Tinyck。小詩琦映像館 - Section 3

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Contact Tinyck。小詩琦映像館

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103, Taiwan, Taipei City, Datong District, Section 3, Chongqing N Rd, 207號Tinyck。小詩琦映像館

電話 : 📞 +8889
網站 : http://www.tinyck.com/
城市 : Chongqing N Rd

103, Taiwan, Taipei City, Datong District, Section 3, Chongqing N Rd, 207號Tinyck。小詩琦映像館
陳銘華 on Google

當初幫媽咪找月子中心時,就很注重口碑跟品質,所以選了現在這家月子中心,當然在諸多服務中,其中之一,就是被告知會贈送兩張寶寶的沙龍照,當然月子中心講得很輕描淡寫,所以我們對這件事,說實話並沒有抱持很多的期待。 媽咪是10/13進產房待產,之後順利生下健康的小王子,10/16出院轉入月子中心,這家月子中心的護理師對寶寶跟媽咪的照顧真的很不錯,寶寶從出生時的2800公克,到出院時的2620公克,在月子中心的細心照顧下,現在已經將近3130公克;在約莫進月子中心10天後,月子中心告知媽咪:10/30下午兩點半,攝影公司會來幫寶寶拍沙龍照。 10/30下午兩點左右,兩位攝影師帶著一堆攝影器材進入我們的房間,首先引起我注意的是:兩位攝影老師都是女生,穿著全套的粉紅色的防護衣,而且防護衣的袖口是收緊的。這點讓我覺得她們第一重視的就是寶寶的衛生安全;其次,爹地我本身是藥劑師專業,對衛生方面特別注重,她們帶來很多寶寶的服飾與佈景裝置小物,感覺就像是剛用手洗過的一樣,材質摸起來也十分細緻,這兩點就讓我對這家攝影公司的印象很好,但攝影老師實在太過年輕,所以,還是期待不大。 在選完兩套寶寶的服飾跟4個寶寶的包巾顏色之後,開始拍攝;攝影師先幫寶寶換衣服,我們的寶寶是連換個包巾或尿布都會哇哇大哭的,結果,我驚奇的發現,她們的手法非常熟練與細心,換好第一套衣服後,寶寶居然不哭不鬧,睜著大眼睛,迅速的進入拍攝狀態;第二位攝影老師是專司攝影的,老師非常懂得如何去導引寶寶的注意力,剛才那位負責換裝的老師,就幫忙發出特殊的聲音,完全吸引寶寶的注意,並利用一些肢體動作,讓寶寶覺得有趣而不會墜入夢鄉⋯⋯這開始讓我對這次的攝影,有了一點期待,至少寶寶會是全程醒著的。 再來就是在佈景與道具方面,也讓爹地我十分驚奇,佈置得很有巧思,由於第一套衣服我們挑的是有點走紳士路線的服飾,攝影老師擺著的佈景居然是一本打開的書本,讓寶寶躺在上面,而在書本的下面則是一層毛絨感的佈景,完全與書本的厚重感區隔開來,這樣的佈置讓人覺得老師的佈置頗具功力。 拍完第一個造型後,老師幫寶寶換上第二套衣服,我們選的是丹寧色的吊帶褲加上報童帽,走的就是可愛俏皮的路線;這時老師的肢體動作與先前就完全不同,她們總能藉著大開大闔的肢體動作,逗著寶寶開口大笑,讓我不禁覺得,她們的熟練掌握寶寶情緒的程度,跟她們的年紀不太相符! 最後,終於來到最具挑戰性的四套包巾造型;為何是最具挑戰性?因為寶寶這麼小,配合度本就不好,又容易哭鬧,爹地我其實不看好連續穿脫四套包巾造型後,寶寶還能耐著性子讓你好好拍照;想不到兩位老師就是有辦法,她們把寶寶的包巾一件一件的穿上,總共穿了四層,然後再開始拍照,相對每一種顏色的包巾,都有搭配的佈景底色與道具裝飾,真的讓我感覺每個道具都非常具有巧思。 第一套藍色包巾造型,佈置物件搭配了小球棒、紅線球、另一邊還有一架小飛機,滿滿的棒球小男孩風格,第一套拍完後,老師馬上抱去旁邊換裝,脫去第一件包巾後,另一位攝影老師也將第二件包巾顏色的佈景、裝飾小物、道具與帽子都準備好,馬上進行拍攝,降低寶寶因為不耐久候的煩躁感。 第二件是鵝黃色的包巾,老師幫寶寶搭配的是白色甜筒毛帽,底色是單寧色的天空,白色的毛毛雲朵,配上黃色的小彎彎月兒,剛好此時,寶寶有一點兒微瞇,相信可以照出些許靜謐安詳的感覺。 第三件則是有點棕黃色調的包巾,配上有著熊耳朵的毛線帽,佈景則是一個藤編的籃子,裡面鋪滿著綠,把寶寶放在籃子裡,籃子底下再鋪著奶白色的毛線織布,最下層的則是鵝黃色的底巾,再鋪上幾許綠意在奶白色的毛線織布上;由剛才的微瞇風,經過換裝動作後的清醒,再搭上我們家寶寶的大眼,這個熊熊造型簡直萌翻。 第四個的包巾造型,則是很淡的灰偏白色,是牛寶寶造型,因為2021年是牛寶寶的年,搭上白色毛帽,上面有黑色的牛角,佈景裝飾則是白色毛線織布搭上幾綑的稻草質感裝置,旁邊再配上有著乳牛意象的牛軋糖形狀的小擺件,俏皮又可愛。 最後居然還有驚喜,在最後一件包巾底下還有一件淺黃偏白的包巾,搭上淡咖啡色偏灰的圍頭毛線帽,原來是小獅子的造型,再加上旁邊的小獅子布偶,寶寶在攝影老師的引導下,張開小嘴,儼然是群獅之王的感覺。 直到作完兩套衣服,五件包巾:藍、鵝黃、棕黃、灰白、棕灰;相對出棒球風、月兒風、熊寶貝、牛寶寶、小獅王五種風格;造型多變不說,寶寶在攝影老師的引導下,全程清醒上陣,而且眼睛緊跟著鏡頭跑;終於,讓爹地我對這次的攝影作品充滿期待! 期間,還有一個小彩蛋,在拍完第一套衣服時,爹地我還問了一下攝影老師:明天就是10/31,請問有沒有萬聖節造型的衣服啊?攝影老師有點緊張的回我:欸⋯沒有耶! 結果,隔天,也就是萬聖節當天,媽咪跟爹地收到月子中心送的禮物,相框裡面是一張萬聖節風格的照片,寶寶躺在黑色的籐籃裡,旁邊有著不同大小、顏色的南瓜,籃緣旁則有許多各式大小顏色不等的楓葉。但我記得昨天沒這個造型啊? 詢問櫃臺人員,才知道是月子中心給我們的驚喜,在10/28時,月子中心就請攝影老師幫每一位寶寶拍攝了滿滿秋意的萬聖節造型照片,要送給每一位媽咪爹地,給一家人一個難忘的回憶。 到了11/3約定看片的時間,拍攝出來的作品果然一級棒,各個角度,各種表情,想得到的都有。讓媽咪跟爹地覺得從原本的不甚期待到滿意地掏出銀兩,收下一張張有俏皮、呆萌、靜謐、微瞇、淺笑、嘟嘴賣萌⋯真感謝月子中心,幫我們慎選攝影老師,給了我們寶寶第一套這麼滿意的沙龍攝影作品,謝謝小詩琦映像館,讓寶寶在即將滿月的日子,留下一個如此美好珍貴的回憶。 最後,還有攝影花絮影片,由於寶寶全程清醒,有更多更萌的連續表情,都被攝影老師捕捉起來,配上俏皮的音樂,加上片頭與片尾的字幕圖像,當然,一定得掏出銀兩,高興地收下花絮影片,真是太高興了,感恩!
