Taichung Veterans General Hospital medical building

3.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Taichung Veterans General Hospital medical building

地址 :

No. 1650, Section 4, Taiwan Blvd, Xitun District, Taichung City, Taiwan 407

網站 : https://www.vghtc.gov.tw/
城市 : 北區 Taichung City

No. 1650, Section 4, Taiwan Blvd, Xitun District, Taichung City, Taiwan 407
Chen Kian on Google

爛到爆的服務 不專業的門診護士 詢問照心臟電腦斷層需要注意什麼?回答不用直接來檢查就好 到現場才知道要提前禁食4小時 現場再問你能留4小時檢查嗎 上面的時間損失 還沒有可以申訴的管道。 虧還是台中的大醫院… 品質很差勁
Terrible service Unprofessional outpatient nurse Ask about cardiac computed tomography need to pay attention to? You don’t need to come to the inspection directly. You only know that you need to fast for 4 hours in advance when you arrive at the scene. Can you stay for 4 hours for inspection? The above time loss has no channels to appeal. The loss is still a big hospital in Taichung... The quality is very poor
張勝源 on Google

2020/7月首發 中部地區一流的醫學中心,家中長輩一些重症或是需開刀時,幾乎都首選在榮總處理,專業的醫護人員,讓人放心。??? 由於算是老醫院,所以早期配家人來看診或住院時,難免覺得環境較老舊,空氣中充斥著濃濃消毒水與藥水味,不過隨著時間過去,榮總感覺也不斷成長進度,大樓陸續新建或重新裝修,讓人感覺耳目一新,軟硬體實力不斷在改善與進步。 今天陪長輩回診,新建的門診大樓蓋的非常漂亮,有如飯店一般,內部走道也變得比以前寬敞,以前沒有手扶梯,現在也終於有了。不用一群人枯等電梯,便民多了!??? 醫院內的志工,非常熱心做一些解說與協助,醫院各項服務也越來越便民。 感謝榮總專業的醫護人員,長期以來,讓家裡長輩得到最好的醫療照護,辛苦了,你們是最棒的!!???
First release in July 2020 In the first-class medical center in the central region, when some of the elders in the family are seriously ill or need surgery, they will almost always choose the treatment at President Rong. The professional medical staff is reassuring. ??? Since it is considered to be an old hospital, it is inevitable to feel that the environment is relatively old when the family comes to see a doctor or be hospitalized in the early days. The air is full of strong smell of disinfectant and medicine. However, as time goes by, Mr. Rong feels that he is also growing and progressing. New construction or refurbishment is one after another, which makes people feel refreshed, and the hardware and software strengths are constantly improving and progressing. Today I accompany my elders to visit the clinic. The newly built outpatient building is very beautiful, like a restaurant, and the internal walkway has become wider than before. There was no escalator before, but now it finally has it. There is no need for a group of people to wait for the elevator, it is much more convenient! ??? The volunteers in the hospital are very enthusiastic to give some explanations and assistance, and the hospital services are becoming more and more convenient. Thanks to the professional medical staff of President Rong, for a long time, the elders in the family have been given the best medical care. After hard work, you are the best! ! ???
Ray Tang on Google

frank frank on Google

Allen Liao on Google

The most professional hospital in Taichung city.
江皇霆 on Google

Great HP
Ulrich Krupicka on Google

Maybe one of the best hospitals in asia. Qualification of specialists better as in Europe. Everybody is friendly and cooperative. I stay here since one week with an coronar infarct and got best treatment. Thanks to anybody here!
Hazlitt Krog on Google

This is a great hospital for Americans to study who are interested in the single-payer model of health care. The way they handle the large volume of patients is very systematic and efficient. Numerous waiting areas with chairs that are comfortable and plentiful. If you arrive on time for your appointments, you probably won’t have to wait too long. There’s a phone app where you can monitor your place on line for each room. The two food courts with convenience stores and coffee shops are a nice touch you don’t see in many American hospitals. There are also numerous filtered water machines throughout the hospital where you can dispense cool, warm, or hot water into your own container. This is something that America should copy.

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