Thai 大佬.泰式廚房|蘆竹美食|蘆竹餐廳|蘆竹熱炒|蘆竹泰式料理|蘆竹小吃|蘆竹Restaurants - Luzhu District

4.7/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Thai 大佬.泰式廚房|蘆竹美食|蘆竹餐廳|蘆竹熱炒|蘆竹泰式料理|蘆竹小吃|蘆竹Restaurants

地址 :

338023, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Luzhu District, Nanzhu Rd, 9號Thai 大佬.泰式廚房|蘆竹美食|蘆竹餐廳|蘆竹熱炒|蘆竹泰式料理|蘆竹小吃|蘆竹Restaurants

電話 : 📞 +8878
城市 : Nanzhu Rd

338023, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Luzhu District, Nanzhu Rd, 9號Thai 大佬.泰式廚房|蘆竹美食|蘆竹餐廳|蘆竹熱炒|蘆竹泰式料理|蘆竹小吃|蘆竹Restaurants
kate chan on Google

香茅陶鍋 味道很香,豬肝超嫩,冬日冷冷的天 喝上一碗超合適~ 店員也很親切 還幫忙加湯?? 獅子的眼淚也很香超好吃 推~ 陶鍋必點啊?
The lemongrass pottery pot tastes very fragrant, the pork liver is super tender, it is very suitable to drink a bowl in cold winter days~ The clerk is also very kind and helps to add soup?? The lion's tears are also very fragrant and delicious. Push~ The pottery pot must be ordered ?
Peggy Chuang on Google

The service brother and sister are very enthusiastic and friendly, the meals are delicious, the portion is generous, and soup is added to take out. I heard that the menu is changed at the end of the month, and I must come again!
CHU on Google

?南洋土窯鍋:就是為了這個特色土窯鍋而來~南洋鍋的湯非常好喝!鍋子也很可愛?不過需要等久一點才會滾~ ?涼拌木瓜絲:微辣,木瓜絲很脆,清爽開胃。 ?月亮蝦餅:外皮很酥很好吃!推~ ?泰國香米:一人20元吃到飽,很香且軟硬適中,平常很少吃飯也吃了好幾碗!
?Nanyang Tuyao Pot: It is for this special Tuyao pot~ The soup of Nanyang pot is very delicious! The pot is also cute ? But it will take a while before it rolls~ ? Shredded papaya salad: slightly spicy, shredded papaya is very crisp, refreshing and appetizing. ? Moon Shrimp Cake: The crust is crispy and delicious! push~ ?Thai fragrant rice: All you can eat is 20 yuan per person, very fragrant and moderately soft and hard. I usually eat several bowls when I rarely eat!
張璧如 on Google

非常值得一訪再訪的優良餐廳。 親切的女店員知道我們第一次上門,很熱情的介紹餐點與必點招牌菜,果然每道都很美味,從平民小吃泰式荷包蛋的東蔭土鍋,都是道地的酸辣口感。 我最喜歡的是瀑布松阪豬, 豬肉肉質極佳,富有口感嚼勁,十分下飯的料理。 再來強力推薦東蔭土鍋,湯頭是濃濃的天然香料熬煮而成,配上椰奶,增添了一份濃郁的口感與香氣,店家給的豬肉和豬肝也十分新鮮。 整間餐廳寬敞明亮,餐點用心美味,服務人員親切有禮,一定要再訪並推薦好友前來品嚐。
An excellent restaurant well worth visiting again and again. The kind female clerk knew that it was our first visit, and she enthusiastically introduced the meals and must-order signature dishes. Sure enough, every dish was delicious. The Dongyin earthen pot, which is a Thai-style poached egg from the common people's snack, is a real hot and sour taste. My favorite is Waterfall Matsusaka Pork, the pork meat is excellent, chewy and very tasty. Next, I strongly recommend Dongyin earthen pot. The soup is boiled with strong natural spices and served with coconut milk, which adds a rich taste and aroma. The pork and pork liver provided by the store are also very fresh. The whole restaurant is spacious and bright, the meals are delicious and the service staff are cordial and courteous. Be sure to visit again and recommend friends to come and taste it.
艾莉莎(Alisha) on Google

商業簡餐綠咖哩不錯吃,可以點~但飯好硬⋯ 牛肉炒河粉,河粉好硬,調味好膩⋯ 辣炒海鮮媽媽麵,剛開始吃幾口很美味,吃多了也好膩⋯ 以下兩個餐點價錢蠻高的,但水準不成正比⬇️ 1.泰式椒麻雞⋯應該是我目前為止吃到最⋯不美味的(捂嘴) 2.月亮蝦餅,蝦泥量還可以,但也沒有特別好吃⋯ 也可能是外帶的關係⋯美味大打折扣吧⋯ 下次如果還有機會,真的會三思了⋯應該就只會點商業簡餐了啦
The commercial light meal green curry is delicious, you can order it~ but the rice is hard... Beef fried rice noodles, the rice noodles are so hard, the seasoning is so greasy... The spicy fried seafood mama noodles are delicious at the beginning, but if you eat too much, you will get tired... The following two meals are quite expensive, but the quality is not proportional⬇️ 1. Thai-style pepper should be the worst...not delicious I have eaten so far (cover your mouth) 2. Moon shrimp cake, the amount of shrimp paste is okay, but it is not particularly delicious... It may also be related to take-out... The deliciousness is greatly reduced... Next time, if there is a chance, I will really think twice... I should only order commercial light meals.
黃Sunny on Google

