暖然 WARM 水湳店

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Contact 暖然 WARM 水湳店

地址 :

406, Taiwan, Taichung City, Beitun District, Section 2, Zhongqing Rd, 903號暖然 WARM 水湳店一樓

電話 : 📞 +8888
城市 : Zhongqing Rd

406, Taiwan, Taichung City, Beitun District, Section 2, Zhongqing Rd, 903號暖然 WARM 水湳店一樓
Ki Ki on Google

在去年㋋㏷,位於台中北屯的中清路上,新開了一間 HUN 集團的新火鍋品牌-暖然 WARM!朋友推薦說要來吃這間,便跟朋友們在一個多禮拜前,到此嚐鮮(´(00)`)而且我們還是坐在包廂內享受美食哦~覺得很開心´͈ ᵕ `͈另外這裡可以攜帶寵物進來用餐,但前提是不能落地喲!我們帶愛犬-布丁來時,是讓牠坐在自備的寵物推車❀◕ ‿ ◕❀ - ✔︎剝皮辣椒鍋 $170元 ✔︎薑母松阪豬鍋(全酒)$170元 ✔︎豪華海鮮盤 $620元 ✔︎美國牛五花 $180元 男友點的是剝皮辣椒鍋~他是個會吃辣的人,他說:覺得湯頭不辣!對於不吃辣的人來說,可能會辣哦( ͒ ඉ .̫ ඉ ͒)而我點的是薑母松阪豬鍋,因為晚上有點冷,想說點這鍋可以暖心又暖胃~我不喝酒,但我很愛吃全酒料理,湯頭加了全酒後,覺得更加香甜好喝! 認識我的人都知道我超愛吃海鮮٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و男友看到菜單上有海鮮盤,便叫我點豪華版的!我說:可是價格有點高耶...還是我點便宜的就好~他說:妳愛吃海鮮,點貴一點的沒關係!妳就點豪華版的!天吶~我的內心感動到在滴淚啊(´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)豪華海鮮盤的內容物有手臂長蝦、白蝦、中卷、鮑魚、干貝、中蛤、花枝漿及東石鮮蚵,滿滿的一盤海鮮,兩個人一起吃也很過癮呢ヽ(♡‿♡)ノ 副食可以選擇的大骨高湯粥,是由蛤蠣、吻仔魚、鯛魚及蛋所下去熬煮,個人是覺得還蠻鮮甜好吃~附餐飲品是經典復刻紅茶,續杯要再加15元哦! ✎結論:這間火鍋餐廳,店內店外的裝潢設計都很美,餐點部分好吃,價格部分也很平價,整體CP值算蠻高的!個人是蠻推薦的哦s( ^ ‿ ^)-b ?想知道更多景點或美食? ?歡迎追蹤我的IG:kiki_hello_
Last year, on Zhongqing Road in Beitun, Taichung, a new hot pot brand of HUN Group-Nuran WARM was opened! My friend recommended that I want to eat this one, so I tried it with my friends more than a week ago (´(00)`) and we still sat in the box to enjoy the food~ I feel very happy ´͈ ᵕ `͈ You can bring your pets in to dine, but the premise is that you can't land! When we brought our dog-pudding, we let it sit in our own pet stroller ❀◕ ‿ ◕❀ - ✔︎Peeling chili pot $170 ✔︎Ginger mother Matsusaka pork hotpot (whole wine) $170 ✔︎Deluxe seafood plate $620 ✔︎American beef belly $180 The boyfriend ordered the peeled chili pot~ He is a spicy person, he said: I don’t think the soup is spicy! For those who don’t eat spicy food, it might be spicy (͒ ඉ .̫ ඉ ͒) and I ordered the ginger mother Matsusaka pork hot pot, because it is a bit cold at night, I want to say that this pot can warm your heart and stomach~ I I don't drink alcohol, but I love to eat whole wine dishes. After adding whole wine to the soup, it feels more sweet and delicious! Anyone who knows me knows that I love seafood ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و boyfriend, seeing a seafood plate on the menu, asked me to order the deluxe version! I said: But the price is a bit high... I'd better order the cheaper ones~ He said: You can eat seafood, it doesn't matter if you order the more expensive ones! Just order the deluxe version! Oh my god~ My heart is moved to tears (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) The contents of the luxurious seafood plate include arm prawns, white prawns, medium rolls, abalones, dried scallops, medium clams, cuticle paste and Dongshi fresh oysters , A plate full of seafood, it’s very enjoyable for two people to eat together ヽ(♡‿♡)ノ The big bone broth porridge that you can choose for non-staple food is cooked with clams, larvae, sea bream and eggs. Personally, I think it's quite fresh and sweet. The included meal is a classic red tea, and you need to add 15 more for refills. Yuan! ✎Conclusion: In this hot pot restaurant, the decoration design inside and outside the store is very beautiful, the food part is delicious, the price part is also very cheap, and the overall CP value is quite high! Personally recommend it s( ^ ‿ ^)-b ?Want to know more attractions or food? ?Welcome to follow my IG: kiki_hello_
Jack Chen on Google

