William Beauty Salon - No. 169號逢甲路 Xitun District

3.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact William Beauty Salon

地址 :

No. 169號逢甲路 Xitun District, Taichung City, Taiwan 407

電話 : 📞 +88789
城市 : Taichung City

No. 169號逢甲路 Xitun District, Taichung City, Taiwan 407
沈正堯 on Google

Obasan was forced to consume the shampoo price increase item. He did not ask the customer about his willingness to spend and inform the price at all. The first time I washed my hair there, I was forced to spend 260 with my original budget of 100. I was originally a long-time customer who had been cutting hair for many years but would not Go again
Vivian Wu on Google

設計師可樂人很友善也很專業,洗頭很舒服, 有耐心的溝通,想要換一個造型可以找她哦!
The designer Coke people are very friendly and professional, and they are very comfortable in shampooing. Have patience to communicate, if you want to change a shape, you can find her!
芊芊 on Google

超級爛、雷爆了 要不是最低只能給一顆星 我半顆都不想給! 花了$400多洗頭還沒洗乾淨! 我是及腰長髮 腦袋下半部的頭髮不只沒洗乾淨 連洗髮精都沒沖乾淨!全部結成一條一條黏糊糊的 我以為我是去髮廊洗頭 原來是麵舖啊 還在那邊找藉口說什麼是我頭髮太多原本就不乾淨 excuse me??那我今天去找你們洗頭洗心酸的是嗎? 何況我後來忍無可忍回家自己重洗一遍後完全沒這狀況! 根本就是連基本的技術和職業道德都沒有 建議貴公司那個咖啡色長頭髮的妹妹轉職餐飲業 你一定能在麵舖出人頭地! (頭髮洗掉了來不及拍照 就用這張當示意圖吧)
Super bad, thunder burst. If it ’s not the lowest, I can only give one star. I do n’t want to give half! It took more than $ 400 to wash my hair before washing it! I have long hair around my waist Didn't even wash the shampoo! All form a sticky one I thought I was going to the hair salon to wash my hair I'm still making excuses there to say that my hair is too clean excuse me ?? Then I went to you today to wash your hair and feel sad? What's more, I couldn't bear to go home afterwards and washed it again afterwards. There is no basic technology and professional ethics at all Suggest that your sister with long brown hair in your company transfer to the catering industry You will surely be able to spread your head! (It ’s too late to wash your hair to take pictures, so use this as a schematic)
楊尚融 on Google

Lily designer, very bad attitude, so bad, really worthless even a star, spent more than four hundred cuts are sad, the price after cut is different from before cut, and she refutes bluntly. The technique is also very poor. The cut is uneven, and the length of the hair tail trim is different from what I expected. I have to wash 210, and wash it twice. The first time I met a designer with such a bad attitude, it was really unlucky. Won’t come again, think twice if you want to cut it, thunder exploded
廖軒紹(SimonLiao) on Google

過去一直在不同的店家打游擊剪頭髮,始終找不到可以定下來好好剪頭髮的店家。但這間店做到了! 來剪過幾次之後發現設計師不但將難剪的髮型剪得很好之外,更不會是那種只有一天好看過幾天就走樣。在跟設計師討論髮型時也不會單純順著你的意見,會認真幫你分析跟討論,相當專業! 理髮師之外,接待人員也都相當有禮貌客氣,冷氣舒適、室內乾淨明亮,在逢甲這樣以學生客群為大宗的地區能有這樣的環境跟價錢,我覺得非常值得來嘗試看看。
I used to guerrilla haircuts in different stores, but I couldn't find a store where I could settle down and cut my hair well. But this shop did it! After a few cuts, I found that the designer not only cuts the difficult hairstyles well, but also does not look like the one that only looks good for a few days. When discussing hairstyles with designers, you will not simply follow your opinions, and will help you analyze and discuss them seriously. Very professional! In addition to the hairdresser, the reception staff are also very polite, air-conditioned and comfortable, and the room is clean and bright. In an area such as Fengjia, which has a large student base, such an environment and price can be found. I think it is worth trying.
方小岳 on Google

The eldest sister inside has very good hair cutting skills and is very kind. She is very happy to serve her. She understands the needs of customers^^ She also prepares masks and disinfects for epidemic prevention. Forgot to say, her name is lily
蔡佩螢 on Google

Every time when my hair length is very complicated, the Coke designer helps me design beautiful and well-organized hairstyles! And washing, cutting, ironing, and dyeing are all done by Coke. The whole one-stop service feels really good! Although it is a chain store, the quality is great, the price is cheap, and it is a recommended hairdressing shop! ???
賴銘堃(阿咪老師) on Google

For the first time, there is a great experience, the service process is smooth, the designer has a very insightful analysis of how to design and how to design a hairstyle, personally like it.

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