看著這4.7星的評價 讓我第一次帶著朋友來嚐鮮 由於這是在市場小路裡的店家 建議停在隔條街的農會收費停車場 50元/時 (地方停車場) 農會正對面也是收費戶外露天停車場50元/時 步行約5分鐘就可到隔壁路的餐館 我們一行6位 點了一些特色餐點 有附上照片讓大家對照 1、酸辣炸豆腐 (雞蛋豆腐+泰式酸辣醬) 這道我們覺得普通 2、月亮蝦餅 切8塊 視覺感受比一般的店家小塊 感覺像6吋蛋糕,一般店家是8吋 但價格是260元,稍嫌cp值低 口感和醬的口味也普通 3、泰味荷包蛋 有先看網友評價普通 但想自己吃看看 雖然現在蛋價貴 但130元的荷包蛋仍想嚐嚐 結論是: 口感介於煎蛋及烘蛋間,偏烘蛋口感 但配上泰式醬料,我們覺得吃不慣也沒特別搭 當時突然想到家常的醬油膏配荷包煎蛋^^ 4、青木瓜絲、炒河粉 都是普通, 但炒河粉卻香氣不足 我個人蠻愛泰式炒河粉,但有些小失望 5、老虎的眼淚 是我們看了菜單照片及名稱最想點的一道 肉的口感還蠻彈牙,口味也不錯 這道蠻不錯,但300元我們覺得小貴 比照起肉量,想想疫情期間店家不容易 6、綠咖哩 經典必點的菜色 居然是我們一致覺得今日菜色中最棒的 因為奶味不重,也不會太辣 很合我們一行人的口味 讓我們真的多吃了半碗飯 但不得不說,可能是當天外帶人多 飯煮的比較硬些,雖然泰米本來就比較硬 但那天的口感還更硬些~~^^ 我們那天看了冰箱中的飲品 看到了我從來不曾在別的泰店中看到的『豆漿』 泰式豆漿真特別 我自己喝起來像是蜜豆奶味 我自己平常都喝慣無糖豆漿 對我來說就偏甜,但朋友喝慣全糖的就覺得甜度剛好 整體店內的裝潢算還行,有別緻的地方 比如老闆從泰國買回來的掛布 熱情的店員和我們分享他店前停的機車 還幫我們拍合照 在台中我們常吃泰料的關系 所以對我們來說 這家店的餐點我們沒有特別驚豔 但也不雷,是個平常桃園朋友 可以來小聚餐的地方
Looking at this 4.7 star review Let me bring my friends to try it for the first time Since this is the store in the market lane It is recommended to park at the peasant association toll parking lot on the other street RMB 50/hour (local parking lot) Opposite the peasant association is also a paid outdoor open-air parking lot of 50 yuan/hour About 5 minutes walk to restaurants next door We have 6 characters in a row Ordered some special meals Attached photos for everyone to compare 1. Hot and sour fried tofu (egg tofu + Thai chutney) We think this is normal 2. Moon shrimp cake, cut into 8 pieces The visual experience is smaller than the average store It feels like a 6-inch cake, the average store is 8 inches But the price is 260 yuan, a little too low for cp The taste and the taste of the sauce are also normal 3. Thai poached egg Have a look at the netizen's evaluation is normal But I want to eat it myself Although eggs are expensive But still want to try the 130 yuan poached egg The conclusion is: the taste is between fried eggs and baked eggs, and the taste of baked eggs is more But with the Thai sauce, we don't think it's a good match. At that time, I suddenly thought of the homemade soy sauce paste with poached omelette ^^ 4. Shredded green papaya and fried rice noodles are all common. But the fried rice noodles are not fragrant enough I personally love pad thai, but a little disappointed 5. Tiger's Tears It's the one we want to order after seeing the menu photo and name The taste of the meat is quite chewy and the taste is also good This dish is pretty good, but we think it's a little expensive for 300 yuan Compared with the amount of meat, it is not easy to think about the store during the epidemic 6. Green Curry Classic must-haves It was the best dish we all agreed on today. Because the milk taste is not heavy, it is not too spicy It suits our group's taste very well Let's really eat half a bowl of rice But I have to say, there may be a lot of people taking out that day The cooked rice is harder, although the Thai rice is inherently hard But the taste was a bit harder that day~~^^ We looked at the drinks in the fridge that day I saw the "soy milk" that I have never seen in other Thai shops Thai soy milk is really special It tastes like honey bean milk to me I usually drink sugar-free soy milk For me, it's too sweet, but friends who are used to drinking whole sugar find the sweetness just right The overall decoration of the store is okay, there are unique places For example, the hanging cloth that the boss bought from Thailand The enthusiastic clerk shared with us the locomotive parked in front of his store He also helped us take pictures In Taichung, we often eat Thai food So for us We are not particularly impressed with the food in this restaurant But it's not thunder, just a normal Taoyuan friend A place to have a small dinner
Juan Mulford on Google

Great experience. Will come back often.
蔡孟宏 on Google

Good service n nice people service for you. I really like Thai hot pot n all the side dish so good to get on with sauce. I strongly recommend this place.

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