Taichung Municipal Tai'an Elementary School - Houli District

4.3/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Taichung Municipal Tai'an Elementary School

地址 :

No. 5, Anmei Rd, Houli District, Taichung City, Taiwan 421

電話 : 📞 +88
網站 : http://www.taps.tc.edu.tw/
城市 : Taichung City

No. 5, Anmei Rd, Houli District, Taichung City, Taiwan 421
Elaineluby on Google

The beautiful campus of the school, you can also see Miller's picking map, and it is quite comfortable to enjoy the cool under the big banyan tree.
蔡大緯 on Google

在櫻花季的當時,這個小學正對著一個廣大的停車場用地,所以它此時便作為遊客的休息據點,但如果大家想來這裡上廁所,以為學校會大發慈悲讓大家尿好尿滿,那可不一定,因為我到裡面發現流動廁所,女廁大排長龍的景象,想必是校方只給休息沒給廁所上。 學校不知是為因應附近是觀光景點,為校園做出特別的佈置,感覺這個學校多出了些觀光味,有花,有風車,有裝飾擺設,完全已不像個單純學校,此時的校園守衛大叔也不得閒,因為台灣民眾的特性就是只要帶出小孩出門,就會變得看不太懂標語,明明寫著不要攀爬,但一堆小孩依然到處攀爬,父母也沒在管,導致這位守衛大叔不斷忙著進行勸導。 這個小學裡面有一個景點,情人樹,簡單來說就是兩顆大樹,我想這兩棵大樹在夏天應該很重要。
At the time of the cherry blossom season, this elementary school was facing a large parking lot, so it was used as a resting place for tourists. Certainly, because I found a mobile toilet and a long queue of women's toilets inside, it is presumed that the school only gave rest to the toilet. The school did not know that it was a sightseeing spot, and made special arrangements for the campus. It felt that the school had more sightseeing, with flowers, windmills, and decorations. It was no longer like a simple school. The campus at this time Uncle Guardian should not be idle, because the characteristic of the Taiwanese people is that as long as they take their children out, they will not understand the slogans. As a result, the uncle was constantly busy persuading. There is a scenic spot in this elementary school. The lover tree is simply two big trees. I think these two big trees should be very important in summer.
鄭士城 on Google

國小內的情人樹 校園內只能用超乾淨來形容 假日沒有學生,也沒看到打掃人員 情人樹對面的盪鞦韆場旁木材步道,我竟然沒有看到一片落葉或樹枝,真的很乾淨。
Love tree in elementary school The campus can only be described as super clean There are no students and no cleaning staff on holidays On the timber trail next to the swinging field opposite the Lover Tree, I didn't even see a single leaf or branch. It was really clean.
簡曹滋晴 on Google

開放讓大家可以自由參觀,很多設計很體貼幼兒、小學生的設計,如防撞邊條、可愛造景,也有香菇頭小矮人坐椅、很多歐洲貴族悠雅照片,段鐵設計架子的班級告式牌,很高級處處可見學校的用心。 有進門風車及小火車,花圃園藝造景,加上2個可愛玩偶。有情人 樹附近有芋頭田、落羽松,令人流連忘返的地方、輕鬆自在。
It is open so that everyone can visit freely. Many designs are very considerate for children and elementary school students, such as anti-collision side strips, cute landscaping, mushroom head dwarf chairs, many European nobles' Youya photos, and Duan Tie designed a shelf for the class announcement The cards are very high-level, and the school’s care can be seen everywhere. There are windmills and small trains at the door, flower gardens and gardening, plus 2 cute dolls. Lovers There are taro fields and taro pine near the tree, a place to linger and relax.
Yingting Shih on Google

第4605篇[台中后里]泰安國小情人樹/誠實商店/泰安羽粼落羽松X台灣施旅行|Taichung Houli Lover Tree X Taiwan ShihTrip
Article 4605 [Taichung Houli] Tai'an Elementary School Lover Tree/Honest Store/Taichung Houli Lover Tree X Taiwan ShihTrip | Taichung Houli Lover Tree X Taiwan ShihTrip
Amigo on Google

校園不大.非常可愛 校園維護得非常好 不確定是否每個週末都會開放 若是有進入校園.請務必發揮公德心 不要破壞這乾淨又美麗的校園 百年大榕樹真的很高大.可是非常壯觀呢!
The campus is not big. Very cute The campus is very well maintained Not sure if it will be open every weekend If you have entered the campus, please be sure to show your ethics Don't spoil this clean and beautiful campus The century-old banyan tree is really tall, but it is very spectacular!
熊國榮 on Google

開車要前去落羽松的景點途經這所國小,見校門前擺放花色鮮艶的盆裁,而且入口處没有流於傳統形式的蔣公銅像,取而代之的是荷蘭風車與泰安火車的裝置藝術景觀,讓人感覺泰安國小清新脱俗充满活潑和朝氣。 ?我先在圍牆外往校園內拍照再走到校園門口問守衛先生可否進入校園参觀? 他回說依照實聯制防疫措施即可,我聽了心中不禁大喜。 ?《泰安國小》是本人造訪過的小學裡面和《清水國小》最令人討喜的一所。它的整體外觀和教室有别於其他小學,處處都有藝術創作和佈置設計。 ?拍下的照片非常漂亮令人驚喜,你若看我評論再看照片就知我所言非虛。
The attraction of the fall in front of the driver will pass through this country, see the colorful potted pots in front of the school, and the entrance is not streamdabed in the traditional form of Jiang Gong bronze statue. The landscape makes people feel that Taian Nationality is full of lively and vitality. Hey, I will take a photo in the wall to the campus and then go to the school gate to ask Mr. Guard to enter the campus. He returned to say that it could not help but survic in accordance with the physical epidemic prevention measures. ? "Tai'an State" is the most demanding in primary school visit and "Qingshui Nationality". Its overall appearance and classroom are different from other primary schools, and there are artistic creation and layout. The photos taken are very beautiful and surprised. If you look at my comments, I will know that I don't understand.
Pinggis Chang on Google

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