Tiangong Altar

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Contact Tiangong Altar

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North District, Hsinchu City, Taiwan 300

城市 : Hsinchu City

North District, Hsinchu City, Taiwan 300
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? ?? ??? ?? ?? ? •藉著冬至前,休假日和同修好友共同前往新竹天公壇(金闕殿)參謁至尊,點【辛丑牛年】全家光明燈。 初登上界,乍入天堂。玉皇大天尊廟宇矗立新竹中山路尾,佔地廣闊。只見那天公壇,碧沉沉,琉璃造就﹔明幌幌,寶玉粧成。廟埕山門擺數員石雕鎮天元帥,太陽太陰,風雷雨電,一員員頂梁靠柱,持銑擁旄﹔牌樓頂上虎、豹、獅、象並列。金甲神人執戟懸鞭,持刀仗劍,處處玲瓏剔透。 廟宇三川御路,爐煙起篆,逕達九天。步入拜殿天井,道炁騰祥,仙旆臨軒:壁廂有幾根大柱,柱上纏繞著金鱗耀日赤鬚,內殿棟樑,盤旋著彩羽凌空丹鳳。龍邊三官大帝,有萬萬載常青的繡草;虎邊福祿壽星,有千千年不卸的名花。 恭行至丹墀拜墊,頭皮肩胛酥麻,有如萬聖朝王參玉帝,穹蒼賜福展神威。 又至廂廊那財神寶殿。 嘿!寶殿上面有個熟悉的財神,紫巍巍,明幌幌,臉黑黑,亮灼灼的對著我笑。那是 天官武財神 ,側旁有雄糾糾的利市仙官,氣昂昂護駕的招財使者。及兩位納珍丶進寶仙童,我都一體尊稱叩拜。 靈霄寶殿御前朝拜 玉皇大天尊玄靈高上帝。財神殿前參拜 高上神霄天官財神,參拜禮畢。轉往文昌殿。 映入眼簾五位文昌,端坐聖龕,各各皆格守忠孝節義,人格之楷模,事蹟留芳後世,受歷代君王賞賜封謚,由侯而公而王而帝,最終成聖成神,為芸芸眾生景仰尊崇。 文衡聖帝關聖帝.明聖真經云:『蜀漢亂世,吾十餘年甲不離身,刀無潔淨,夜無穩睡三更,日不飽餐一頓,東戰西征,白了鬚鬢星星,力倦馬羸刀鈍,費盡赤膽忠心,換得個封侯金印。』 宋孝宗讚嘆 關聖帝君所言:『生立大節,與天地以並傳,歿為神明,亘古今而不朽。』 參拜呂仙祖,純陽祖師愛煉丹,修真時年百餘歲,而狀貌如嬰兒,世傳有天遁劍術。"劍現靈光魑魅驚",可鎮邪驅魔。 文昌殿。文昌帝君是保護文運與考試的神祇,受士人學子敬奉。 朱衣夫子、朱衣神君身披繡紋,手捧瑤函,操玉洞之玄文,掌士流之籍,判金門之天榜,助教文昌帝君飛鸞開化,奉持如意而隨處顯化。也就是說,朱衣丈人掌管天榜。 魁星老爺實為「奎星」,因為奎是「文章之府」,為北斗星的「璇璣杓」。 由「文昌殿」循階梯,扶持上樓,到「斗姆殿」俱是大理石砌成,五彩金粧。疊疊重重,雕簷碧瓦,彩鸞朝斗,走龍飛鳳。沉香寶座, 斗姥元君至尊端坐垂目,左輔元帥、右弼元帥隨侍兩側。太歲駕前,金爐端霞,裊裊禛祥。斗姥元君至尊北斗眾星之母,敬拜太歲乃趨吉避凶之大事。 至天公壇敬仰天地穹蒼神祗,無非教導我們感應天根,參養玄理,結聚元神。 仰維聖躬,慈仁浩大,靈慧無彊,恩庥極重,來此參拜,總是銘感於心。 ? ?? ??? ?? ?? ?1
? ?? ??? ?? ?? ? • Before the winter solstice, go to the Hsinchu Tiangong Temple (Golden Gate Hall) with fellow initiates and friends to visit the Supreme, and light the [Xin Chou Year of the Ox] Family Bright Lantern. First ascended the realm, and entered heaven. The Jade Emperor Datianzun Temple stands at the end of Zhongshan Road, Hsinchu, covering a vast area. I saw that the public altar that day was heavy and blue, made by colored glaze; brightly colored, with precious jade makeup. A few members of Miaocheng Mountain Gate placed a stone sculpture of the Marshal of the town, the sun was overcast, and there was wind, thunder, rain and electricity. One member had a beam on the top of the pillar, holding a milling support; tigers, leopards, lions, and elephants were juxtaposed on the top of the archway. The golden armored gods hold the halberd and the whip, the sword and the sword, and they are exquisitely cut everywhere. The temple’s Sanchuan Royal Road, the furnace smokes from the seal, and the path lasts for nine days. Stepping into the courtyard of the worship hall, the Taoist is Tengxiang, Xianyanglinxuan: There are several large pillars in the wall compartment, the pillars are wrapped with golden scales and red beards, and the pillars of the inner hall hover with colorful feathers and volleys. The Three Officials of Longbian has evergreen embroidery grass; the star of Fulushou by the tiger has a famous flower that lasts for thousands of years. Respectfully walk to the Danchi worship pad, scalp and shoulder blades are numb, just like the king of the Ten Thousand Saints Dynasty Sanyu Emperor, and the sky blesses and shows his power. Go to the treasure hall of the God of Wealth on the corridor. Hey! There is a familiar God of Wealth above the treasure hall, Weiwei Zi, Ming Poruo, with a dark face, smiling brightly at me. It was the God of Wealth, the god of wealth, the god of wealth, and the Lishi immortal officer who corrected the correction, and the envoy of fortune who arrogantly protected him. And the two fairies of Nazhen and Jinbao, I all call myself kowtow. Lingxiao Treasure Palace worships the Jade Emperor Datian Zun Xuanling Gao God. Visit the God of Wealth in front of the God of Wealth, the God of Wealth. Transfer to Wenchang Hall. The five Wenchangs greeted us, sitting in the sacred niches, each of whom is a model of loyalty and filial piety, a model of personality, and deeds for future generations. They have been rewarded by the monarchs of the past, and they will be granted posthumous posthumous posthumous posthumous duties. All beings admire and respect. Wen Heng Shengdi Guan Shengdi. Ming Shengzhen said: "Shu Han troubled times, I have not separated from the body for more than ten years, the knife is not clean, the night is not stable, sleep three nights, the day does not have enough meals, the east and west battles, white beard and stars , Li tired Ma Lei blunt knife, exhausted loyalty, in exchange for a golden seal. 』 Song Xiaozong praised the words of Emperor Guan Sheng: "Born and established a big festival, passed on with the world, died as a god, and immortal forever. 』 Paying homage to Lv Xianzu, Chunyang ancestor loves alchemy. He was more than a hundred years old when he cultivated, and his appearance was like a baby. "The sword is fascinating," can suppress evil and exorcise demons. Wenchang Hall. Emperor Wenchang is a deity who protects cultural movement and examinations, and is respected by scholars and students. Master Zhu Yi and God Zhu Yi wear embroidered patterns, hold the Yao letter in hand, master the mysterious text of the jade hole, the title of the master, judge the Tianban of Jinmen, the assistant teacher Wenchang Emperor Feiluan enlightened, and manifested his wish everywhere . In other words, Zhang Yi is in charge of the Tianban. Master Kuixing is actually "Kui Xing" because Kui is the "House of Articles" and the "Xuan Ji Piao" of Big Dipper. Follow the stairs from the "Wenchang Hall" and support them upstairs to the "Doum Hall", which is made of marble with colorful gold makeup. There are piles of layers, carved eaves and blue tiles, Cailuan fights against each other, and walks the dragon and the phoenix. On the throne of agarwood, Grandma Dou, Yuanjun supreme sitting down with his eyes down, and Marshal Zuo Fu and Marshal You Bi attend both sides. Before Tai Sui's driving, Jin Lu Duan Xia, curled up and Xiang Xiang. Douma Yuanjun is the mother of all the stars of the Big Dipper, worshiping Tai Sui is a great event to seek good luck and avoid evil. To the heavenly altar to admire the gods of the heavens and the firmament, it is nothing more than teaching us to sense the roots of the heavens, participate in the profound principles, and gather the souls. Ye Weisheng bows, kindness is great, spiritual wisdom is not strong, kindness is extremely heavy, come here to worship, always remember. ? ?? ??? ?? ?? ?1
順子 on Google