When I helped Mommy find a confinement center, I paid great attention to word-of-mouth and quality, so I chose this confinement center now. Of course, one of the many services is that I was told that I would give away two salon photos of my baby. The sub-center spoke very lightly, so we did not hold a lot of expectations about this matter, to be honest. Mommy entered the delivery room on 10/13, and then gave birth to a healthy little prince. On 10/16, he was discharged and transferred to the confinement center. The nurses in this confinement center took good care of the baby and mom. From 2,800 grams at birth to 2,620 grams at the time of discharge, under the careful care of the confinement center, there are now nearly 3130 grams. After 10 days in the Yuemo confinement center, the confinement center informed mom: 10/30 pm At half past two, the photography company will come to help the baby take a salon photo. At around two o'clock in the afternoon on 10/30, two photographers entered our room with a bunch of photographic equipment. The first thing that caught my attention was that the two photography teachers were both girls, wearing a full set of pink protective clothing and protective clothing. The cuffs are tightened. This makes me think that their first priority is the baby’s hygiene and safety; secondly, I am a pharmacist professional, and I pay special attention to hygiene. They bring a lot of baby clothes and set decorations. It feels like just The material is the same as the one washed by hand, and the texture is very detailed. These two points give me a good impression of this photography company, but the photography teacher is too young, so I still don't expect much. After choosing two sets of baby's clothes and 4 baby's wrap colors, we started shooting; the photographer changed the baby's clothes first. Our baby would cry even if she changed a wrap or a diaper. As a result, I was amazed. They found that their techniques were very proficient and careful. After changing the first set of clothes, the baby did not cry or make trouble, opened his eyes and quickly entered the shooting state; the second photography teacher specializes in photography, and the teacher knows it very well. How to guide the baby’s attention, the teacher who was in charge of the dress-up just now helped to make a special sound to completely attract the baby’s attention, and use some physical movements to make the baby feel funny without falling asleep... this At the beginning, I had a little expectation for this photography, at least the baby will be awake all the time. In terms of the setting and props, it also surprised Daddy and I was very cleverly arranged. Since the first set of clothes we picked was a bit of a gentleman’s route, the set set by the photography teacher was actually a copy. Open the book, let the baby lie on it, and under the