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Taiwan, 新北市烏來區信賢部落
吳大哥 on Google

It ’s just an ordinary mountain with some indigenous people
高鈺婷 on Google

Beautiful and simple tribe, most residents are friendly to stray animals.
Samil Kuo on Google

There is a spectacular step waterfall
Chia Ching Hayashi (Kelly) on Google

Beautiful wild stream waterfall
巫協森 on Google

The Doll Valley is closed and comes inadvertently. The scenery is beautiful, the rare tranquility, there will be surprises when walking, not bad.
sepia on Google

部落名稱:信賢部落【Lahaw】 部落特色:信賢部落在地質上擁有瀑布及溪谷資源,地貌景觀多元多樣,加上信賢村發展較晚,因此保有許多原始木板屋,為一樸實的山中聚落。村內有精通傳統泰雅藤編的長老,可見本村在泰雅文化傳承中的深厚內涵。 所在位置:新北市烏來區信賢里 範圍:為位於烏來中心的泰雅部落,連結福山與烏來部落的重要聯絡孔道。位於南勢溪中游與樟樹溪之合流處附近,土地面積54.6889平方公里。 地理環境:山地 交通資訊 ◎ 自行開車: 1、由台北市區羅斯福路往北新路,抵碧潭再續行北烏公路(即台9甲省道) 過烏來 村即可到達。 2、國道三號:由安坑交流道下,循中興路或是環河路北新路至青潭,轉新烏公路(台9甲省道),過烏來村即可到達。 ◎搭乘大眾運輸: 於台北市搭乘往烏來的新店客運,再轉搭往信賢村的班車即可到達。 ◎聯外道路為二線道,假日較易塞車,實施大型車管制,假日禁止20人座以上車輛進入,非假日可以向烏來分駐所提出申請20人座中型車輛進入許可證。 部落所屬族群:泰雅族 使用語言:泰雅語 、漢語 宗教信仰:基督教 部落由來: 其祖先原居於札孔,後遷至信賢村派出所東方之地,建立拉號部落。賽考列克語「Lahau」是「樹林濃密」之意,因境內森林密佈,而取為部落名。清同治至光緒初年間,有漢人前來此地伐木,他們利用南勢溪將砍伐的巨木順河流下,在新店加工製成木板,故漢人又稱拉號部落為枋山部落,枋與板同義,意指盛產板木的聚落。民國10年,三井合名會社徵收該地,社方遂遷於現址,以「那哮社」為名,是泰雅語Lahau的音譯,又名拉號。光復以後,劃定村行政區,初名蘭吼村,其後改稱信賢村。 信賢村內有內洞森林遊樂區、水壩、信賢步道、信賢種籽森林學校…等,每到夏天,昆蟲、鳥類、青蛙齊鳴,形成天然的自然樂園。其中漢人人口比例超越當地泰雅原住民族。沿途有餐廳、派出所、商店,是前往福山村必經的聚落。 旅遊觀光資訊 內洞森林遊樂區內南勢溪、內洞溪的豐沛水資源,孕育了繁茂的森林、多樣性的動植物生態外,內洞的瀑布群更是馳名全台的瀑布,其中信賢瀑布(內洞瀑布)更經由票選後,獲選為最美的瀑布第一名;此外,根據研究調查發現,內洞的陰離子含量更居於全台森林遊樂區之冠。來到這裡,除視覺上的享受外,更別忘了大口呼吸健康的「空氣維他命-陰離子」,來趟健康的森林浴之旅。
Tribal name: Xinxian tribe [Lahaw] Tribal characteristics: The Xinxian tribe has waterfalls and valley resources in geology. The landscape is diverse and the development of Xinxian Village is relatively late. Therefore, many original wooden houses are preserved, which is a simple mountain settlement. The village has elders who are proficient in traditional Atayal rattan, which shows the profound connotation of the village in the inheritance of Atayal culture. Location: Xinxianli, Wulai District, New Taipei City Scope: It is the Taiya tribe located in the center of Wulai, connecting the important communication channels of Fushan and Wulai tribes. It is located near the confluence of the middle reaches of Nanshixi and Yushuxi, with a land area of ​​54.6889 square kilometers. Geographical environment: mountainous Traffic information ◎ Driving by yourself: 1. From Taipei Roosevelt Road to Beixin Road, you will arrive at Bitan and continue to the North Wu Road (ie, Taiwan Provincial Highway No. 9). You can arrive in Wulai Village. 2, National Road No. 3: From the Ankeng Interchange Road, follow Zhongxing Road or Huanhe Road, Beixin Road to Qingtan, turn to Xinwu Highway (Taiwan 9 Provincial Highway), and you can reach Wulai Village. ◎ Take public transportation: Take a bus to the new store in Wulai in Taipei City, then transfer to the bus to Xinxian Village. ◎The road outside the road is the second lane. The holiday is easier to traffic jam, and the large-scale vehicle control is implemented. The holiday is prohibited for vehicles with more than 20 seats. Non-holiday can apply for a 20-seat medium-sized vehicle entry permit from the Wulai branch. Tribal group: Atayal Language: Atayal, Chinese Religion: Christianity The origin of the tribe: His ancestors lived in Zhakong, and later moved to the eastern part of the Xinxian Village Police Station to establish the Lama. The Saulek language "Lahau" means "thickness in the woods" and is named as a tribe because of the dense forests in the territory. During the early years from the Qing Dynasty to the early Guangxu period, Han people came to the area to cut wood. They used the giant trees that were cut down by Nanshixi River to form the wooden boards in the new store. Therefore, the Han people also called the Lahu tribe as the Lushan tribe. It means a settlement that is rich in board wood. In the 10th year of the Republic of China, Mitsui Co., Ltd. levied the land. The community moved to its current location. It is the transliteration of the Thaia Lahau, also known as the lama. After the recovery, the village administrative area was designated, and the first name was Lancang Village, which was later renamed Xinxian Village. In the village of Xinxian, there is the Inner Cave Forest Recreation Area, the dam, the Xinxian Trail, the Xinxian Seed Forest School, etc. Every summer, insects, birds and frogs sing to form a natural natural paradise. The proportion of the Han population exceeds the local Atayal aborigines. There are restaurants, police stations and shops along the way, which is a must-see for the Fushan Village. Tourist information The abundant water resources of Nanshixi and Neidongxi in the Inner Cave Forest Recreation Area have nurtured lush forests and diverse flora and fauna. The waterfalls in the inner caves are well-known waterfalls, including the Xinxian Waterfall. After the vote, it was selected as the first waterfall in the most beautiful waterfall. In addition, according to research, the anion content of the inner hole is the highest in the forest recreation area of ​​Taiwan. Come here, in addition to visual enjoyment, don't forget to breathe a healthy "air vitamin-anion" for a healthy forest bath trip.
張先生 on Google

The nearby villagers were very kind, and some people watched me walking on the nearby road, thinking that I would automatically guide me towards the direction of Neidong Forest Recreation Area when I got lost.
靖christine kitty on Google

Xinxian Tribe is not as prosperous as Wulai Tribe and Fushan Tribe, but the surrounding scenery is quiet, so it is suitable for leisure walks and swimming ~

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