Taizhongshidongshiquzhongke Elementary School - No. 16東崎路四段92巷 Dongshi District

4.8/5 基於 8 評論

臺中市東勢區中科國民小學 - Ckees.tc.edu.tw

中科國小校舍於九二一地震全毀,佛光山文教基金會認養中科國小校舍重建,於民國九十年六月十六日下午二時,舉行落成剪綵儀式,星雲大師親自主持,佛光會成員二千餘人前來為新校舍祈福。 中科國小八十九年四月三十日即已動土,二層樓的建築卻蓋了一年多,乃由於採取古典工法、細膩施作、大量的手工堆砌所致。 中科國小委託著名的冬山河清水公園規劃團隊<象設計集團>設計,規劃過程綿密,佛光會全程參與支援、台中縣政府輔導、結合社區、家長、老師的智慧與需求,校舍外觀採傳統樣式客家風格,清水磚柱、寬敞拱廊、磨石地板配以簡單烏瓦,樸拙大方。大量木作、竹作,代表東勢地區的本土建材,傳統原味工法,雖然施作過程繁複,包商有苦難言,但整座校園建築揉合教育與美感,將建築美學發揮淋漓盡致,清爽典雅、風格別具。 中科國小新校舍特重安全設計,每柱十六根粗實的八分筋嚴密箍綁,全部四千磅的混凝土,防震係數達.495gal以上(標準.4125gal)。除了象集團全程監造,校方全程督工,更組織社區督工隊監督,具有安全無虞的工程品質。 教學功能上,為配合新的教學理念,新教室採取「班群」精神,三間教室自成一學習體,相同年段教室之間配置共同學習區

Contact Taizhongshidongshiquzhongke Elementary School

地址 :

No. 16東崎路四段92巷 Dongshi District, Taichung City, Taiwan 423

電話 : 📞 +8887
網站 : http://www.ckees.tc.edu.tw/
城市 : Taichung City

No. 16東崎路四段92巷 Dongshi District, Taichung City, Taiwan 423
石卡蘿 on Google

Please be sure to attend such a quality school! ! !
OCEAN SU on Google

Super beautiful American style elementary school, great design, independent elementary school, I suggest you take a look around
張玉珠 on Google

美麗的學校建築,坎坷的重建經過。 位於中嵙庄,旁有中嵙溪,為何要改名為中科國小?
Beautiful school building, after a rough reconstruction. Located in Zhongyu Village, next to Zhongyu Stream, why did it change its name to Zhongke Elementary School?
楊維承 on Google

Because of the visit, I will know the headmaster of Yan, and I will know the heart and enthusiasm of running a school. At the same time, I need more people to work together to create a quality learning campus. (Zhongke Guoxiao please correct: Zhongmu Elementary School)
陳可卉 on Google

這是一所可愛又溫馨的學校 重建的校舍典雅又有書香氣息 是座有人文特色的小學 校長本身就是一位作家 本次能受邀演講 來此與孩子們共享文學喜樂 是我的榮幸
This is a lovely and warm school The rebuilt school building is elegant and scented It's a humanistic elementary school The principal is himself a writer Can be invited to speak this time Come here to share the joy of literature with children it's my honour
顏福南 on Google

Zhongke Guoxiao was selected as one of the 14 national small schools in Taiwan. It is the only school in Taichung City. It has spring and summer green grass, autumn and winter maple leaves, clear water brick buildings and arched corridors, full of Hakka special flavors.
王婉如 on Google

Campus scenery that will open in spring
邱敬芳 on Google

The school is located between the green mountains and the green waters. It is far away from the urban area and not far away. Although there are tourist attractions nearby, the school has a beautiful environment and the characteristic schoolhouse is not inferior. If the time can be reversed, I am willing to come here!

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