book is a layer of plush-like scenery, which is completely separated from the heavy feeling of the book. This arrangement makes people feel that the teacher's arrangement is quite skillful. After taking the first look, the teacher helped the baby put on a second set of clothes. We chose denim suspenders and a newsboy hat, which is a cute and playful route. At this time, the teacher’s body movements are completely the same as before. It's different. They can always make babies laugh with their wide-open physical movements. I can't help but feel that their mastery of the baby's emotions does not match their age! Finally, finally came to the most challenging four sets of wraps; why is it the most challenging? Because the baby is so small, the coordination is not good, and it is easy to cry. Daddy, I actually don’t think that after putting on and taking off four sets of wrappers in a row, the baby can be patient and let you take pictures. They put on the baby’s wrapper one by one, wearing four layers in total, and then began to take pictures. For each color wrapper, there are matching background colors and props decorations, which really makes me feel every All props are very ingenious. The first set of blue wrappers is shaped, the decorations are matched with a small bat, a red line ball, and a small plane on the other side. It is full of baseball boy style. After the first set is taken, the teacher immediately takes it to the side to change clothes After taking off the first wrap, another photography teacher also prepared the set, decorative objects, props and hats of the second wrap, and started shooting immediately to reduce the baby's irritability due to impatient weather. The second piece is a goose-yellow wrapper. The teacher helped the baby with a white cone hat. The background color is a tannin sky, white fluffy clouds, and a small yellow crescent moon. At this moment, The baby squinted slightly, I believe it can give a sense of peace and tranquility. The third piece is a brownish-yellow wrapper with a woolen hat with bear ears. The setting is a rattan basket covered with greens. Put the baby in the basket. The bottom of the basket is covered with milky white. The bottom layer is a goose-yellow base scarf, and then a few greens are laid on the milky white woolen fabric; from the slight squinting wind, we are sober after the change-up action, and then we The big eyes of the baby, this flaming look is simply adorable. The fourth wrapper shape is light gray to white, and it is the shape of a baby cow. Because 2021 is the year of a baby cow, a white woolen hat with black horns is placed on it, and the decoration is white woolen yarn. The cloth is paired with a few bundles of straw texture devices, and next to it is a small ornament in the shape of a nougat with the image of a cow, which