TKB digital school (Jingmei school)

4.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact TKB digital school (Jingmei school)

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No. 272號, Section 3, Roosevelt Rd, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City, Taiwan 100

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城市 : Taipei City

No. 272號, Section 3, Roosevelt Rd, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City, Taiwan 100
蔡家霈 on Google

統研所很重要的兩科就是統計與數理統計,我覺得郭明慶老師每個觀念都講的很清楚,也會補充很多,板書也很整齊。而且老師都很有耐心的回答問題,每次私訊老師問題,老師都會很快的回覆訊息,並幫我解答。老師也會在社團po歷屆試題的解答,讓我在遇到不會的考古題時,有答案可以參考與學習,真的非常謝謝老師。 微積分:梁修老師會在line群組po重點整理及每單元的模擬測驗,讓我們練習。老師也會在群組為我們加油打氣,真的非常謝謝老師。 很多學長姊會推薦TKB大碩,老師都很厲害,很用心上課,也很有耐心的幫學生解答問題。TKB全台各地都可以上課,很方便,離學校也不會太遠。而且在裡面上課,看到大家都專心的在看影片,也會更有動力專心聽課。
Statistics and Mathematical Statistics are two important subjects in the Institute of Statistics. I think Mr. Guo Mingqing explained every concept very clearly, and he also added a lot, and the writing on the blackboard was neat. In addition, the teacher is very patient in answering questions. Every time I send a private message to the teacher, the teacher will quickly reply to the message and help me answer it. The teacher will also answer the previous exam questions in the community po, so that when I encounter archaeological questions that I don’t know, I have the answers to refer to and learn from. Thank you very much, teacher. Calculus: Teacher Liang Xiu will focus on sorting out and mock tests for each unit in the line group po, let us practice. The teacher will also cheer for us in the group. Thank you very much, teacher. Many seniors and sisters will recommend TKB Dashuo, the teachers are very good, they are very attentive in class, and they are very patient to help students answer questions. TKB can teach classes all over Taiwan, which is very convenient and not too far from the school. And in the class, when everyone is watching the video attentively, they will be more motivated to concentrate on listening to the class.
Liao on Google

當初毅然決然跨考資管所時,因為覺得要自己從頭讀的話會抓不到重點,因此尋求補習班的幫助,希望可以透過補習班幫助我達到我的目標。而我在網路上搜集許多資料以及學長姐的心得、看過歷年的榜單之後,決定選擇大碩。 推薦想要考取資管所的同學可以來這邊上課, 老師不會在意同學的程度,都會從頭開始上。 對於跨考生來說,洪逸老師的計概以及資結課程可以快速幫我整理重點以及架構,且授課內容兼具廣度以及深度。在廣度的部分,老師上課講到的東西基本上涵蓋了 80% 的考試內容,在許考古題是會十分有感,也是一個檢視自己有們有完整吸收的指標。在深度的部分,老師會把所有的觀念抽絲剝繭,一步一步帶你了解所有資料結構、演算法的邏輯,不只是講講觀念也會親自走過一遍 psuedo code。讓從零開始的我可以打下良好的基礎。
When I resolutely decided to take the exam, I felt that I would miss the point if I had to read it from the beginning, so I sought the help of a cram school, hoping to help me achieve my goal through the cram school. And I collected a lot of information on the Internet and the experience of senior sisters, and after reading the list over the years, I decided to choose Dashuo. It is recommended that students who want to be admitted to the Asset Management Institute can come here to take classes. The teacher will not care about the level of the classmates and will start from scratch. For cross-students, Mr. Hong Yi's estimation and finalization courses can quickly help me organize the key points and structure, and the teaching content has both breadth and depth. In the part of breadth, what the teacher talks about in class basically covers 80% of the exam content. It will be very interesting in Xu archaeological questions, and it is also an indicator to check that you have a complete absorption. In the in-depth part, the teacher will strip all the concepts and take you step by step to understand the logic of all data structures and algorithms, not only talking about concepts, but also walking through the psuedo code in person. Let me start from scratch and lay a good foundation.
ann on Google

行政效率是真的很爛 上課遷移到新教室 而且教室還不在大碩裡 (客服人員說一樣是大碩 這是不是你們員工的認知有差異) 導致要處理行政相關事情 還需要另外跑一趟 行政人員一開始的疏失 只考慮公司制度 沒有考慮學生 讓後果由學生承擔 學生還要特別花時間處理行政的疏失 ________________ 以上是關於公司制度的反應 不針對行政人員的部分 行政人員有積極處理但問題沒有改善 事情已經解決了也告一段落了
Administrative efficiency is really bad Classes moved to new classrooms And the classroom is not in Dashuo (The customer service staff said the same is Dashuo Is this a difference in the perception of your employees) cause to deal with administrative matters Need another trip Administrator's initial negligence Only consider the company system Students are not considered Let the consequences fall on students Students also take special time to deal with administrative oversights _______________________________________________ The above is the reaction to the company system Section not for executives Administrative staff have actively dealt with the problem but the problem has not improved It's over, it's over
蘇煜詠 on Google