?雙人套餐 ɴᴛ.999 ?豪華菜盤 ɴᴛ.69 原本的菜盤有著大量的高麗菜、豆腐、紅蘿蔔、豆皮、南瓜、玉米、貢丸,另外還增加了水蓮、空心菜、苦瓜、絲瓜、菠菜、櫛瓜,整個菜盤的種類增多不少,十分豐富,而蔬菜非常的新鮮好吃,脆口與清爽的感覺搭配剝皮辣椒鍋底,味道十分好吃。 ?剝皮辣椒鍋 湯底是剝皮辣椒的辣味,和淡淡的甜味,整體味道頗為濃郁,但是並不會讓人覺得強烈,屬於微辣的味道,搭配火鍋料非常好吃。 ?橘醬泡菜鍋 有著溫醇的泡菜辣味,和韓式泡菜的香味,辣味也是十分鮮明,卻不會強烈,搭配火鍋料更為好吃。 ?美國板腱牛 薄切的板腱牛肉,川燙過後放入口中,一入口就可嚐到濃濃的牛肉鮮味,咀嚼之後肉汁流出,是十分濃厚的鮮味,十分好吃,喜愛牛肉味的人一定要嚐嚐。 ?美國霜降牛 川燙之後,可以感受到油脂化的,放入口中油脂味先天可口,肉質軟嫩可口 ,整體味道滑順好吃。 ?蛤蜊 (一斤)ɴᴛ.50 店家目前有七週年活動,四月份可用ɴᴛ.50加購一斤的蛤蜊,當然加囉。 一斤蛤蜊份量超十足,放入鍋中瞬間滿出來,而且蛤蜊非常新鮮全部都打開了,味道非常鮮甜好吃,喜歡海鮮或蛤蜊的人一定要來試試。 ?滷肉飯 滷肉飯的米粒飽滿好吃,入口有種香滑的口感 搭配大量的滷肉,味道鮮明而美味,醬汁與油脂包裹在飯粒上,讓人喜愛。 ?花枝漿 花枝漿切斷放入火鍋中,煮成花枝丸,放入口中可以吃到海鮮的鮮甜口感,魚漿也是屬於Q彈好吃的,整個華轉新鮮而紮實,非常推薦。 ?滷豆腐 ɴᴛ.49 麻辣口味的滷豆腐,外面麻辣有口感,裡面的豆腐是柔軟好吃的板豆腐,整體滷汁燉煮入味,非常香辣。 ?滷肥腸 ɴᴛ.79 滷肥腸外皮非常Q軟彈牙,滷汁非常入味,放入口中香辣味與滷味同時溢出,而上面撒了一些青蔥,讓整體味道更為清新,非常好吃。 ?哈根達斯 巧克力非常紮實的巧克力,味道濃郁甜味十足,作為一餐的結尾令人滿足。 - #台中 #暖然warm #台中美食 #台中美食推薦 #台中必吃 #台中火鍋 #台中火鍋推薦 #水湳美食 #北屯美食 #美食推薦 #台中火鍋推薦 #相機先食 #JK美食地圖 #JK攝影
?Two persons set meal ɴᴛ.999 ?Luxury dish ɴᴛ.69 The original dish contains a lot of cabbage, tofu, carrots, tofu skin, pumpkin, corn, and tribute balls. In addition, water lotus, water spinach, bitter gourd, loofah, spinach, and squash are added. The variety of the entire dish increases. Little, very rich, and the vegetables are very fresh and delicious, crispy and refreshing, with the peeled chili pot bottom, the taste is very delicious. ?Peeling chili pot The soup base has the spicy taste of peeled chili and a light sweet taste. The overall taste is quite strong, but it does not make people feel strong. It has a slightly spicy taste. It is very delicious with hot pot ingredients. ?Kimchi Pot with Orange Sauce It has a warm and mellow kimchi spiciness, and the aroma of Korean kimchi. The spiciness is also very clear, but not strong. It is more delicious with hot pot ingredients. ?American Plate Tendon Beef Thinly sliced ​​beef tendon, put it in your mouth after being blanched in Sichuan, you can taste the thick beef flavor as soon as you enter it. After chewing, the gravy will flow out. It is very rich and delicious. People who love beef flavor must have it. Have a taste. ?American Frost Cow After being blanched in Sichuan, you can feel the oiliness, the oily taste in the mouth is inherently delicious, the meat is tender and delicious, and the overall taste is smooth and delicious. ?Clam (one pound)ɴᴛ.50 The store currently has a 7th anniversary event. In April, you can buy a pound of clams with ɴᴛ.50, of course. One pound of clams is very large, and it fills up instantly when you put it in the pot, and the clams are very fresh and all opened. The taste is very sweet and delicious. Those who like seafood or clams must try it. ?Stewed pork rice The braised pork rice is full and delicious, with a smooth taste in the mouth. With a lot of braised pork, the taste is bright and delicious. The sauce and oil are wrapped in the rice, which makes people love it. ?Flower branch pulp Cut the cuttlefish paste and put it in a hot pot, boil it into a cuttlefish ball. You can eat the fresh and sweet taste of seafood in your mouth. The fish paste is also delicious. The whole Huazhan is fresh and solid. It is very recommended. ? Marinated tofu ɴᴛ. 49 Spicy braised tofu, the outside is spicy and tasteful, the tofu inside is soft and delicious slab tofu, the whole marinade is stewed and delicious, very spicy. ? Braised sausage ɴᴛ. 79 The stewed intestines are very soft and elastic, and the marinade is very tasty. The spiciness and stew in the mouth overflow at the same time, and some green onions are sprinkled on it, which makes the overall taste fresher and very delicious. ?Haagen-Dazs Chocolate is a very solid chocolate with a rich and sweet taste, which is satisfying as the end of a meal. - #台中 #暖然warm #台中美食 #台中美食 Recommendation #台中必吃 #台中火锅 #台中火锅推荐 #水湳美食 #北屯美食 #美食 Recommendation #台中火锅推荐 #摄影先食 #JK美食Map #JK摄影
小紘(暴龍) on Google