is playful and cute. In the end, there was a surprise. Under the last one, there was a light yellow to white wrapper, with a light brown and gray woolen cap. It turned out to be in the shape of a little lion, plus the little lion next to it. The puppet, the baby opened his mouth under the guidance of the photography teacher, just like the lion king. Until two sets of clothes are finished, five wrappers: blue, goose yellow, brown yellow, off-white, brown gray; relative to the five styles of baseball style, moon style, bear baby, cow baby, and little lion king; the styles are not changeable. Said that, under the guidance of the photography teacher, the baby went into battle awake all the way, and his eyes followed the lens; finally, let Daddy and I look forward to this photography work! During the period, there was a little easter egg. When I finished filming the first set of clothes, I asked the photography teacher: tomorrow is 10/31, do you have any Halloween clothes? The photography teacher was a little nervous and replied to me: Hey...no! As a result, the next day, that is, the day of Halloween, Mommy and Daddy received a gift from the confinement center. Inside the photo frame was a Halloween-style photo. The baby was lying in a black rattan basket with different sizes and colors next to it. For pumpkins, there are many maple leaves of various sizes and colors beside the edge of the basket. But I don’t remember this look yesterday? After asking the staff at the counter, I realized that it was the surprise that the confinement center gave us. At 10/28, the confinement center asked the photography teacher to help each baby take a photo of Halloween style full of autumn mood, which should be given to everyone. Mommy Daddy, give the family an unforgettable memory. It was 11/3 of the scheduled time to watch the film, and the work I shot was really great, with all angles, all kinds of expressions, and everything I wanted. Let Mommy and Daddy feel that they had taken out the silver two from the original lack of expectation to satisfaction, and received one sheet of playful, cute, quiet, squinting, smirking, and pouting...Thank you to the confinement center, for helping We carefully selected photography teachers and gave our baby the first set of such satisfying salon photography works. Thank you Xiao Shiqi Image Gallery for letting the baby leave such a beautiful and precious memory on the day of the full moon. Finally, there are still photography highlights videos. Because the baby is awake all the way, there are more cute continuous expressions, which are captured by the photography teacher, accompanied by playful music, plus the opening and closing subtitle images. Of course, you have to pay. I'm so happy to receive the side-by-side film with pleasure, thank you!
Hsin Hsu on Google

