Switer Cosmetics Beauty Care Center - North District

4.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Switer Cosmetics Beauty Care Center

地址 :

No. 117-3號, Section 3, Sanmin Rd, North District, Taichung City, Taiwan 404

電話 : 📞 +8877
網站 : http://www.switer.com.tw/
城市 : Taichung City

No. 117-3號, Section 3, Sanmin Rd, North District, Taichung City, Taiwan 404
呂離 on Google

看過了各大皮膚診所,也嘗試過醫美,絕大部分都是擦藥、吃藥、接觸化學的治療。 來到了詩威特國際美容三民店才了解,護膚從根本開始,一步一步找回年輕時的肌膚。耐心的為客戶打造量身的治療方式,純天然保養品和美容師細心的手法,彷彿自己年輕了十幾二十歲。 環境舒適,氣氛佳,讓人值得把自己交給她們。
I have seen major skin clinics and tried beauty treatments, most of which are treatments such as rubbing medicine, taking medicine, and exposure to chemicals. It was only when I came to Shiweit International Beauty Sanmin Store that I learned that skin care starts from the root, step by step to restore the young skin. Patiently create tailor-made treatments for customers, pure natural skin care products and careful techniques of beauticians, as if they are younger than 20 years old. The environment is comfortable and the atmosphere is good, making people worthy of entrusting themselves to them.
Wu Sabrina on Google

There are no compartments, only curtains, privacy is not good, and when talking on the phone or chatting on the bed next door, it feels very noisy. Provide small snacks, very caring, and the service staff are also very kind.
郭庭 on Google

Thank you, because I forgot to bring my face wash when I was traveling. Fortunately, Shiweit also has stores in other counties and cities. Thank you for the beautiful staff who are willing to sell my products after work. It really saves my life. TT.
gwendolyn on Google

從大學到現在持續好幾年的老客戶了,從大學到現在持續好幾年的老客戶了,每次去都極度放鬆~做臉前還會先按摩紓緩後再開始,敷臉的同時還會按摩肩頸,真的太舒服了,每次都睡著,醒來就變美! 雖然有時候大家會對於連鎖店保有疑慮、但是只能說三民店不用擔心品質問題啦 <3
I have been an old customer who has lasted for several years from university to now. I have been an old customer who has lasted for several years. Every time I go there, I am extremely relaxed. Before doing the face, I will massage and relieve it and then start. Massage the neck and shoulders, it’s really comfortable, every time you fall asleep, you will be beautiful when you wake up! Although sometimes people will have doubts about the chain stores, but we can only say that Sanmin stores don’t have to worry about quality issues.<3
周依緁 on Google

今天過敏的皮膚被照顧的很好 每個美容師我都很喜歡 推薦有需要的朋友唷!
Today’s allergic skin has been taken care of very well. Every beautician I like very much. Recommend friends in need!
Christina on Google

The service here is very professional and reassuring. I have been here for more than four years, and the problem of enlarged pores has been greatly improved. I'm not a serious maintenance person, but they are serious about helping me. Great recommendation!
詹仁宏 on Google

我要客訴一位短頭髮的孕婦 服務業沒有那個不推銷的 我相信 但不至於不買課程 就罵客人白癡吧 第一次體驗價999 感覺還不錯 做完課程 當下已經詢問過了 我說回去考慮一下 畢竟是來試水溫的 第二次用原價1200做 臉只洗一次 還洗到眼睛裡面 眼睛超辣的 洗完就直接挑粉刺了 眉毛要不要順便修也不問了 要不要修是客人的事 怎麽用體驗價就會問 用原價就不會問 我也沒有因為用原價就不來了 需要落差這麼大 還好意思叫客人買課程 原價1200是這種服務品質 那買課程優惠價800不就連使用的產品都沒了 有多少能力做多少事 這麼簡單的一句話 你都當媽了 你不知道嗎?客人自己會評估 輪不到你來幫客人作主 你把我當朋友 很抱歉 我只把你當美容師 我連你叫什麼名字都不知道 有什麼好用客情這招來叫客人買課程 你講話直接 我講話也不會多好聽 我不會因為你不去斯威特 但會因為你個人 破壞了你們店家的名譽
古雪兒 on Google

從出社會工作就做臉至今 ?‍♀️算是老客戶了... 環境讓人很放鬆 休息地方有電視及沙發 會先背部按摩 →做臉 (夾痘+敷臉) →也有點心可吃 美容師們都溫柔及細心 專業度也夠 若…還沒有固定做臉的you 大推喔~
I've been making faces since I went to work in society ?‍♀️Is a regular customer... The environment is very relaxing Resting place has TV and sofa Back massage first →Make face (pimples + apply face) →There are also snacks to eat The beauticians are gentle and attentive Professionalism is enough If...you don’t have a fixed face Big push~

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