Taipei City Police Department

2/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Taipei City Police Department

地址 :

No. 305號, Section 3, Dadu Rd, Beitou District, Taipei City, Taiwan 112

電話 : 📞 +88888
網站 :
城市 : Taipei City

No. 305號, Section 3, Dadu Rd, Beitou District, Taipei City, Taiwan 112
Kevin Tsan on Google

派出所前的大度路橋長下坡,看到第一個燈號是綠燈,當時下午太陽很大光線刺眼、等到下橋後又有第二個燈號轉紅燈已經來不及了,因此踩著煞車過紅燈。車上載著一家四口不方便急煞車,已經與員警說明不是故意闖紅燈,突然看到紅燈後有踩煞車減速。 但是這位定點守株待兔的員警卻口氣很差的指控我就是故意闖紅燈、車上有載人也看不到(停車攔檢不就看到了嗎?)。與該員警到派出所看影片,我確實是踩著煞車過紅燈,但一直誣賴我就是故意闖紅燈。 該員警第一時間態度就是為了想開單,早知該路段燈號設置可能會有相似違規,還加入個人主觀的看法。即便闖紅燈是事實,但也不必誣衊駕駛人道德觀。有意或無意也要看駕駛人的行車判斷,開車的不是機器人、車子也沒有智慧駕駛輔助。 給予極差負評,希望派出所不要只為了增加業績,也應該參考駕駛人案例說明,確實改善交通動線!
The Dadu Road Bridge in front of the police station went downhill and saw the first light is a green light. At that time, the sun was very bright in the afternoon, and after the bridge was down, there was a second light that turned to a red light. It was too late, so he braked. Red light. The car was loaded with a family of four inconvenient emergency brakes. It had been explained to the police that they did not intentionally run through the red light. When they suddenly saw the red light, they braked to slow down. But the policeman who was standing by and waiting for the rabbit accused me badly of intentionally running a red light and seeing that there were people in the car (Isn't it seen when I stopped the car?). When I went to the police station to watch the video with the police officer, I did step on the brakes and passed the red light, but I always accused me of intentionally running the red light. The police's first attitude was to want to open a bill. I knew that there might be similar violations of the signal setting on this section of the road, and I added my personal subjective opinions. Even if it is true to run a red light, it is not necessary to defame the morality of the driver. Whether it is intentional or unintentional depends on the driver's driving judgment. It is not a robot that drives the car, and there is no intelligent driving assistance. Give a very bad negative review, I hope that the police station should not only increase the performance, but also refer to the driver's case description, and indeed improve the traffic flow!
莞芫 on Google

看到新聞,很無法接受 脫口罩喝水 依疫情管理防制法開罰沒有錯 但把3000變15000,超扯
I can’t accept it when I see the news Take off the mask and drink water There is nothing wrong with imposing penalties in accordance with the Epidemic Management and Prevention Law But changing 3000 to 15000, it’s super pull
shao wei on Google

The police are very enthusiastic, help me get my helmet back, thank you ???
高瑋圻 on Google

警察在執勤時不可以喝水喔!畢竟現在防疫期間,不然就得吃上3000元到15000的罰金。而且警察是公僕,應該做一個示範。請大家多多檢舉脫口罩喝水的行為。 此外,警察在執行公務的時候,當事人有權利拿出手機來進行蒐證。警察不要一直叫人家不要拍,當事者本來就有保護自己的權利。壞警察會把密錄器亂剪。
The police are not allowed to drink water while on duty! After all, during the current epidemic prevention period, otherwise you will have to pay a fine of 3,000 yuan to 15,000. Moreover, the police are public servants and should be a demonstration. Please report the behavior of taking off your mask and drinking water. In addition, when the police are performing their official duties, the parties have the right to take out their mobile phones to search for evidence. The police should not keep telling others not to take pictures. The parties involved have the right to protect themselves. The bad police will cut the secret recorder indiscriminately.
Edward Luo on Google

態度軟爛 處理事情要做不做的 可有可無的一間分局
A soft and rotten attitude, dealing with things to do or not, a dispensable branch
郭菁輝 on Google

這間警察搶錢搶很兇 塞車車子過停止線一半變燈 黃燈過去會說你闖紅燈 開單要註銷叫你自己去裁決所
This policeman is fiercely robbing money Traffic jam when passing the stop line, the lights change halfway The yellow light will say you ran the red light You need to cancel the bill and ask you to go to the adjudication office.
蔡萬益 on Google

There will be a camera at the door to take pictures, and the road is so big and downhill, the speed limit is only 50, please be careful
游麗月 on Google

(7/13微解放 ) 我7/15帶小孩出門 小孩哭鬧肚子餓 我為了要安撫小孩我 買了鐵蛋 因為小孩才2歲半所以我拉下口罩咬一半餵小孩吃我的周遭是沒有其他人 剛好被路過的警察 開單人員「蕭弘欽先生」發現我立馬口罩帶好 也跟警察解釋 道歉 請他原諒一次 他還是開單~我因為疫情嚴重影響5/25被資遣到現在都找不到工作只是餵小孩吃東西就要被罰3000~15000 跟警察說我可能繳不出錢 警察開單還懷疑我給的地址有問題還特別問我這個地址能收的到信嗎⋯⋯太沒有人性人情味!警察完全沒有勸導第一時間拿單就要我簽名。負一顆星
(7/13 micro-liberation) I took my child out on 7/15 and the child was crying and hungry. I bought iron eggs to comfort the child. Because the child was only two and a half years old, I took off the mask and bit half and fed the child. There was no one around me. The police billing officer ``Mr. Xiao Hongqin'' who happened to be passing by discovered that I was wearing the mask and immediately explained to the police to apologize and ask him for forgiveness. He still billed the bill~ I was repatriated on 5/25 due to the severe impact of the epidemic, and I still can’t find a job. I just feed the children and I will be fined 3000~15000. Tell the police that I might not be able to pay. The police billed me and suspected me. If there is a problem with the address given, I also asked me if I can receive the letter at this address... It’s too impersonal! The police did not persuade me to sign the bill immediately. Minus one star

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