Torik Catholic Church

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Contact Torik Catholic Church

地址 :

No. 142, Douli Rd, Chenggong Township, Taitung County, Taiwan 961

城市 : Taitung County

No. 142, Douli Rd, Chenggong Township, Taitung County, Taiwan 961
LAI joseph on Google

Peace of mind in the town.
呂正榮 on Google

Like it! The opposite (sea mirror) is good!
戴大袋 on Google

Du Li Catholic Church is a faith center in Du Li area. It provides group activities and Chinese food service.
林小璐 on Google

Duli Market, it’s the first time to participate in aboriginal gatherings, which is very special and tasteful. Although small, it is full of the vitality and enthusiasm of the aboriginals.
Nana Cat on Google

天主教白冷會在東海岸平地與山地社區及部落興建了百來座教堂以及醫療院所等房舍。瑞士的 白冷會修士 傅義 先生(Julius Felder),以繪畫及建築見長,他在東臺灣設計了約 40件 建築作品,為當時荒涼的東臺灣帶來創新的空間體驗,被譽為「從阿爾卑斯山降臨都蘭山的建築使者」,造就了東海岸特殊的人文景觀。都歷天主堂就是其中一座。
The Catholic Bethlehem Church built hundreds of churches, medical institutions and other houses in the flat and mountain communities and tribes of the East Coast. Mr. Julius Felder, a monk from the White Cold Society of Switzerland, is good at painting and architecture. He designed about 40 architectural works in Eastern Taiwan, bringing innovative spatial experience to the desolate Eastern Taiwan at that time. He was known as " The architectural messenger who descended from the Alps to the Dulan Mountain created a special cultural landscape on the east coast. Duli Catholic Church is one of them.
Sarah Chiu on Google

充滿原住民友善與原味的聖堂,為了來此一探白冷會教堂的我,拍照時正好聽見堂內悠揚歌聲,引領我走進去參與彌撒,只見祭壇擺上稻米、甘蔗、鳳梨、香蕉、鮮花...等豐富祭品,教友更全體盛裝打扮,原來是豐年節彌撒。 過程中譜上阿美族語歌詞的聖歌、男女美妙和聲,與應和著歌聲擺動身上鈴鐺的活潑舞蹈,讓我從小認知的肅穆彌撒有著信仰的歡喜。 會後教友神父更是熱情邀請我參與彌撒後的豐年節活動和隔天週末的豐年祭,讓我這個來自台北的都市人真正感受到「在主內我們是一家人」。
The sanctuary is full of aboriginal friendliness and original flavor. In order to come here to explore the Bethlehem Church, I just heard the melodious singing in the church when I took the photo, leading me to participate in the mass. I saw rice, sugar cane, pineapple, bananas, and flowers on the altar. ...And so on for the rich offerings, the faithful all dressed up, it turned out to be the Harvest Mass. In the process, I composed the chants in Amis language lyrics, the beautiful harmony of men and women, and the lively dance of swinging the bells on my body in response to the singing. The solemn mass that I have known since childhood has the joy of faith. After the meeting, the Catholic priests even warmly invited me to participate in the harvest festival after Mass and the harvest festival on the following weekend. This made me, an urbanite from Taipei, truly feel that "we are a family in the Lord."
Elaineluby on Google

There happened to be a New Year’s event, it was very lively~
JC Yang on Google

Tourists regard the Catholic Church as a tourist service center, which is unbearable. Tourists should love themselves a little bit. Don’t go where there is no standard. It is shameful to be posted.

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