Tanyashenluyuandao-Shenganghepingchang Station - Shengang District

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Contact Tanyashenluyuandao-Shenganghepingchang Station

地址 :

Shengang District, Taichung City, Taiwan 429

城市 : Taichung City

Shengang District, Taichung City, Taiwan 429
劉劉 on Google

腳踏車步道其中之一的公園⛲️ 停車場? ?‍♀️ 都有 小朋友溜滑梯 攀岩 爬繩索 還有大大的廣場可以跑步?‍♀️
One of the bicycle trails in the park⛲️ Parking lot? ?‍♀️ all Children slide, rock climbing, rope climbing, and there is a big square where you can run?‍♀️
Cycle on Google

天氣晴朗 是個郊遊好地方
It's a good place to go out on a sunny day
江左鄭郎 on Google

20210228這一區有攤販、溜滑梯、公共廁所、打氣機、飲水及、廣場、戲水區、涼亭、月台區、噴射機,可看可玩可散散步,多功能啊!正是所說的CP值超高,人生苦短,急著去下一站做什麼呢? 路旁的花開得正盛,暖暖的陽光從葉縫灑落在身上的感動到心坎裏,彷彿世界都靜悄悄的,塵埃沾不上此心,有一個念頭浮現出一句問題,我在做什麼? 這裡的空氣還不錯,偶爾吹起一股淡淡的香味,是從花叢中飄過來的,夾帶著一絲塵囂;偶爾飄泊來一隻落單的孤鳥,左顧右盼尋找著什麼,然後茫然看著;偶爾跑來一個像我一樣的尋春者,拿著像機,伺機抓住一些稍縱即逝的美好,填補曾經的遺憾。 原來,我錯過了多久的美好時光,我一直急急忙忙地趕路,疏忽一路的春天的陽光,妄想用記憶卡存放釀造回憶,企圖在最後的冬歲時光來咀嚼曾經的美麗。 我錯了,該學習讓蝸牛牽我漫遊在這條路上,讓藍花楹教我低下視線看看原來地面也有春天的生活,S的車道才是人生的最美的路。 霎時,腳速變慢了,感覺卻輕盈了。
20210228 This area has vendors, slides, public toilets, pumps, drinking fountains, squares, playing areas, pavilions, platform areas, and jets. You can watch, play, take a walk, and it's multifunctional! It is the said CP value is super high, life is short, what do you rush to the next stop? The flowers on the roadside are in full bloom, and the warm sunlight spilling from the cracks of the leaves on the body is moved to the heart, as if the world is quiet, the dust can’t catch this heart, a thought came up with a question, I’m doing it what? The air here is not bad. Occasionally a faint scent comes from the flowers, with a hint of noise; occasionally a lonely bird drifts around, looking around looking for something, and then staring blankly; occasionally; A spring seeker like me came, holding a camera, waiting for the opportunity to seize some fleeting beauty and fill up the regrets. It turns out how long I have missed a good time. I have been hurriedly rushing, neglecting the spring sunshine all the way, delusioning to use the memory card to store brewing memories, trying to chew the beauty of the past in the last winter years. I was wrong. I should learn to let the snail lead me on this road. Let Jacaranda teach me to look down and see that the ground also has spring life. The S lane is the most beautiful road in life. Suddenly, the foot speed slowed down, but it felt lighter.
芋頭 on Google

有飛機造型的溜滑梯 公廁 飲水機
Airplane-shaped slides Public toilets Water fountains
臺灣山毛櫸 on Google

很棒的空間。但是有很多唱Karaoke的。 1110312佔用的路霸少了很多了,謝謝公所硬起來取締。 有水廁有滑梯有飲水機有簡易醫療器材。有黃花風鈴木。
Great space. But there are many singing Karaoke. Roadhog occupied by 1110312 is much less, thank you for being tough and banning it. There are water closets, slides, drinking fountains, and simple medical equipment. There are yellow-flowered suzuki.
蔡大緯 on Google

Hepingchang Station has a lot of installation art, such as airplane slides, water play area, railway historical area, peace platform and anti-epidemic fighter planes, etc. It is a place where you can spend more time stopping and strolling around.
熊國榮 on Google

?清泉岡基地旁邊這條通往神岡的道路我大約有15年没經過,今天要前往潭雅神綠園道才發現路变寬了,和平車站經過台中市政府重新規劃改造也成為紀念公園。 ?園區內有中型停車場亦設置身障者專用停車位。入口處矗立一架戰機。高聳的大樹和如茵的草地讓人感覺非常清幽。 ?和平車站月台和保存的鐵軌加上彩繪的溜滑梯都是適合拍照打卡的地方。 ?園區內自行車道舖設平坦,今天非例假日,騎單車者經過綠園道的人不多。中午時分有的司机大哥會開車入園休憇,涼亭內亦有遊客在此用餐。 ?綠園道總長從潭子經神岡到大雅有14公里,提供單車騎士安全平坦的車道也顯見台中市政府極力發展休閒觀光的用心和努力。(2022-6-17)
addy Nobody on Google


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