非常推薦大碩,老師教學仔細且易懂,也很用心幫助學生解答問題。而TKB公館數位學堂環境乾淨安靜,同學也都很專心的看影片上課,這樣的氛圍會push自己認真讀書。 同時非常推薦服務員孟珊!接待親切,對於補習班或者補課的問題都給予許多幫助!
I highly recommend Dashuo, the teacher's teaching is careful and easy to understand, and he is also very attentive to help students answer questions. On the other hand, the digital classroom environment of TKB Mansion is clean and quiet, and the students are also very attentively watching the videos and taking classes. Such an atmosphere will push themselves to study hard. At the same time, the waiter Meng Shan is highly recommended! The reception is cordial, and it provides a lot of help for the problems of cram schools or supplementary courses!
林庚鋒 on Google

張翔老師最大的特色在於:老師課堂上教會我們的不只是考試的內容,更是在人生中面對學習所應該要有的態度,不必為了一時的失利感到沮喪,這些心靈雞湯在最後衝刺階段重新點燃我對學習的熱情,跟著老師這樣的教學方式讓我在學習統計學的時候獲得很大的成就感! 經濟是一門範圍很廣、變化又很多的科目,因此在剛開始讀的時候很容易感到無從下手。慶幸遇到莉姐這樣的老師,不論是在課程、考卷以及作業的規劃上都井然有序,讓我能夠朝著一個正確的方向努力。另外在題庫班階段的講義、題本更是蒐羅所有學校喜歡的考法,一點點縫隙都不放過,幫我們做到百分之兩百的準備,如果說這段時間是我們致勝的關鍵一點也不為過! 老師的教學非常豐富且完整,並不是只透過刷題培養你的考試能力,而是從頭到尾讓你完全的瞭解學習的內容。光憑這幾點,就是選擇大碩非常充分的理由! 對於研究所考試我一率建議越早越好!我自己認為暑假兩個月的時間是準備考研的精華時段,在這段期間你必須把所有課程都先上過一遍。由於自己的背景並不是商管科系,更是連經濟、統計都完全擦不上邊,所以在最一開始時我總擔心自己的基礎已經落後別人一大截,但是套用一句張翔老師常說的一句話「傻傻地讀就對了」!能夠堅持下去,所有的東西都會是你的! 另外在準備面試過程中要特別謝謝翔sir給我們的資源,像是教我們如何撰寫自己的個人簡歷、研究計畫,還有學長姐過去歷屆的面試題目分享以及模擬面試。有這些資源,讓我在準備面試的時候對於教授的想法心裡也有底,在面試時也不會緊張,真的感謝老師的資源!
The biggest feature of Mr. Zhang Xiang is that what the teacher teaches us in the classroom is not only the content of the exam, but also the attitude we should have when facing learning in life. We don't need to feel depressed for a momentary failure. These chicken soup for the soul are in the final sprint stage. Reignited my enthusiasm for learning, and following the teaching method of the teacher gave me a great sense of accomplishment when studying statistics! Economics is a wide-ranging and changing subject, so it's easy to feel overwhelmed at first. I am fortunate to have met a teacher like Li, who is orderly in the planning of courses, exam papers, and homework, allowing me to work hard in the right direction. In addition, the lecture notes and test books in the question bank stage are to collect all the school's favorite test methods. We will not let go of any gaps and help us achieve 200% preparation. If this period is the key to our success Not at all! The teacher's teaching is very rich and complete. It does not only cultivate your test ability by brushing questions, but allows you to fully understand the content of learning from beginning to end. Based on these points alone, it is a very good reason to choose Dashuo! For the postgraduate exam, I suggest that the sooner the better! I personally think that the two-month summer vacation is the best time to prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination. During this period, you must take all the courses first. Because my background is not a business management department, and even economics and statistics are completely incomprehensible, so at the beginning I always worried that my foundation had fallen behind others, but to paraphrase a sentence that Zhang Xiang often said "It's just right to read stupidly"! Keep it up and everything will be yours! In addition, in the process of preparing for the interview, I would like to thank Xiangsir for the resources that he gave us, such as teaching us how to write our own resume, research plan, as well as the sharing of interview questions and mock interviews of the senior sister in the past. With these resources, I have a solid understanding of the professor's thoughts when preparing for the interview, and I will not be nervous during the interview. I really appreciate the teacher's resources!
林俊安 on Google

Dashuo is great. Whether it is the teacher or the person in charge of the campus, they are very enthusiastic, and there will be food delivery activities from time to time in the LINE group. In addition, Dashuo has done a good job during the epidemic. Long distance, if there is a chance next time, I will still choose this one, it is worth visiting again.
Bee IU on Google

Play 9i on Google

I think this is, where in a long run, you know, kind of the right place, better than library to stay and prepare for “the exam” ...

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