Wego High School

3.4/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Wego High School

地址 :

No. 50號, Zhuhai Rd, Beitou District, Taipei City, Taiwan 11254

電話 : 📞 +88898
網站 : http://www.wghs.tp.edu.tw/
城市 : Taipei City

No. 50號, Zhuhai Rd, Beitou District, Taipei City, Taiwan 11254
Ethan陳 on Google

When the female students of your school take the MRT, they are noisy and have poor quality. They spend so much tuition and teach students of this quality, even if they have good grades
呂樹 on Google

學校老師教導認真,特別是數學老師EJ以及國文老師詠琪老師,不過美中不足的是,教官的遇事能力亟待加強,遇事堅持己見,毫不採納他人的看法,即使老師與之溝通表示其看法有所錯誤,教官依舊不道歉,請學校多加加強。其實就學生的角度看,教官嚴厲並非錯事,不過,當教官遷怒於無辜同學,就是真的不應該發生了。 發表這篇看法並不是無理取鬧,也與老師溝通過,也並非想要強求什麼,我一直以來想要的,也只是教官對於我能夠有一個道歉。最後,我想感謝在學校三年來教導過我的老師,也希望學校能夠正視教官這個問題,以避免未來的學弟妹對於學校產生不好的印象,
The school teachers teach seriously, especially the math teacher EJ and the Chinese teacher Gigi, but the fly in the ointment is that the instructor's ability to deal with emergencies needs to be strengthened urgently. If there is a mistake, the instructor still does not apologize, and the school should strengthen it. In fact, from the student's point of view, it's not wrong for the instructor to be strict, but when the instructor takes anger on innocent classmates, it really shouldn't happen. It is not unreasonable to express this opinion, and I have communicated with the teacher, and I am not trying to force anything. What I have always wanted is that the teacher can apologize to me. Finally, I would like to thank the teachers who have taught me in the school for three years. I also hope that the school can face up to the problem of the instructors, so as to avoid future younger brothers and sisters from having a bad impression of the school.
Lucas Huang on Google

校內環境或許還算不錯 但是老師態度極爛 對學生完全沒耐心 把自己當皇帝似的
The school environment may not be bad, but the teachers have a very bad attitude. They are completely impatient with the students and treat themselves like an emperor.
Dannel Chen on Google

The quality of the school bus is extremely poor. In order to get off passengers, you can park in the middle of the road, and the cars behind do not need to use it. There is obviously a vacant seat 20 meters in front of you, so students can get off the bus with peace of mind, because it is convenient to park at will. The road in Beitou is full of Wei Court's?
Woods Lin on Google

下課時間屢屢造成周遭出現遊覽車亂象,常常搶燈通過路口,整台遊覽車卡在路口,造成綠燈車輛無法通行。 額外補充: 去復興公園報隊的學生打超爛又一堆小動作出肘拐人,基本動作沒多強又很愛晃來晃去晃到掉球,三不五時自以為Curry起乩就拔外線,結果投出去馬上退駕變成shaq在投外線........
During the closing time of the class, there are often chaos of sightseeing vehicles around. They often rush through the intersection, and the whole sightseeing bus gets stuck at the intersection, making it impossible for vehicles with green lights to pass. Additional Supplements: The students who went to Fuxing Park to report for the team played super badly and made a lot of small moves to turn people. The basic movements were not too strong, but they liked to dangle and drop the ball. Every now and then, they thought that Curry would pull out the outside line. Throwing out, retreating immediately and turning into shaq casting outside...  
N C on Google

大多數學生還不錯,少數還是青春期荷爾蒙分泌失調症狀出現,在7-11用書包撞到人不會說對不起,裝死裝傻裝笨。 其次,不懂為什麼早餐非吃7-11的不可,而且又非要在學校旁邊的7-11買、排隊排得跟貪食蛇一樣長,擠滿整家7-11。 再來,台北明明有捷運有公車,你們學校硬要給遊覽車賺,我們周遭住戶沒意見,但家長又要每天早晚在附近違停停好停滿停到住戶車子都快開不出來,難道貴校學生全部都沒有腳嗎?
潘信志 on Google

The best school
dy kim on Google

I love taipei

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