦台槓的課程 ???
Entrepreneurship Taiwan is one of the few great courses in the south. It will always hold very new and high-quality courses, and will also hold some sharing sessions to provide a platform for cross-industry friends to communicate. The founder is also very attentive in this field. If you are interested in digital-related courses, I highly recommend Taiwanese courses ???

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