The altar is dedicated to the main deity of Tiangongzu, and there are also Guanyin Buddha, the five gods of wealth, An Taisui, and light lamps. The environment is very clean. The square parking lot is spacious and the location is close to the city and convenient for transportation.

新竹道教的信仰中心, 座落在中山路育英路, 前面有大廣場有戲台, 旁邊有汽機車停車場, 正月初九天公生熱鬧非凡, 育英路停車目前管制措施,
Hsinchu Taoist faith center, Located on Yuying Road, Zhongshan Road, There is a large square in front with a stage, There is a car and motorcycle parking lot next to it, The ninth day of the first lunar month is very lively, The current parking control measures on Yuying Road,
Zax Merkys (札克斯) on Google

One of three and a half rooms in Tiangong Temple, Taiwan
彭琮筌 on Google

新竹市區 最高重要信仰中心 主祀玉皇大帝 ,三官大帝 ,福祿壽星君 觀音大士與眾羅漢,五斗星君,五路財神,五榖大帝與虎爺,李府天王及哪吒。 旁邊的五文昌帝君,更是許多,新竹學子及眾考生的考前必求許願的神祇,香火鼎盛。 二樓有斗母與太歲星君。廟內共8座香爐。燒金爐已封,除過年特殊節日,其他時間無燒金服務。
The most important religious center in Hsinchu City The main worship is the Jade Emperor, the Three Officials, the Fu Lu Shou Xingjun Avalokitesvara and the Arhats, Wudou Xingjun, Wulu God of Wealth, Wuhu Emperor and Tiger Lord, Li Futian King and Nezha. Next to Emperor Wuwenchang, there are many more gods who must make wishes before the exams of Hsinchu students and candidates, and the incense is flourishing. On the second floor, there are Dou Mu and Tai Sui Xingjun. There are 8 incense burners in the temple. The gold burning furnace has been closed, except for special festivals during the New Year, there is no gold burning service at other times.

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