University of Kang Ning Taipei Campus

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No. 137, Lane 75, Section 3, Kangning Rd, Neihu District, Taipei City, Taiwan 114

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城市 : Taipei City

No. 137, Lane 75, Section 3, Kangning Rd, Neihu District, Taipei City, Taiwan 114
shan chou (3) on Google

本身是學校畢業的學生,個人認為夜校負責處理學務的老師很負責很認真,但我覺得想在這學校準時拿畢業證書去國考的學生請注意⚠️ 有的老師會在緊要關頭隨機當人,自己沒有很常出席,但還是有去5-6次和期中期末考,同期的同學幾乎一整個學期都沒到,結果反而她過了,我還被當了! 如果想要在國考之前畢業,就必須花一科1-2萬的補修費,這時候如果全班只有隨機當三個人,補修費就是要平均分擔,甚至如果只有你一個人也是要花這個錢。 後來選擇延後一年畢業,為了這一科,上學期也沒有開課要延至下學期,下學期因為上班的關係ㄞ,只去了一次和期中考,結果反而成績不錯還過了? 我很謝謝這個老師,只是之前當我的老師真的讓我很無言,有一種因為看在你們要趕國考,趕快搶一波你們的補修費,而且我從來沒看過補修費這麼昂貴的⋯
I am a student who graduated from school. I personally think that the teacher in charge of school affairs at night school is very responsible and serious, but I think students who want to take the graduation certificate and go to the national exam during this school calibration, please pay attention ⚠️ Some teachers will be random people at critical moments, and they don’t attend very often, but they still go for 5-6 times and mid-term final exams. The classmates of the same period did not arrive for almost the entire semester. Instead, she passed and I was still Be it! If you want to graduate before the national exam, you have to spend a remedial fee of 10,000 to 20,000. At this time, if there are only three people in the whole class at random, the remedial fee must be shared equally, even if you are alone, it will cost this money. . Later, I chose to postpone my graduation by one year. For this subject, I didn't start the last semester and had to postpone it to the next semester. In the next semester, due to work, I only went to the mid-term exam once, but the result was good. I am very grateful to this teacher. It’s just that being my teacher before really made me speechless. There is a kind of because you have to rush for the national exams, so hurry up and grab a wave of your remedial fees, and I’ve never seen such expensive remedial fees...
T.Y. Yen on Google

康寧大學以培育健康產業服務領域人才為導向,強調理論與實務並重。創立於民國89年,前身為立德管理學院(Leader University),為因應南部科學園區的設立與迎接知識經濟時代的來臨而設置,民國97年升格為立德大學,復於民國100年2月1日更名為康寧大學(University of Kang Ning),期盼在新的領導團隊帶領下,以卓越的方向和優質的實踐方法,帶領本校蛻變為一流大學,開創卓越新世紀。 本校為康寧學校財團法人所屬之學校,故董事長鈕廷莊博士在民國99年榮膺第四屆董事長至107年3 月,之後由曹安娜董事長接任至今。學校法人之辦學理念為「配合國家及產業發展需要,秉承忠、誠、仁、愛之精神,以教授理論與技術,養成務實、專業、品德、國際觀與人文素養兼備之專才,服務社會,進而提升國民生活品質、開創未來,建設國家為宗旨」。 學校於民國104年8月1日和原康寧醫護暨管理專科學校合倂,是台灣第一個私立大學和私立專科學校合倂成功的案例,也是第一個因合併後擁有五專、二專、大學部和研究所的高教大學。 合倂後,本校校本部設於台北校區(原康寧專校),交通便利,都市生活機能良好;另一校區則是位在台南台江國家公園、台南科技工業區與南部科學工業園區(簡稱南科)旁的台南校區,風景優美,校園空間開闊。兩個校區各有特色和專業,可相互補足,台北校區以健康護理為發展主軸,擁有原康寧專校50年累積的專職技能;台南校區則以創新服務管理為發展主軸,擁有服務管理專業,及長期與南台灣工商企業界合作的經驗。 本校以追求專業化、創新化、國際化,發展專業卓越能力、創新前瞻能力為目標,朝向一流教學型大學邁進。自民國105年8月起,設有護理健康、商業資訊、創新管理三個學院,秉持篳路藍縷創校精神與信念,賡續發展,經由下列作法,落實校長之教育理念: 落實通識教育實現全人理念:秉承「博雅」的全才培育傳統,從教育理念、課程設計與教學實踐中,體現「全人教育」的核心關懷,以陶冶學生人文素養、社會關懷、宏觀視野與創造潛能,培育具有領導特質與文藝涵養的現代公民。 提升人文藝術拓展創意視野:塑造校園人文與藝術氛圍,提升師生人文素養,培育校園生活中的美學態度,邀請校外藝術家蒞臨指導,透過美學活動的參與和體驗,啟發師生領略藝術文化之美,增進生活品質與創意視野。 精進教學品質增進學習成效:推動跨校區資源整合,透過獎勵教師精進課程與教學研究、推廣教學輔助制度、推動國際化、推展數位教材資訊,並積極結合區域教學與資源整合平台,提升教學品質及學生學習成效。 培養多元技能強化就業能力:強調培養學生多元的專業能力,推展證照、實習,並透過產學平台、創新創業育成計畫,提供康寧學子就業機會與管道。
Corning University is oriented towards cultivating talents in the health industry service field, emphasizing both theory and practice. Founded in 1989, the predecessor was Leader University (Leader University). It was set up in response to the establishment of the Southern Science Park and to welcome the advent of the era of knowledge economy. In 1997, it was upgraded to Leader University and restored in February 100 On the 1st, it was renamed to the University of Kang Ning (University of Kang Ning). Under the leadership of the new leadership team, we look forward to leading the school to transform into a first-class university with outstanding direction and high-quality practical methods, and to create a new century of excellence. The school is a school affiliated to the Corning School Consortium, so the chairman Dr. Niu Tingzhuang was awarded the fourth chairman of the board from 1999 to March 107, and has been succeeded by Chairman Cao Anna since then. The school’s corporate philosophy is "to meet the needs of the country and industry development, uphold the spirit of loyalty, sincerity, benevolence, and love, teach theory and technology, and cultivate pragmatic, professional, ethical, international and humanistic professionals to serve the society. In order to improve the quality of life of the people, create the future, and build the country for the purpose." The school merged with the former Kangning Medical and Management College on August 1, 2004. It is the first successful case of a private university and a private college in Taiwan. It is also the first to have a fifth and second college due to the merger. , University Department and Research Institute of Higher Education University. After the integration, the main campus of our school is located in the Taipei campus (formerly Kangning College), with convenient transportation and good urban life functions; the other campus is located in Tainan Taijiang National Park, Tainan Science and Technology Industrial Park, and Southern Science and Industry Park (Nanke for short) The Tainan campus next to it has beautiful scenery and wide campus space. The two campuses have their own characteristics and professions, which can complement each other. The Taipei campus takes health care as the development axis and has the full-time skills accumulated by the former Corning College for 50 years; the Tainan campus takes innovative service management as the development axis and has services Major in management and long-term experience in cooperating with the industrial and commercial circles of southern Taiwan. With the goal of pursuing specialization, innovation, and internationalization, and developing professional excellence and innovative forward-looking capabilities, the school is moving towards a first-class teaching university. Since August 105 of the Republic of China, there have been three colleges of nursing and health, business information, and innovation management. Adhering to the spirit and belief of the establishment of the school, the school has continued to develop and implement the principal's educational philosophy through the following practices: Implement general education to realize the concept of whole person: Adhering to the tradition of "Liberal Arts" for all-talent cultivation, embodying the core care of "holistic education" from educational concepts, curriculum design and teaching practice, in order to cultivate students' humanistic quality, social care, and macro Vision and creative potential, cultivate modern citizens with leadership characteristics and literary and artistic qualities. Enhance humanities and arts to expand creative horizons: shape the campus humanities and artistic atmosphere, enhance the humanistic qualities of teachers and students, cultivate aesthetic attitudes in campus life, invite outside artists to come and guide, through the participation and experience of aesthetic activities, inspire teachers and students to appreciate the beauty of art and culture. Improve the quality of life and creative vision. Improving teaching quality to enhance learning effectiveness: promote cross-campus resource integration, encourage teachers to improve curriculum and teaching research, promote teaching aid systems, promote internationalization, promote digital teaching materials, and actively integrate regional teaching and resource integration platforms to improve teaching quality And student learning effectiveness. Cultivate diverse skills and strengthen employability: Emphasize the cultivation of students' diverse professional abilities, promote licenses, internships, and provide employment opportunities and channels for Corning students through industry-university platforms and innovation and entrepreneurship training programs.
陳家豪(Yamas Yati) on Google