因為送肉盤卷才知道有這間火鍋店,cp 值高,加入會員在送一盤肉。湯頭可以試喝,飲料喝到飽。加50元有一斤蛤蜊,海鮮新鮮。會想在到訪的店。
I knew that there is a hot pot restaurant because of the delivery of meat pan rolls. The cp value is high. Joining a member is giving away a plate of meat. The soup can be tasted, and the drink is full. Add 50 yuan for a catty of clams, and the seafood is fresh. Would like to visit the shop.
Martin HY on Google

一直以來對HUN品牌的印象都很好 不管是環境還是餐點口味都是水準之上 這次來暖然嚐鮮又再次刷新用餐體驗! 客人能夠試喝湯底再點餐 服務人員顏值高 點餐系統新鮮有趣 副食大骨粥的餐具尊絕不凡??? 鍋底的部分都很特別,唯獨口味較清淡 建議平常吃慣重口的可以選橘醬 (宅的橘醬系列義大利麵也是一絕) 蒜頭蛤蠣帶點奶香味,但不鹹 若覺得太清淡可以在醬料區自己客製添料調整湯底???
I have always had a good impression of the HUN brand Both the environment and the food taste are above the standard This time I came to Nuran to try new things and refreshed the dining experience again! Guests can try the soup base before ordering Service staff have high value The ordering system is fresh and interesting The tableware of non-staple food big bone porridge is absolutely extraordinary??? The bottom part of the pot is very special, but the taste is lighter It is recommended to choose orange sauce for those who are used to heavy mouthfuls. (The house’s orange sauce series pasta is also a must) Garlic clams have a bit of milky flavor, but not salty If you think it's too light, you can customize the soup base in the sauce area???
吳旻瑾 on Google

