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Contact 四腳亭砲台

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Taiwan, 新北市瑞芳區四腳亭砲台

網站 : https://tour.ntpc.gov.tw/zh-tw/Attraction/Detail%3Fwnd_id%3D60%26id%3D110013

Taiwan, 新北市瑞芳區四腳亭砲台
王宇翔 on Google

基隆市古蹟砲台之一 登山步道有4處
One of the historic forts in Keelung City There are 4 hiking trails
Eva Su on Google

步道路況不錯 不難走 還有個小型停車場 從停車場走到登山入口處要防日曬 也有車直接停在登山口處 炮台保持完整
The trails are in good condition and not difficult to walk. There is also a small parking lot. Protect yourself from the sun when you walk from the parking lot to the entrance of the mountain There are also cars that stop directly at the entrance of the mountain Fortress remains intact
Yueh-Wen Lin on Google

The remains are preserved intact, and walking is very comfortable. At the end of the fort, there is a five-star visitor center (only toilets, quite clean). Big push~
Angel on Google

這時後去有油桐花 假日人不多 會經過墓園才能進入 很漂亮的地方
At this time, there will be tung flowers Not many people on holiday You can enter through the cemetery very beautiful place
CP Su on Google

幽靜神秘,夏日來訪應該很涼爽! 從天外天墓園的登山口進入,只需15分鐘就能抵達!
Quiet and mysterious, it should be cool to visit in summer! Enter from the climbing entrance of the Tianwaitian Cemetery, and it only takes 15 minutes to arrive!
Terence kuo on Google

往四腳亭砲台有三條路徑:三坑步道、四腳亭步道、天外天墓園入口步道,建議腳程不便的長輩或兒童可走天外天墓園步道,免受階梯之苦。 砲台建於1904年,佔地相當廣闊,可以由右而左的環繞一圈。 先參觀右側的低砲台砲座區,然後步行石階到上方山丘的高砲台砲座區。 雖然四腳亭人煙較少,知名度不及大武崙、槓子寮、百米甕、二沙灣砲台,但不失為健走強身、緬懷歷史古蹟的好地方。
There are three paths to Sijiaoting Fort: Sankeng Trail, Sijiaoting Trail, and Tianwaitian Cemetery Entrance Trail. It is recommended that elders or children with inconvenient footwork can take the Tianwaitian Cemetery Trail to avoid the pain of stairs. The fort was built in 1904 and occupies a very large area, which can be circled from right to left. First visit the low battery battery area on the right, and then walk the stone steps to the high battery battery area on the hill above. Although the four-legged pavilion is less crowded and not as well-known as Dawulun, Gangziliao, Hundred-meter Urn, and Ershawan Fort, it is a good place to keep fit and remember historical sites.
Joyce Tsang on Google

四腳亭砲台舊稱「深澳堡壘」或「深澳坑砲台」,是日治時代基隆要塞司令部所屬的砲台之一。 住在基隆這麼久第一次來拜訪,真的驚艷不已,怎麼有這麼棒的地方,有好幾條步道可以到達四腳亭炮台,每一條步道都有它的特色,從三坑子步道上來沿途的景色驚為天人,尤其在這四五月桐花盛開的季節更是漂亮,微風吹過落下的桐花雪⋯猶如置身在雪景中,沿途的竹林步道更是優雅愜意,道路十分的平緩,不到1公里就到達炮台,非常適合親子健行的路線之一哦!
The Sijiaoting Fort, formerly known as "Shen'ao Fortress" or "Shen'ao Pit Fort", was one of the forts under the headquarters of the Keelung Fortress during the Japanese occupation. This is the first time I have lived in Keelung for so long. I am really amazed. How can there be such a great place? There are several trails to reach the Sijiaoting Fortress. Each trail has its own characteristics. The scenery is astonishing, especially in April and May when the tung flowers are in full bloom. The breeze blows over the falling tung flowers and snow... It's like being in a snowy landscape. The bamboo forest trails along the way are even more elegant and comfortable, and the roads are very gentle. , it takes less than 1 km to reach the fort, which is very suitable for one of the parent-child hiking routes!
amazing 2000 on Google

初次造訪位於基隆與新北交界的四腳亭砲臺,一睹120年前至今的遺跡風采,百年前能將建設砲臺的石材與砲臺運抵至此,光是想像就覺得古人非常了不起,整體環境整理乾淨,走起來也舒服,尤其還有一個算蠻大的廁所很乾淨。 前往砲臺的入口總共有三處: 1,是開車往天外天復育公園方向前進,天外天復育公園現有種植二百多株的落羽松,等季節合宜時可以去看看。位於天外天墓園入口但尚未進入墓園即可看到前往砲臺的登山入口,此處上去是最短的距離,步道寬敞平整,坡度不會過於陡峭約莫400多公尺即可到達。 2,三坑子步道,從四腳亭段62甲起點旁的小路進去,請不要上62快速道路,也可以開車或騎車至登山入口,再約莫行走一公里左右的距離即可抵達,步道有鋪設木棧階梯,沿途有許多竹子與花草風景,階梯坡度比第一條陡峭,但還是很好行走。 3,是從四腳亭某處上去,但這條本人尚未解鎖走過,不知道好不好行走,也還不知道入口從哪裡上去,距離從地圖上看起來為二公里多,應該是三條路線裡最遠的一段。
For the first time, I visited the Sijiaoting Fort at the junction of Keelung and New Taipei, and saw the relics from 120 years ago to the present. The stone and fort that built the fort can be transported here a hundred years ago. Just imagining that the ancients are very amazing, and the overall environment is clean and tidy. , walking is also comfortable, especially there is a fairly large toilet that is very clean. There are three entrances to the fort: 1. Drive in the direction of Tianwaitian Fuyu Park. There are more than 200 larch trees planted in Tianwaitian Fuyu Park. You can visit when the season is right. It is located at the entrance of Tianwaitian Cemetery, but before entering the cemetery, you can see the climbing entrance to the fort. It is the shortest distance to go up here. The trail is spacious and flat, and the slope is not too steep. It can be reached by more than 400 meters. 2. Sankengzi Trail, enter from the small road next to the starting point of 62A in the Sijiaoting section. Please do not take the 62 expressway. You can also drive or bike to the entrance of the mountain, and then walk for about one kilometer to arrive. There are trails Laying a wooden stack ladder, there are many bamboo and flower landscapes along the way. The slope of the ladder is steeper than the first one, but it is still very easy to walk. 3. It is from somewhere in the Sijiao Pavilion, but I have not unlocked it yet. I don’t know if I can walk well or not, and I don’t know where the entrance is from. The distance from the map looks more than two kilometers, and it should be three routes. the farthest section.

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