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「土」在上古時代與「天」被古人視作為神。象形文字描繪出古人所需要表達的事物,「土」字的由來或源自於古人膜拜的圖騰柱。經過社會的發展和歷史的演變,古人在「土」字邊加上了「礻」字旁,以「社」代表古人膜拜的神,後演變而成社神。 中國自古就有土地神的崇拜。《孝經》:「社者土地之王,土地廣博不可遍敬,故封土以為社而祀之,以報功也。」[1]《春秋公羊解詁》云:「社神者,土地之主也」;《通俗篇》則載:「今凡社神,俱呼土地。」《左傳.昭公二十九年》云:「社稷之神為上公。」杜預解釋之曰:「用幣於社,謂請教於上公。」《後漢書.方術傳》亦有社公之名。後世遂稱之為土地公。《春秋左氏傳》載,炎帝十一世孫句龍,因為平定九州有功,官居后土之職,並封為上公,他死後祀之為「社」,而成為土地公。所謂土地神就是社神,其起源是來是對大地的敬畏與感恩;說文解字:「社,地主爺」,顧名思義,社就是土地的主人,社稷就是對大地的祭祀,又有后土之說;《禮記》:「后土,社神也」;史記·封禪書:「湯以伐夏,祭告后土」,後漸由自然崇拜轉化為人格神;禮記祭法:「共工氏之霸九州也,其子曰后土,能平九州,故祀以為社。」,此似為社神人格化之始。[2]祭拜土地神的日子稱為社日,分春社和秋社。 在一般民間的信仰中,神明多半會有明確的出身,但民間流傳的土地神的說法很多,眾說紛紜,多至不勝枚舉,此舉兩例。 一說為:周朝一位官吏張福德,生於周武王二年(公元前1134年)二月二日,自小聰穎至孝,三十六歲時官運來臨,在周成王24年(公元前1098年)榮任朝廷總稅官,為官廉正,勤政愛民,至周穆王三年(公元前1032年)辭世,享年一百零二歲。因在古時,人類喜留美髯,壽終3天容貌不變,宛如活人之相,眾人前往瞻仰,人皆稱奇。福德逝世之後,改由魏超接任統稅官,其人奸惡無常,愛財如命,因有權勢在身,橫行霸道,想起張福德生前為官廉正,百姓感其恩德,念念不忘。有一貧戶以四大石圍成石屋奉祀,不久由貧轉富,百姓咸信神恩保佑,乃合資建廟並塑金身膜拜,取其名而尊為「福德正神」,故生意人常祀之,以求生意發展。 另一說為:周朝時,一位上大夫的家僕張福德(或張明德),主人赴遠他地就官,留下家中幼女,張明德帶女尋父,途遇風雪,脫衣護主,因而凍死途中。臨終時,空中出現「南天門大仙福德正神」九字,蓋為忠僕之封號,上大夫念其忠誠,建廟奉祀,周武王感動之餘說:「似此之心可謂大夫也」,故土地公有戴宰相帽者。 民間信仰中,土地神是各地不同的,也是有任期限制的。甚至有德之人死後,可被上帝封為土地神。如蒲松齡《聊齋誌異》書中,就有一位溺死於河中的「王六郎」鬼魂,頗有慈愛之心,不忍以一位抱著嬰兒的婦女為替身,被玉皇上帝任命為山東招遠鄔鎮的土地神。 來源:維基百科
"Earth" was regarded as god in ancient times and "sky" by ancient people. The hieroglyphs depict things that the ancients needed to express. The origin of the word "soil" or originated from the totem pole worshipped by the ancients. After the development of society and the evolution of history, the ancients added the word "礻" beside the word "soil", and used the word "she" to represent the god worshipped by the ancients, and later evolved into the god of society. China has worshipped the god of land since ancient times. "Book of Filial Piety": "The king of the community's land, the land can't be respected extensively, so the land was enshrined and sacrificed to the community, in return for merit." The master also ";" Popular Chapter "contains:" Today's God of the community, all call the land. "" Zuo Zhuan. In the twenty-ninth year of Zhaogong, "The god of the social god is Shanggong." Du Yu explained: "Using money in the society means asking the Shanggong." "Han Han Shu. "Fang Shu Chuan" also has the name of the public. Later generations called it the Landlord. In "Biography of the Spring and Autumn Period", Emperor Yan of the 11th Emperor Yan Julong, because he had settled Kyushu's meritorious service, became the official of the posthumous state, and was named the "prince" after his death. The so-called land god is the god of society, and its origin is to awe and thank the earth; the text explains the word: "she, the landlord", as the name implies, she is the owner of the land, she is the sacrifice to the earth, and there is the earth behind Saying; "Book of Rites": "Hou Tu, She Shen also"; Historical Records · Feng Zen Book: "Tang Yi Faxia, offering sacrifices to the Hou Tu", gradually transformed from nature worship to personality gods; The ruler of the Kyushu is also, his son said Houtu, can flatten Kyushu, and worshiped the society. "This seems to be the beginning of the personification of the god of the society. [2] The days of worshipping the gods of the earth are called Sheri, Fenchun and Qiu. In general folk beliefs, the gods will probably have a clear origin, but there are many sayings about the land god in the folk, and there are many different opinions. There are two examples. Said as follows: An official from the Zhou Dynasty, Zhang Fude, was born in the second year of Zhou Wu (1134 BC) on February 2nd, from childhood to filial piety. At the age of thirty-six, official transportation came, and in the 24th year of Zhou Cheng (1098 BC He was honored to be the chief tax officer of the imperial court. He was an honest official, diligent in government, and loved the people. He died at the age of 102 years before the death of King Zhou Mu in three years (1032 BC). Because in ancient times, humans like to stay beautiful, the appearance of the end of three days of life is unchanged, like a living person, everyone went to admire, everyone is amazing. After Ford's death, Wei Chao was replaced by the general tax officer. His person was impertinent, and he loved his fortune. He was in power and was overbearing. He thought of Zhang Fude as an official integrity during his lifetime. A poor family enshrined a stone house surrounded by four large stones, and soon changed from poor to rich. The people believed in God ’s grace and blessed them. They built a temple and worshipped them in gold. Often worship for business development. Another said: In the Zhou Dynasty, Zhang Fude (or Zhang Mingde), a doctor ’s domestic servant, went to a different place to go to office, leaving the young daughter in the house. Zhang Mingde took his daughter to find his father. en route. At the end of his life, the nine characters "Nantianmen Daxianfuzhengshen" appeared in the air, and the title was the title of loyal servant. The doctor read his loyalty and built a temple. Therefore, the land publicly wears the prime minister cap. In folk beliefs, the land god is different from place to place and has a term limit. Even after the death of a virtuous person, he can be named the land god by God. For example, in Pu Songling's "Liao Zhai Zhi Yi" book, there is a ghost "Dr. Wang Liulang" who drowned in the river. He has a kind heart and cannot bear the substitute of a woman holding a baby. Land God in Yuandi Town. Source: Wikipedia

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