小詩琦是入住的采悦月子中心所配合的新生兒拍攝店家,拍攝日期統一是週一,選片日期固定是週二,也因爲合作關係,有贈送一張精修加相框的照片。 而因著疫情期間,所以不能自行找其他業者拍攝,據月子中心規定,當天來的攝影師跟造型安撫師都有出示快篩陰性證明的,全程也都有配戴口罩、酒精使用,拍攝物品使用完也都會以酒精噴消,在一次拍攝結束後,房間與物品也會使用紫外線消毒過,很讓人安心。 拍攝前會簽訂一份小契約,比如不能側拍側錄、會脫手套可能寶寶會抓傷臉等注意事項;當天提供六套衣服讓家長選兩套,本來以為就換兩套衣服,結果實際拍攝了至少六個主題~而雖然六個主題但總時間也才一小時就完成,動作真的很迅速且專業不馬虎! 造型兼安撫師換衣服動作很熟捻,同時也會哄寶寶、跟他說話,尤其動作很是溫柔~ 在換衣服的同時攝影師會佈置拍攝背景,兩位沒有太多對話,但很有默契的互相搭配,整體的感覺很唯美。在事前完全沒有溝通的情況下,設計了漁夫(還戴了漁夫帽呢)音樂人(專業的配戴耳機?)的主題,剛好符合爺爺與爸爸的喜好,覺得很巧很驚喜;小熊維尼造型,擺在蜂蜜罐裏頭搭配很多小道具很是可愛;另外父母也可以入鏡,攝影師會協助引導動作,讓畫面看起來協調(但最重要的是事前寶寶要喝飽不要心情不好,大概抓拍攝前一小時寶寶喝完) 成品共99張,加上兩分鐘左右的影片,整體來說拍攝經驗很好,無論人員、設備、燈光或拍攝道具等等都很專業,協助選片的人也很耐心協助,而唯一不美麗的大概就是價錢,但店員也很溫柔的的告知「一分錢一分貨囉」!確實尊重專業!而且至少不會強迫推銷,給有需要的家長參考?
Xiao Shiqi is a newborn shooting shop that cooperates with the Caiyue Confinement Center. The shooting date is uniform on Monday, and the film selection date is fixed on Tuesday. Also, because of the cooperative relationship, a photo with a photo frame is given as a gift. Due to the epidemic period, I could not find other operators to shoot by myself. According to the regulations of the Confinement Center, photographers and stylists who came on the same day had to show negative certificates for quick screening. They also wore masks and used alcohol during the whole process. Items will also be sprayed with alcohol after use. After a shooting, the room and items will also be disinfected with ultraviolet rays, which is very reassuring. Before shooting, a small contract will be signed, such as not being able to take side-by-side recording, taking off gloves, or the baby may scratch the face, etc. There are six sets of clothes provided on the day for parents to choose two sets. At least six subjects were filmed~ and although the six subjects were completed in only one hour, the action was really fast and professional without being careless! The stylist and pacifier is very familiar with changing clothes. At the same time, he can also coax and talk to the baby, especially his movements are very gentle~ While changing clothes, the photographer will arrange the shooting background. The two do not have much dialogue, but they match each other very well. The overall feeling is very beautiful. Without prior communication at all, I designed the theme of a fisherman (who also wears a fisherman hat) and a musician (professional wearing headphones ?), which is just in line with the preferences of grandpa and dad, I think it's a coincidence and a surprise; Winnie the Pooh style , placed in a honey jar with many small props is very cute; in addition, parents can also enter the camera, and the photographer will help guide the action to make the picture look coordinated (but the most important thing is that the baby should be full beforehand and not in a bad mood, probably catch Baby finished drinking one hour before shooting) There are a total of 99 finished products, plus a two-minute video. Overall, the shooting experience is very good. No matter the personnel, equipment, lighting or shooting props, etc., they are very professional. The people who assist in the selection of the film are also very patient. The price is probably the price, but the clerk also gently told "you get what you pay for"! Really respect the profession! And at least it won't be forced to sell, it's a reference for parents in need ?
蘇彥倫 on Google

Alexander Rossi on Google

Great experience with our baby, photographers are very professional. Highly recommended. Looking forward to receiving our photos !
Degas Legal on Google

Photographers were prompt and courteous. Their editing staff work with us on editing details that were challenging for even the most experienced. They exceed our expectations by having the products ready and delivered to us before we boarded our departure flight. Would recommend and use their services again. Very pleased with their service.
Peter Hua on Google

Fantastic experience while we were at the postpartum center. The photographers were quick and careful, making sure our baby had a gentle and smooth experience. There were too many good pictures to choose from.
Iris Huang on Google

Professional photographer. Fast and efficient during setup and photoshoot. Effectively calm the baby throughout the whole process. High quality photo and printed product with a reasonable price as well!
Edwin Liang on Google

Tinyck is very professional. They helped with wonderful family photos and video. Great customer service from both the photographers and salesperson. Many options available. Highly recommend!

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