我是康寧資管106學年度資管科的畢業生 目前就讀國立臺北商業大學資訊管理系 就學期間要不是有資管科老師的努力 栽培我去參加各項競賽 我今天就不會順利的進入國立大學就讀了 康寧 No.1
I ’m a graduate of Corning Asset Management 106 Department of Information Management, National Taipei Business University If not the efforts of a qualified management teacher during school Train me to participate in various competitions I won't enter the National University smoothly today Corning No. 1
Leanne Yin on Google

The school is very good. It squeezes foreign students to do cheap labor, and their studies become black workers.
Yang Bonnie on Google

警衛室的警衛態度可以在糟糕一點, 看你哪天踢到鐵板,講話明明可以好好講, 口氣這麼差,是跟你有仇還是欠你錢了?
The attitude of the guards in the guardhouse can be a little worse, Depending on when you kick the iron plate, you can speak well. With such a bad tone, do you have a grudge against you or do you owe you money?
Evy Liao on Google

學校球場緊鄰住宅 學生打球大聲喧嘩尖叫 以及三字經各式髒話不斷 鄰居並無義務接受這樣的言語暴力 多次反映學校勸導 仍成效不彰 學生如此素質 很同情該校教官及老師
The school court is next to the house, students play ball loudly, screaming and swear words Neighbors are not obliged to accept such verbal violence. They have repeatedly reported that school persuasion is still ineffective. The quality of the students is so sympathetic to the school's instructors and teachers
李王 on Google

貴校是破病是不是 搞出什麼實體線上一起 體育課硬要學生來上課 一次3小時 有病嗎 為了這門課硬要去學校 可以在家上的就在家 去那邊染疫嗎 你們高層到底在幹什麼 授權給各個老師 那麼多意見不合 不要再為難學生了可以嗎 考慮一下學生 交通什麼的很不方便 有考慮到學生的立場嗎 沒有 因為你只想到你們自己 學生什麼都是屁 沒有能力就滾蛋 有學校想吃掉康寧給他們管 真的沒看過這麼無能的高層
Is your school broken? Have you created some physical online physical education class and forced students to come to class for 3 hours at a time? Are you sick? For this class, you can go to school at home and go there to catch the epidemic? What are your senior executives doing? Authorize each teacher to have so many disagreements. Don't make it difficult for students. Can you think about the inconvenience of students' transportation? Have you considered the students' position? No, because you only think that your students are shit and can't get out of the way. The school thinks I've never seen such an incompetent high-level executive after eating Corning.
林立晟(KING) on Google


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