台北台中紅透半邊天的《宅???義大利麵》旗下居然出了火鍋新品牌啦‼️ 湯底居然還有他們家最招牌的橘醬鍋底真的太厲害了? 橘醬泡菜鍋喝起來酸酸甜甜,非常適合在現在的天氣吃整個開胃到不行? 剝皮辣椒雞湯底喝起來很甘甜,煮菜下去又更好喝? 最狂的是他們加購一斤蛤蠣只要$50,我跟朋友兩個女生來吃超級飽還打包? 肉品的話表現得中規中矩,份量剛好、肉質軟嫩沒有腥味! 副餐我其中一份選了大骨高湯熬的粥~這個我很推薦,口味清爽還帶了點鮮甜,咕嚕咕嚕一下就吃完了? 滷豆腐還蠻入味的很下飯,口味應該算微辣?️ 菜盤的話有兩種,如果有升級豪華菜盤的話會多一個圖七左下角的蔬菜盤呦? 甜點是我最愛的哈根達斯,吃完之後覺得CP值很可以啊? 最重要的是餐廳環境非常寬敞,裝潢又很韓很適合拍照 這裡絕對算是聚餐首選啦✨ 以下附上當天點的餐點名稱?? 《999雙人套餐》 ?橘醬泡菜鍋 ?剝皮辣椒鍋 ?經典菜盤 ?豪華菜盤+$69 ?大骨高湯粥 ?冬粉 ?台灣梅花豬 ?美國霜降牛 ?中卷 ?蛤蠣/斤+$50 ?哈根達斯冰淇淋選2(我選焦糖奶油脆餅和草莓口味) ?滷豆腐$49 ?暖然 WARM 水湳店 ?台中市北屯區中清路二段903號1樓 ⏰週一至週五11:00-15:00、17:00-22:00,週六及週日11:00-22:00 #台中 #台中美食 #台中餐廳 #台中火鍋 #火鍋 #火鍋推薦 #火鍋控 #北屯美食 #北屯 #北屯區美食 #北屯區 #網美 #網美餐廳 #網美店 #網美火鍋 #網美火鍋店 #韓系 #taichung #taichungfood #foodie #hotpot #shabushabu #鍋 #しゃぶしゃぶ #gominkin吃台中
Taipei Taichung's "House ??? Spaghetti" has actually launched a new brand of hot pot‼ ️ The soup base and their most famous orange sauce pot base is really amazing? The orange sauce kimchi pot tastes sour and sweet, it is very suitable for eating the whole appetizer in the current weather. ? The peeled chili chicken soup tastes very sweet, and it tastes better after cooking ? The craziest thing is that they can buy an extra catty of clams for only $50. My friend and two girls came to eat super full and also packed it? The meat is quite satisfactory, the portion is just right, and the meat is tender and has no smell! For the side meal, I chose the porridge made with big bone broth~ I recommend this. It has a refreshing taste and a bit of sweetness. It will be finished in one go ? The braised tofu is quite tasty, and the taste should be slightly spicy ?️ There are two kinds of dishes. If there is an upgraded deluxe dish, there will be an extra vegetable dish in the lower left corner of Figure 7 ? Dessert is my favorite Haagen-Dazs. After eating, I think the CP value is very good ? The most important thing is that the restaurant environment is very spacious, the decoration is very Korean and suitable for taking pictures This is definitely the first choice for gatherings✨ The name of the meal ordered on the day is attached below ?? "999 Double Package" ?Kimchi Pot with Orange Sauce ?Peeled chili pot ?Classic dishes ?Luxury Dinner Plate+$69 ?Bone Broth Congee ?Winter powder ?Taiwan plum pig ?American Frost Cow ?Middle volume ?Clams/jin+$50 ?Haagen-Dazs ice cream selection 2 (I choose caramel shortbread and strawberry flavor) ? Marinated tofu $49 ?Nuanran WARM Shuinan Store ?1st Floor, No.903, Section 2, Zhongqing Road, Beitun District, Taichung City ⏰Monday to Friday 11:00-15:00, 17:00-22:00, Saturday and Sunday 11:00-22:00 #台中#台中美食#台中餐廳#台中火锅#火锅#火锅推荐#火锅控#北屯美食#北屯#北屯区美食#北屯区#网美#网美美食#网美店#网美火锅#网美火锅店#韩系#taichung #taichungfood #foodie #hotpot #shabushabu #锅#しゃぶしゃぶ#gominkin吃台中
likefoodway's 食旅日常 on Google

Before each table ordering, there will be a soup base tasting bottle for customers to try. Don’t be afraid to step on the thunder. It’s very intimate. Among them, I love the "Orange sauce kimchi pot", which is a bit different from the previous kimchi pot. It tastes thicker and has a thicker taste. It has a strong taste of kimchi and the aroma of orange sauce. I like it very much. The meat varieties are also very diverse. I personally recommend "Japanese Wagyu". You can cook it in 3-5 times. The meat melts in your mouth. It is very delicious with the Hakka orange sauce provided by the store.
台中柯佳嬿 on Google

有天到之前先打電話確定有位置 結果到了之後已經都賣完了~ 不過約莫10分鐘 最後一鍋都沒有了~ 隔幾天再去還好有位置 不然剛下班又餓又累又冷不知道要吃什麼很煩 選了最經典的石頭火鍋 我下了一盤蛤蜊之後湯更好喝了 雪花牛涮個幾秒吃起來剛剛好 有個桔醬沾醬很特別!沾起來很清爽不膩口 可以嘗試看看!
Call before the day arrives to make sure there is a location After it arrived, it was all sold out~ But about 10 minutes, the last pot is gone~ It's good to have a place to go again every few days Otherwise, I’m hungry, tired, and cold just after get off work. I don’t know what to eat. I chose the most classic stone hot pot The soup tasted better after I ordered a plate of clams Snowflake beef is just right after a few seconds There is an orange paste dip that is very special! It feels refreshing and not greasy. You can try it!
RICH MAN on Google

The service is very good, the menu is introduced very clear, and there are three kinds of soups for people to try. This price is worth it. The ingredients are fresh, the dining environment is very comfortable, and the space is sufficient. During the meal, the waiter will always pay attention to the needs of the guests and organize the table at any time. I would recommend this hot pot restaurant to everyone.

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