Wagor High School - Beitun District

3.5/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Wagor High School

地址 :

No. 328號, Junfu 18th Rd, Beitun District, Taichung City, Taiwan 406

電話 : 📞 +88778
網站 : https://senior.wagor.tc.edu.tw/junior
城市 : Taichung City

No. 328號, Junfu 18th Rd, Beitun District, Taichung City, Taiwan 406
ssu yuan chang on Google

Beautiful campus~novel equipment~
n Manstei on Google

It was only when I really entered Wei Ge Middle School that I found out that I was much better at the other two schools that only read and did not pay attention to students.
Charlene Wang on Google

學校根本違背初衷 當初我們進來的時候主打二外 ESL 現在呢?學校拼命砍這些課程 當初進來葳格的學生多是想往國外發展,結果現任校長卻以想改成升學學校為由捨棄掉我們未來很有用的工具。學生去反應為什麼要砍二外課程 校長卻說 因為有人覺得很無聊 不重要所以要排掉二外課程 ,還不准二外老師們跟學生說。二外老師們還不是第一個得知學校要砍二外課程,明明他們是當事人,卻是從學生口中聽到。 學校在招生宣傳還不是照樣說有二外課 那麼學校你的信譽在哪?這根本是掛羊頭賣狗肉的行為吧。
The school is completely against its original intention. When we came in, we mainly focused on ESL. now what? The school is desperately cutting down on these courses. Most of the students who came to Weigao want to develop abroad. As a result, the current principal has abandoned our useful tools in the future on the grounds that he wants to change to a higher education school. The students responded to why they had to cut the second-level foreign courses, but the principal said that because some people thought it was boring and unimportant, they had to exclude the second-level courses, and the teachers of the second-level foreign countries were not allowed to tell the students. The teachers of the Second Foreign Language School are not the first to learn that the school is going to cut the Second Foreign Language Course. Obviously they are the parties involved, but they heard it from the students' mouths. The school does not say that there are two extra classes in the admissions promotion, so where is your reputation in the school? This is simply the behavior of selling dog meat with a sheep's head.
Monster game on Google

這裡的師資爛就算了,要讀書時班上環境吵雜班導視若無睹,導致學測成績不佳,難怪葳格榜單每次貼的都是歷年來,而不是當年最佳的。 學餐有夠難吃,一餐還要80塊,住宿生如果不是有補習會被強制定晚餐。 如果上不了這裡的甲班但想讀書的,真的不要來讀,如果來了可以先存重考的錢。
The teachers here are not good enough. When you want to study, the classroom environment is noisy and the class guide turns a blind eye, resulting in poor academic test results. It is no wonder that the Weige list is posted every time over the years, not the best of the year. The school meals are unpalatable enough, and a meal costs 80 yuan. If the dormitory students do not have tutoring, they will be forced to have dinner. If you can't go to Class A here but want to study, don't come to study. If you come, you can save money for re-examination first.
Philip Chang on Google

那年在學校所學的知識跟技術在社會根本一點用都沒有,以前餐飲還要學音樂、理化一些無關緊要的東西而且成績故意放得很重。 回來再看學弟妹留言才知道這所學校有多糟糕,當年教官師長主任管的很誇張要一個聽話的學生當工具人管學生,害他親手毀掉3年的高中青春成了班上公敵 講難聽一點現在的學校很多都是爽賺學生錢的學店,你們等著被少子化的浪潮淹沒算了
The knowledge and technology that I learned in school that year are of no use in society at all. In the past, I had to learn music, physics and chemistry in the catering industry and some unimportant things, and my grades were deliberately placed heavily. When I came back and read the messages from my younger brothers and sisters, I realized how bad this school was. Back then, the teachers, teachers, and directors were very exaggerated. They wanted an obedient student to be a tool person to manage the students. To put it a bit ugly, many of today's schools are just stores that make money for students. You wait to be overwhelmed by the wave of low birthrates.
Charlene Wang on Google

請網紅來學校拍片宣傳 又不開放留言功能 是怕留言被灌爆嗎?有那個錢請網紅宣傳 怎麼沒錢改善學餐環境和品質?學餐地板處處可看見小蟑螂 甚至有同學在吃東西的時候發現有蟑螂在食物裡 一餐還收85塊 然後煮出來的東西這麼糟 還不如訂便當 品質有保證又好吃。 早上週會升旗校長也是很多話,連師長席的老師們都自備帽子、墨鏡。很喜歡說一些長篇大論,太陽超大 學生在太陽底下曬 校長在司令台可以遮陽 這樣學生真的聽得進去嗎 還不如用生輔廣播比較實際。
Invite Internet celebrities to come to the school to film and promote, but do not open the message function. Are you afraid that the message will be flooded? If you have the money to ask internet celebrities to promote it, why don’t you have the money to improve the environment and quality of school meals? Small cockroaches can be seen everywhere on the floor of the school meal. Some students even found cockroaches in the food when they were eating. They charged 85 yuan for a meal, and the cooked food was so bad. In the morning when the flag is raised in the weekly meeting, the principal is also very talkative, and even the teachers in the teacher's chair bring their own hats and sunglasses. I like to say some long speeches. The sun is too big, the students are basking in the sun, and the principal can shade the sun on the command station, so that the students can really hear it. It is better to use the live broadcast to be more practical.
Morris Tsai on Google

蔡如語 on Google

Best middle and high school in town!

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