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Contact 土地公(顯伯公)

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Taiwan, 桃園縣楊梅市土地公(顯伯公)


Taiwan, 桃園縣楊梅市土地公(顯伯公)
廖偉翔 on Google

The land is public, convenient for parking, has a long history, is managed by a management committee, and gradually gets better!
林季宏 on Google

At the crossroads, facing a pond.
Frank Lee on Google

位於梅高路二段與高上路二段路口。此祠最初為清乾隆年間,諸協和墾業團所創立,當時因屬土地乾旱地帶,遍地種植茶樹,農民為求平安及農作物豐收,乃擇此龍脈簡立三粒粗石,奉祀土地之神,名為「茶園伯公」。 根據祠中沿革所載:於民國十年(1921)左右,有路人身體不適,腹痛如絞,求助無門,乃向茶園伯公祈求治其病痛,並採附近草藥服後病癒,安然返家·佳話傳出後遠近馳名,祈求者眾多,而伯公也大顯神威,求則應之,非常靈驗,因此更名為「顯伯公」。民國五十六年(1967)、民國五十七年 (1968)問,平鎮鄉信士唐坤源等為求順利考取大學,到此祈願若能中試, 將集資興建祠宇酬答神恩。後果然入榜,且成家立業,日久竟遺忘酬答主事。至民國七十九年(1990)間,夢見顯伯公催討願之事,覺醒深感神恩不可欺,於是集合居民興建此祠。(台灣地名辭書,桃園縣,2009)
Located at the intersection of Section 2 of Meigao Road and Section 2 of Gaoshang Road. This temple was originally founded by the Zhu Xiehe Reclamation Corps during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty. At that time, tea trees were planted everywhere in the arid area of ​​the land. For the sake of safety and a good harvest of crops, farmers chose this dragon vein to erect three coarse stones to worship the god of the land. It is "Uncle Tea Garden". According to the history of the temple: around the tenth year of the Republic of China (1921), a passerby was unwell, had abdominal pain such as cramping, and had nowhere to ask for help. He prayed to the uncle of the tea garden for treatment of his illness, took herbal medicines nearby and recovered from his illness and returned home safely. ·After the story came out, it became famous from far and near, and there were many prayers, and Bogong also showed great power, and the request was very effective, so it was renamed "Xianbogong". In the fifty-sixth year of the Republic of China (1967) and the fifty-seventh year of the Republic of China (1968), Tang Kunyuan, a believer in Pingzhen Township, in order to successfully pass the university entrance, prayed here that if they could take the test, they would raise funds to build a temple to reward the gods. As a result, he entered the list, got married and started a business, and for a long time he forgot to answer the principal. In 1990, I dreamed of Xian Bogong's request for vows. I awakened and felt that God's grace could not be deceived, so I gathered residents to build this shrine. (Taiwan Place Name Dictionary, Taoyuan County, 2009)

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