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Contact 雞中之霸

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Taiwan, 台中市東區雞中之霸

電話 : 📞 +8898

Taiwan, 台中市東區雞中之霸
楊羽蕾 on Google

好久沒來了 終於可以微解封逛一下了 這間雖然等待了些時間 但是很值得 畢竟是現點現做 這次點的是雞腿要好好犒賞一下自己 他們家的肉質鮮美多汁 青菜乾脆爽口 真的好吃? 價格個人覺得很可以 市場都比這還貴 ? 建議平日來 不用等 不用人擠人
It’s been a long time since I’ve been here, and I can finally take a look at it. Although it’s been a while, it’s worth it. After all, it’s made to order. This time I ordered chicken drumsticks to reward myself. Their meat is delicious and juicy. The greens are crisp and refreshing. It's really delicious. It is recommended to come on weekdays without waiting or crowding people
Anna on Google

超扯 雞腿一隻220 感覺被坑了一把 花椰菜給的量也是少的很可憐 夾的時候問老闆娘菜是一份嗎? 老闆娘說對 等一下會幫我補滿一份 結果我自己夾的兩小朵就被老闆娘切成超小的七小朵 也沒再補???? 買了一隻雞腿跟“兩小朵”花椰菜就要250 扯爆
It’s super tugging. A 220 drumstick feels like it’s been cheated. The amount of cauliflower is very pitiful Ask the proprietress if the dish is one portion when I am picking it up? The lady boss said that she would fill me up later As a result, the two small flowers I clipped by myself were cut into super small seven small flowers by the boss and didn’t make up again? ? ? ? I bought a chicken thigh and "two small flowers" cauliflower for 250 to burst
Olivia Richter on Google

有一個女老闆,態度很差,還搞得很鹹,就已經說要汁多,還可以那麼鹹,吃完以後都要洗腎,不推.... 而且態度差,花250元買一隻雞腿跟幾根菜,完全就是受氣。。。
There is a female boss who has a bad attitude and makes it very salty. She already said that it needs to be more juicy, but it can be so salty. And the attitude is poor, spending 250 yuan to buy a chicken leg and a few vegetables is completely angry. . .
Lin Avalon (阿維維) on Google

二訪指數: ★ 【不錯】高麗菜 : 2.5分,中規中矩,正常高麗菜發揮 【雷】雞胸肉 : 0分,第一次吃到這麼柴的鹹水雞胸肉 已經叫他不要太鹹,結果胡椒跟鹽還是非常鹹,滿不推的
Second visit index: ★ [Not bad] cabbage: 2.5 points, quite satisfactory, normal cabbage play 【Lei】Chicken breast: 0 points I have told him not to be too salty, but the pepper and salt are still very salty, and I can't push it.
a1283000gtpe on Google

一隻雞腿兩百五 在買之前就說不要太鹹 結果他胡椒鹽狂加,之後請他說可不可加水稀釋,他說你之前要先講。 蒜頭快沒有也不去叫貨,灑一點點是給螞蟻吃??說你沒蒜頭可以加。 做生意不用那麼囂張。
A chicken leg two hundred and five Say before you buy it not too salty As a result, he added pepper and salt wildly, and then asked him to say whether it can be diluted with water. He said that you should talk about it first. If the garlic is almost gone, I don't go to buy it. Sprinkle a little bit for the ants to eat? ? Say you don't have garlic to add. Don't be so arrogant in doing business.
吳小玉 on Google

來逛旱溪朋友拉我來買 一直推薦這家 抱著試試的心態 買了雞腿菜跟冠 開吃後 的確有驚喜 嫩又多汁很可口 胡椒就很夠味有辣度了配酒正好? 吃的東西就是主觀 然後版娘也好親切 被一群女生嘰嘰喳喳的問一堆問題 也不會不耐煩 價格也都ㄧㄧ告知 這間我收下了 下次有在來逛夜市 一定會在光顧的?
I came to visit Hanxi and my friends took me to buy it. I always recommend this place with the mentality of trying it out. I bought the chicken leg dish with Guan Kai. After eating it, I was really surprised that it was tender, juicy and delicious. The thing is subjective, and the lady is so kind, and I am so kind to be asked a bunch of questions by a group of girls chatting, and I will not be impatient and the price will also tell me the price. I will accept it next time I come to the night market.
Leo on Google

這次點雞胸肉 小黃瓜 米血 高麗菜 只是這次都沒去骨 一直吃到小碎骨 還是取消去骨的服務了?
This time, I ordered chicken breast, cucumber, rice blood, and cabbage, but this time I didn't remove the bones. I have been eating small bones, or cancel the service of bone removal?
Ahmad Wahyudi on Google

Night market. Many food , but expensive

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