Story Bar - Tonghai Lane

4.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Story Bar

地址 :

946, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Hengchun Township, Tonghai Lane, Kending Rd, 3-1號Story Bar

城市 : Kending Rd

946, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Hengchun Township, Tonghai Lane, Kending Rd, 3-1號Story Bar
林恩毅 on Google

The boss is very nice
佑佑 on Google

Come to the pilgrimage~
王崇帆 on Google

It's so cool to come here for a drink
蔡百耕 on Google

吉吉幫Ray哥 on Google

老闆無敵的吧 被8+9奧客摔杯子還能不動聲色 下次去絕對光顧此店?
Chin-Jung Chang on Google

After the 8+9 of Mei Ganli was beaten up by the local Abers, what exactly did they shake hands with the boss and tell the boss, ask the boss to disclose XDDD
ying tsai liu on Google

On the Dragon Boat Festival in 111, a customer smashed a wine glass and was choked by the local Abo. The weak chicken man was upset and wanted to beat Abo, but the young man who beat the shirtless weak chicken lost to the local Abo and was beaten on the ground. This story tells us that the wine is better , Don't smash the wine glass when you are drunk, the best short film in the 111 Dragon Boat Festival takes place
veronica hsiao on Google

Nice bar

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